Paul Revere

New member
One of my contacts just emailed me a letter about a man who works for Purdue University and has a young daughter in the Lafayette school district.

Apparently, early last week, school administrators showed pictures of different types of guns only to the children of Purdue and Lafayette employees, asking them if their parents owned any of the pictured guns.

This man's daughter answered, "Why yes, my dad has several of these guns, he's an ex-Navy Seal."

The same day, school administrators asked this man to see the guns in his home and was told if he didn't he would be fired. The man only has a few months left to retire so he agreed, but also to find out first hand what was up and how far this would go. Once in his home they thoroughly inspected the house. His guns were in a locked room specifically for his guns, the usual reloading equipment, and a work bench, etc. The administrators then insisted he get a safe for the guns or again be subject to dismissal.

Warning: If you have children, find out what's being said about guns in their school. Discussions should be objective with equal time given to both sides of issues. If your kids come home with negative ideas about firearms, it's very likely they have been told such things by a teacher who's personal beliefs (or instructions) are biased.

The conspirators see your children as seeds in which they can plant their socialist ideology. Make sure that seed is never planted in your child.
Thanks, Paul.

Between this and the SKS buyback ad, my ulcer, which has been dormant for years, is erupting.

Excuse me whilst I chug Zantac and look at reloading supplies...

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Okay... since he was so close to retirement... okay...

As soon as he retired... I would turn around and SUE the living sh!t out of them for invasion of privacy, slander, and anything else I could think of, and the attorny would agree to.

Companies MAY have a right to say no guns at work... BUT once you leave company property... THEY HAVE NO RIGHT!


Back in the USSR, I took a phone call from OVIR (agency regulating emmigration). They said we could leave the country. I was so elated, I gave them my father's work number (as they requested it) so thay could tell him.

His boss heard it and put it on the loudspeakers in the building, also taped the conversation. That was a very nasty situation for my father and the rest of us.

I was too stupid (at 14) to realize the error till later that day. I will make sure my kids do not repeat that kind of mistake (cooperating with authorities on anything, no matter how harmless in appearance).

A proper response to authorities is polite, innocent silence...if possible. If not, let the M-1 talk...

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited June 10, 1999).]
My stepdaughter took a "Women'sShooting Sports Foundation" bag to school one day. For those of you not familiar with their logo, it looks like one of the icons from the Charlie's Angels title.

Her teacher told her that she was not allowed to bring it back to school, becauseit had to do with "guns."

She got upset and told us, so we jumped on the teacher like Trampoline and asked her what she was basing that rule on. She started backtracking like Idunnowhut and she finally said that it was because the bag was "causing a disruption," because kids were asking if there was a gun in the bag.

Suffice to say that she rescinded her mandate and allowed our daughter to use the bag. Of course, our daugher chose to stop using the bag after a short while, she'd rather not deal with it, as a 10 year old girl.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited June 10, 1999).]
"so we jumped on the teacher like Trampoline and asked her what she was basing that rule on. "
I like that phrase... It speaks volumes.
And it is the proper response.

Schools are so afraid of there own shadows... I have a neice how was expelled for Ibuprophen... Midol or something for her monthly cramping... Another "Cuss'in" of mine was expelled for a Spiderco Cricket on his KEYCHAIN!

Some lines need to be drawn... But Some folks just dont know how to draw.

Would this be any different than your employer threatening to fire you if didn't become a member of a certain church? It is absolutely amazing how some people think they have a right to pry into and try and control someone else's private life. They would make good Nazi(s). You hear stories like these and are in disbelief, but you know that it is actually happening. What the hell is wrong with these people. I have a 9 year old and about a year ago I asked her if they discussed guns at school or asked if you parents had any. She said No. I asked her what she would tell them if they did ask. She said she would tell them that it was none of their business and that they should ask me if they wanted to know. Talk about about putting a big smile on Dad's face. If they did ask me they would not like my answer at all or the manner or style in which I would deliver it.

[This message has been edited by TEX (edited June 13, 1999).]
It speaks volumes to me that Q supported expelling kids for bringing aspirin to school in violation of school rules. She feels that the rules should be obeyed, no matter how stupid.
At the same time, she's in favor of school vouchers but against waiving property taxes for people without school-age kids.
If I ever have kids, they will get homeschooled.

