If you had written the Second Amendment What would it say?

The necessity of an armed citizenry to ensure a nation free of state, federal, foreign and criminal oppression the right of the people to keep and bear arms in private and public, upon their person and in their homes shall not be infringed.
Tying the rights of the people to the "well-regulated militia" isn't as clear as just stating, in plain English that the people have the right to keep and bear arms. If the well-regulated militia language had not been included, there'd be no dispute about what the 2nd says.

The Founders couldn't possible have envisioned that folks like Hillary Klinton would ever exist.
Ditch all the qualifying mumbo jumbo. That just gives someone license to say something like: Well, the police will ensure your safety, blah, blah - thus it is obsolete.
I'm sure that the Founders couldn't have dreamed that there'd be a time when we didn't have legitmate standing militias or that people like modern DemonCRATs would tie the National Guard to the ancient militias. Things have changed in a coupla-hundred-plus years.

Of course, the Founders also thought that African-Americans were 3/5 human and that women shouldn't vote. One-man-one-vote wasn't even a concept at that time.
Of course, the Founders also thought that African-Americans were 3/5 human and that women shouldn't vote. One-man-one-vote wasn't even a concept at that time.

It is always fun to look back and judge our forefathers based on todays notions of equality and fairness.

Understand this, every nation regulates and forbids large segments of those who live within its borders, pay its taxes and live under its laws from voting. We qualify this by saying they are felons, not citizens, too young or what ever other qualifying statement is in vogue at the moment. I am not going to say that such bans on certain classes of individual are right or wrong, simply that they exist and are deemed acceptable by the majority in power at that time. Condemning the decisions of our Founding Fathers may make sense today. In 2107 our decision in 2007 not to allow legal aliens working here and paying US taxes may seem equally tyrannical. (Remember that no taxation without representation bit!)

Beware standing in front of the mirror to the past and judging your forefathers' values for one day you will be on the other side of the mirror.
My version of the 2nd amendment:

"No government, Federal or otherise, shall infringe upon the right of the People to keep and bear arms. I'm serious. That's means you too, New York and San Francisco and Chicago. And bullets too. No outrageous taxes. Or registration schemes. Or "safe storage" laws that make guns useless. And the people can carry them and use them for defense, both policital and personal. So to sum up ... NO GUN BANS! EVER! No laws of any kind meant to keep law abiding citizens from having easy access to weapons. And no bans on personal weapons to be developed on the future, either!"

Even then, some law school will be able to twist it around.
Good one MV.

Here's mine: "Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state."

That's the exact wording of Michigan's Constitution relating to firearms.