If you had to shoot through a windshield from inside car--recommendations?

I've always wondered why police cars don't have windshields that open, or have a port in them for firing through....probably a "public image" thing.

Personally, as a private citizen, I can't imagine any situation where I would need to shoot through the windshield from inside, unless my car was immobile.

Most anything will go through glass.

Most, yes. Everything? not so much. There was a test done back in the 70s, shooting 1950s vintage cars as targets (before laminated "safety" glass existed). The then standard 200gr LRN "police load" .38 Special, fired from a 2" Detective Special (and at point blank) would not penetrate the windshield. The same ammo, fired from a 4" service revolver, would.

If you're shooting a snub nose, and light loads to "tame" the recoil, you just might have penetration issues if you need to shoot through some barrier material, even glass.
Windshields are expensive to replace, I'm in a car I am not shooting, you have a vehicles that weighs a couple of thousand pounds , I know I can move a 300 pound individual or a group of people out of the way if it came to that. I'd rather spend 10 bucks at the car wash cleaning up what ever mess was left on the tires, and bumper.

That video says it best. You really can't say with 100% certainty what's going to happen when shooting through auto glass. Slope up, slope down, curve left, curve right. What he said towards the end is the answer. "Keep shooting until the threat has been eliminated."

The average person doesn't have time to stop and think about where the bullet is going to get deflected. Keep that trigger moving until the threat is over. If your car is still mobile, use it, get the hell out of there.
I would look at the scenario from a different point of view.

That point of view would be defending or even explaining to a LEO why I thought firing through a windshield from the safety of my own car would be justifiable.

I suppose about the only case I can see where it would be justifiable would be if a pedestrian was pointing a weapon at you and there was no possible escape route. Just know that no matter what you do there will be EXTREME backlash and fallout. You will be tried in the media and convicted by round heeled politicians.
I could look up the video and share it with you all, but I saw a situation last week where a protestor was standing in the road in the low ready position with a pistol. He had a group with him. Not quite pointing it at the driver yet but warning him he wasnt getting through. sure the driver could have attempted to run him over (and unarmed next to him), was this guy the only one with a gun? who knows. Bad scenario all around. In the video the driver slowly did a 3 point turn around while they threw things at his car.
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I could look up the video and share it with you all, but I saw a situation last week where a protestor was standing in the road in the low ready position with a pistol. He had a group with him. Not quite pointing it at the driver yet but warning him he wasnt getting through. sure the driver could have attempted to run him over (and unarmed next to him), was this guy the only one with a gun? who knows. Bad scenario all around. In the video the driver slowly did a 3 point turn around while they threw things at his car.
In that particular situation the driver did the right thing, IMO. Better to just turn around, if possible.

I guess you're asking this question for "if for some reason you (as the driver) didn't have the option of just turning around?"

Then I guess I'd recommend a pistol, probably a .40 S&W for its better penetrative characteristics over a 9mm. A very short barreled pistol caliber carbine would be my next choice, I guess.

Does anyone know what the legal issues are with this situation? As in, does the rioter blocking the right-of-way on a public road have the right to shoot at you, the driver, if the driver decides to drive through the rioters?

Oh, but I think the best option would be to drive first and then shoot, if practical. Getting hit in the knees by 2 accelerating tons has to impair one's ability to aim and fire.
The physics behind shooting through thick glass are fascinating to science & engineering nerds, but are quite complicated. In its most basic form, bullet trajectory will follow the path of least resistance. When the top or bottom of a bullet hits and shatters the glass is a particular spot, that spot becomes weaker and the trajectory adjusts accordingly (this happens in microseconds). Basically, a bullet fired from inside a typical passenger vehicle will pass through at a steep upward angle, while a bullet fired through a windshield from the outside will travel downward. This means if you fire from inside the vehicle, the bullet will be deflected upwards at such a severe angle that it will pass over almost anything in front of your vehicle that is less than 8-10 feet tall. A bullet fired from outside the vehicle will angle downward and either hit the dashboard (if it strikes the lower part of the windshield) or strike anyone in the front seat in the chest, abdomen, or lap (depending on how high the bullet struck the windshield). In any situation, there is a much higher probability of injury if you are inside the vehicle than outside. This will naturally vary due to the angle and construction of the windshield, as well as the shape and construction of the bullet. Bullets that pass through an area of the windshield that is already broken will stay on a much truer path. Sorry for the long-winded reply.
And when you shoot through a windshield and run out of “X” ammo?

If your car is blocked by other cars, or a mob—Imagine the odds of people Not pulling you from your car and killing you or turning your brain into a vegetable.

