If you had to sell one towards something else, which one?

...or maybe sell some firewood in order to buy what I want.

Hehe.... You haven't been to CT lately have you? With all the storms that came through and then the tree services doing the massive tree removal.. it's like every yard has piles of wood that people don't know what to do with, lol.

I know it doesn't pertain to the conversation.. but I thought it funny ;)

BTW Viper, I did see a polished stainless steel 9mm CZ75 at Newington Gun Exchange two weeks ago. They had a .40 P07, a .40 CZ75 and a couple of 9mm Rami's too. That stainless was pretty pimp, lol. They also said they were due "sooner than later" for another shipment of CZ's for the shop. Might be worth it to check them out (not sure what part of CT you are in).
What would I sell to finance another? My Mosin M44. Which I did. For my mossy 590a1...which is fantastic. Beyond that, all of mine seem to fill a niche for me.
I'd dump the Glock / because I would have never bought it ....:D

( but since when do you sell guns you like / just because you have something else to carry )....??
I would dump the G27. I am not a Glock fan, but I see them everywhere, so it wouldn't be hard to replace if for some unforeseeable reason you might want to replace it. I would keep the Sig and S&W for sure.
Selling/trading guns

Every time I suggest doing so, my wife says "They ain't NO WAY!" (she's a gun nut; can't shoot worth a plug nickel, but she loves 'em)
Glock 19 Gen 3.... I can always get another. I have bought and sold a ton of guns. I do not regret selling any of them. They were sold for needed cash or traded for something I liked better. If I don't like it and want to shoot it there is no need to own it. IMHO YMMV
I have a Glock 27, and I am thinking about trading it for something else.
I am not a fan of the 40 to 9mm conversions, so for sure I would lose the Glock.
In general, I don't believe guitars or guns should be sold, however if I had to choose, it would be my Sig 226 Mk 25 that would go first. I think it's a fine firearm, I have just never cared for it and in my case it was nearly $1000 poorly spent.
When I was semi retired I did not sell or trade any guns. I acquired them with impunity. Now that I'm fully retired my philosophy has become "sell one to buy one".
My next one to go is a .38-44 Smith. Too heavy, too bulky for the calibre, and the money can go towards something l like. (The gun doesn't have enough original finish to qualify as a collector.)
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