Cornered Rat
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
It isn't that bad everywhere. A few months ago my 11 year old daughter came home from school with a big smile on her face and announced proudly "Dad, they showed your video in school today!" I thought uh-oh- I'm in the motorcycle business and we have some not-for-kids videos- anyway I said ok, which one.... It was Eddie Eagle. It was safety day, the fire, police, paramedics, etc all come and give their individual safety forums. I've mentioned it casually to my neighbors, they all feel that it's part of living in the mountains.

>As soon as he retired... I would turn around and SUE the living sh!t out of them for invasion of privacy, slander, and anything else I could think of, and the attorny would agree to.<

>Companies MAY have a right to say no guns at work... BUT once you leave company property... THEY HAVE NO RIGHT!<

Damn right! Indiana is an RKBA state with the rights protected by the state constitution and I am willing to bet that Purdue broke more than one law and are now ripe for a heavy law suite!

John - NRA - Lifer

Have your friend get a smart hungry lawyer....I can't even count the civil liberties violations involved here. This is serious stuff. Title 18 is involved. Sue those SOBs into the ground, stomp on them then pour salt. Bankrupt that school district.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, Think about trying to bankrupt Purdue University. It's the good ole boy thing to the hilt!

Lafayette SD first then Purdue...deep pockets. If Purdue supported that, then it ain't good ol' boy no more...its like every East and West coast bastion of PC. Crush them

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Guys, I usually stay out of this kind of stuff because I generally agree with most of what is being said (and ya'll usually say it better than I do anyway). Someone made a comment about schools being scared to draw the lines and enforcing stupid rules.
I am in the education business and have a hard time when folks start jumping on schools (in general). Educators are treated like the stepchildren of society. They are supposed to turn out polished to perfection products while their hands are tied behind their backs by the nit-picking, legalistic bureacracy. Personally, I've a M.S. in Curriculum and am a liscensed administrator. I have spent the better part of my adult life in school learning how to teach kids and run schools. But, some overpaid and underworked political figure sitting on a committee in Nashville or Washington is going to sit back legislate how I should run my school. Courts are mudding the waters with vague or conflicting decisions while schools are supposed to be able to "stop violence" and in general cure all the ills of soceity.
A CPA goes to work and carries out his job and goes home. Educators must be all things to all people. Administrators must know ALL facets of law, public relations, conflict resolution, personnel, and accounting in order to make a school run.
Help us draw some lines! People never get excited when education law is made. Courts are limiting the rights of the schools each day and our youth are paying for it. We are sometimes mandated to teach certain things in certain ways or to refrain from doing so, or it will mean OUR job.
What these people did (in refrence to going to the man's house) was COMPLETELY wrong and should be dealt with. But, don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Educators are doing their best while the politicians are catering to their own interests, educators are stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place.
Just thinking out loud; not menat to be abrasive, just informative. Didn't mean to be so long.


[This message has been edited by MO (edited June 11, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by MO (edited June 11, 1999).]
The whole thing smacks of Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia or Mao's China where parents can't trust their children for fear of the kiddies ratting on mommy or daddy.

The one thing about lawsuits, even if there is a blatant violation of civil rights, if the defendant is big enough, and you're small, an attorney may not take the case. First, no money. Second (and probably more importantly to the attorney), (s)he may never work again since the big outfit (with lotsa trustees and corporate members) can't or won't hire that attorney or the employing firm because of a conflict of interest. I've seen this happen before.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I, for one, agree 100%. Between the feds, state folks, school district politicos and teachers' unions, our public schools are a shambles.

Problem is, it works both ways! Teachers can barely say the word "parent" without saying "hysterical" first! (Insert here all the typical stories for & against both teachers & parents.) And that's Bull!

Teachers are underpaid! They're earning 20%to 50% more (in 3/4 of a year) than the (annual) median wage of the parents whose kids they're schooling. So they want more pay? "For the children?" Bull!

The teacher's union griped about sandardized tests - they're unfair! The students aren't bright enough to pass them. So the test was "dumbed down". When more kids passed suddenly it was because of superior teaching! Bull!

At the beginning of each year, the school and teachers send home "contract" after "contract" and "Rules" and "Directives" for the parents to sign. Not once, NOT ONE DAMNED TIME" did the school contract to do anything for our kids - only TO both the kids and the parents. The schools are their own worst enemy! They alienate ALL parents because SOME might, possibly, in some manner, maybe, some time deserve it. Bull!

