If you couldn't use guns, what weapons for room clearing & defense?

Forget museaum replicas, there stuff has a bad rep. Get a Kriss Cutlery gladius or celtic leaf sword. I bought a Chinese straight sword and it is sweeeeeet.


PS Never bring a sword to a gunfight :D
Remember that thing a little while back, where the pawn shop guy from Rec.Guns had a loony ninja wannabe customer try to slice and dice him? He finally stopped it with a .25.

Leave the house, and call the cops.
At What Range?

Considering I know folk who can draw and instantly disable an opponent at close range (say, 1 second total elapsed time), I don't know about the gun vs sword contest. I know some folks who are damn good with a sword, and we're getting better.

I'm partial to spears and sticks. And good knives (with a 12-16" blade length). And spears. And my ASP. And my sword. And...

I am planning on having a "modern sword" made sometime this year. It will have a 10" handle, and a 16" curved blade. I believe this is the maximum size with any degree of practicality, and the perfect size for indoor use.