Good luck with the ammo selection, and despondent family members choosing a pricey, good Care Facility for you, or extremely costly Lawyers to defend you in a civil court case.

@@@@The question about Ammo is valid, but hope that everybody reading this topic comprehends the enormous risk for any driver feeling threatened enough to do so.
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One former USMC Force Recon guy I took a class with recommended either submachine guns or short barreled shotguns for use in and around vehicles. I think the reasoning was that rifle rounds fragmented to much to have a reliable effect on target when going through car bodies, while pistol rounds and buckshot held together a lot better.
Like others have stated above me... it's probably best you're not shooting form inside your car. And if you're going to intentionally put yourself in dangerous situations like that, I'd definitely question your right to even responsibly own one. In today's crazy situation, shooting through your windshield can easily be misconstrued as you being a troublemaker and one that's going to make our fight for true Second Amendment freedoms even more difficult.
If you read the first post--the whole context of the situation would be in trying to evacuate an area. to get out of dodge before the neighborhood burns down...
The first time you shoot a car windshield you are going to get real surprised. They will deflect a large rock thrown by a tractor trailer truck tire. You may just shoot yourself in the foot if you try to shoot through the windshield from inside the car. Practice shooting around the windshield
MikeGoob said:
"Just a lot of thoughts these days about having to leave an area where I am staying, and how perhaps, my way would be blocked by possibly armed people. Would you want a pistol caliber carbine? SBR? Is a high cap handgun just fine?

I know many say a car is a fine equalizer against people on foot, and sure it can be. My cars are all low to the ground city cars, so theres that.

Anyway, I keep rolling around in my head what would be the most ideal tool to have handy in case the time comes to get out of dodge quickly via car, through the streets. Thanks"
There is a LEO tactics instructor named William Petty who has developed what has come to be a premier training course in responding to an ambush or encounter while you're inside a vehicle. The name of the course is "Vehicle CQB", and it is an extremely well thought out and data driven curriculum.

The course is said to be initially developed based on an incident OCONUS involving US military personnel being ambushed at a checkpoint by a 'friendly' soldier. As developed for CONUS LEO (and other) personnel, it is applicable to anyone suddenly coming under attack while in a vehicle - stopped by dense traffic, parked in a parking lot, or any of a number of other scenarios where 'putting the car in gear and hitting the gas' is not an immediate response option.

There are numerous articles online and videos on YouTube that present various segments of the training. Initial response is nearly always with handguns simply because that's what can be brought fastest to bear. Transitions to long guns occur after dismounts. Response actions depend heavily on the situational development.

There are some surprising details. One example: "Go to your auto dealer and order a seatbelt extender. It moves the seatbelt buckle toward the centerline of your body, allowing a right-handed driver to manipulate the seatbelt using your left hand, without contorting your body."

"Shooting through glass" is not an issue. The answer is to fire a string of rounds - the first 3-4 rounds chew a hole in the glass and the rest are undeflected. Students routinely shoot through both glass and various parts of different vehicles to examine the actual effects of their rounds - and to determine various points of 'advantage' - if 'cover' is too strong a word to describe the various points around a vehicle that offer tactical advantage to the intended victim at the expense of the attacker.

If you want additional input on one well-considered approach to responding to sudden attacks from inside and around vehicles, do some searches on "William Petty Vehicle CQB". Here are a few links:







Best with it.
By some of the responses here, I wonder how some of you got a gun in the first place or even have one...not all of you by a couple REALLY, REALLY stand out...holy crap!
You may just shoot yourself in the foot if you try to shoot through the windshield from inside the car.

I dont know how many THOUSANDS of rounds are shot through auto glass a year in training (and real life).

LE, the Mil and civilian training has all embraced the fact that it might be necessary to shoot in to or out of a vehicle. The training and experience to do so is provided at most advanced tactical training.

Of course, if provided the opportunity to shoot AROUND the window, you should. As the comment above points out. But you are not going to deflect a bullet into your foot. Heck, there are plenty of youtube vids of people doing vehicle tactics and shooting through windows in both directions.

I never kept track, but i would estimate i have over a hundred rounds through auto glass my self. All of mine have been in training, never had the need to do it for real. But im confidant my pistol rounds will go right thru the windshield and hit the guy on my bumper or just outside my drivers door. Farther attackers may need a different plan.
If you had to shoot through a windshield from inside car--recommendations?
Ear plugs and eye protection. If you've never fired a gun inside a car, it's an eye-opening experience. Incredibly loud. And bright. It also makes you appreciate that most Hollywood stuff is fake.