I went to school to pick up my sick daughter. When I walked in the door (holding the door with one hand and a briefcase with the other), before I could take my hat off, a snot-nosed fat broad who would have dwarfed Rosie O'Donnell yelled at me (across a room full of high school kids), "Hey! Take that hat off! You're not at home, you know!" I was afraid to let myself answer her and, at that point, decided my hat would stay on. She yelled again, "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

So I lost it a little bit, "You better not be, fatso!" (Actually, for THIS Irishman, my restraint was unusual...)

So who lost? Everybody! She, I, and even the kids were demeaned by that tunnel under her nose that leads to the vacuum between her ears. (There's more to the story but it serves no useful end here and now.) Did she have a right to talk to me like that? Bull!

We need to regain control over our schools. I believe vouchers may be the answer. When the public schools scream that they're losing money, I say, "Good!" If a private school can teach my kids better than a public school, I want my kids to go to the better school! And should the public school get my tax money for NOT teaching my kids? Bull!

I suggest we standardize the tests for each subject (state-wide). Include in the tests, ALL the material we want the kids to learn. Then, if the tests are compromised, no problem! I've seen it work overseas and in the private school where I taught. To say it can't be done is not true! It is, Bull!

We need to get the Bull! out of education. Then the cows will also leave. Then the many, many teachers who are both willing and able to teach can get on with what they want and need to do.

We need to do it, (see this coming?) FOR THE CHILDREN!

Abused, not Amused, Grump
Dennis, was this teacher on Prozac or what?
I would have paid money to see that. I had
one teacher(?) at my son's daycare try to run
me around like I was one of her "charges" once upon a time.

I looked at her incredulously, looked behind me as if to assume she was talking to a small child and upon not seeing a small child, walked up to her very slowly with my best 1000 yard stare.

I looked down at her and said slowly and very quietly, "What did you say to me?" She stuttered, and I said, "Come with me to the director's office please." She hesitated, realizing her profound error in judgement, and follwed slowly behind.

Long story short, I told the director that I don't ever want to be spoken to like that again. I made sure to speak slowly and quietly and take a LONG time to respond to anything they said. When you take your time responding, it can be extremely intimidating.

Oh, by the way. She's history......

Hoo Ya!

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit
Is Purdue a state-run university?

If so, there's deep doo-doo to be dipping them in.

Do I sense a little blood-lust here about the school district? If so, keep up the good work! I agree, sue them. Unfortunately, the legal case would actually be better had the man disagreed and then been fired as a result. But he could still squeeze 'em for something. I certainly would.

"But, some overpaid and underworked political figure sitting on a committee in Nashville or Washington is going to sit back legislate how I should run my school."

This may not apply to you specifically, MO, but most of your fellow educators must not agree that this is a bad thing, because most of your colleagues support the NEA (and corresponding state associations), do they not, which in turn unfailingly supports wasteful layers of administrative beauracracy such as you describe. You educators can't have it both ways. Why do you give money to those outfits (who give something like 98% of the political money to Democrats)? Do you not have a choice? If you do have a choice, then actions speak louder than words. If you support the NEA, you are supporting the incredible beauracracy. Republicans (remember, they get a whopping 2% of the NEA pol budget) are constantly pushing for returning education admin power to the states and to the local districts themselves. In fact, many Repubs would like to eliminate altogether the federal Dept. of Ed, which I agree with, because it just wastes money and it's not a federal function, but a STATE function. If all this money and power was returned to the states and the local districts, then we would really be cookin' and turning out kids who can read past 8th grade level at graduation. Republican is the party of education, not Democrat. Democrat is the party of "paying fat cat mid- and high-level administrators and quite a few unqualified teachers to turn out moron kids." TSFN: Tirade suspended for now.

And Dennis, make like you're Paul Harvey for a minute, and give us "the rest of the story" -it's undoubtedly going to be entertaining. Actually, it sounds like she thought you were a student if she talked to you like that - a compliment on your looking young perhaps. Tell us, was the hat a nice wool gentlemen's "suit hat", or "Free Mustache Rides" ballcap?

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited June 11, 1999).]