As Barney Fife would say...its bud nippin time.....nip it in the bud........sue em till it hurts and them sue again for as many diffenerent problems as ya can.........those anti-constiution s*b's.....go get em.....fubsy.
Futo Ino,
It's too long a story & happily not firearm related.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 12, 1999).]
I would like to add my voice to the comments on present day schools. If I am offending any good, dedicated teachers, I appologize in advance; however, they are few and far between. My second and last child just graduated from high school. Had I known what a complete fraud it all was I would have home schooled them. Most of my money and their time was wasted by tenured drones who think a school is something that accompanies a sports program. 'Those who can't, teach' is an old saying. It was never so true as now.
I hope this is not too far off target, but when I was in school yet, 8 years ago, the big thing then was no Christmas, the word, tree, anything to do with it, and all because some other person might be offended. What about the rest of the kids that were offended because they can't have anything to do with Christmas, myself I think it is time to trim the fat, with a chainsaw.....

I have a daughter in elementary school and I regularly question her about wether or not they discuss guns in school. I have also instructed her as to what to say if anyone starts asking her prying questions about what her home life is like or if there are any guns in the house. Teachers and school administrarors can put enormous pressure on a student and they have to know that it`s ok not to answer every question they are asked.
I AM NOT AN NEA SUPPORTER! I believe most of what has been said in response to this issue is correct. I am for trimming the fat. That is one reason that I chose to only be a part of private education systems. We have a great deal more freedom under the law to conduct school in a way that more closely resembles the ideals held by John Q. Public (and most accurate research indicates is most effective). I believe that most difficult issues facing society today are a result (directly or indirectly) of a lack of focus, on the part of the whole country, (parents, educators, politicans, et al)on raising our children around a value system. Because of this lack of focus we have allowed unethical and immoral figures to attain and retain positions of dominance in our society (educational system included) and then permeate those around them with the same immoral, unethical, and down right ignorant ideas. In some/most private schools, there is no such thing as tenure, union negotiation, or even multi-year contracts, if you do not pull your weight, somebody will help you by booting you out the door (as I believe they should).
I do not know if going totally private is the answer, but at the very least the public education structure needs to be shaken up. All too often most of you do not realize that you are in the minority when it comes to being involved in your child's school. For every one of you that show up at a parent meeting or even call to check on your child's progress, there are many, many more parents who do not even have the gumption to meet their child's teachers, much less take the time to get involved in their child's learning.
This discussion is no different than the "gun debate." I was recently watching a NRA spot at about 11:00 one night and one thing continued to impress me throughout the entire segment. The gun owners in England and Australia repeated several times that they thought it wouldn't happen [gun prohibition]. They thought that one day someone would stand up, tell the truth , then everyone would understand and it would all be over. The same is true of education, often the majority is trampled because of their silence. You and I have got to get involved. You guys obviously are involved in the education of your children. Now comes the hard part, get enough of our friends to help us to restructure politics/education to serve "we the people" more effectively.
Sorry again, didn't mean to rant and I certainly did not mean to offend any dedicated educators out there.
BTW do ya'll all know Latin or do you find the neat phrases at the end of your posts somewhere? Where?
I used to be a teacher -- primary language specialist/media studies/gifted and talented education.

However, I saw the BS coming, and the system choking to death on itself, and left.

Now, many State (i.e. government) schools here are forbidden from having lessons on Easter and Christmas -- not even any Christmas carols -- because it offends the non-Christian parents who have children at the school.

We just had a proposal for a special school holiday next year to celebrate 2000 years of Christ. The non-Christians howled it down as being "inappropriate to today's Australia" and a curtailment of their "rights".

As for guns:
When I was teaching, I included in the Health syllabus a short (two-lesson) section on what is now the Eddie Eagle-type thing: If you find a gun or ammo or explosives, don't touch! leave! find a responsible adult to tell!

I was given a half-hour dressing-down by a very peed-off Principal for daring to do such a thing and told I would be reported to the District Superintendent if I persisted.

Mo: Do a search for a thread titled "Latinisms". Some of the members discuss their signature phrases there. It's from several months ago, and seeing how the population of TFL has increased, it might be worth reviving it again.

On topic, I'll be brief: The use of children as informers against their parents is, in my opinion, the most insidious trend in the gun rights battle. It's child abuse! And it seems to be becoming more common.
