If you couldn't use guns, what weapons for room clearing & defense?


New member
This is just something I have thought about from time to time. Guess I like history [military history] and time travel novels to much :D

Looking for ideas for "low tec" weapons.

I think short stabbing swords with shield/bucklers and some body armor for point guys backed by cross bows or short spears.

Then again a heavily armored point man might do well also, since most weapons designed to defeat heavy armor require some room to wield.

Also on a related note: what non gun type weapon would be at least potentially usefull in modern world? Only type of armor one would have to worry about would be kevlar vests so short swords and such would have some utility at typical self defense ranges, not so?
Happy to be in a cybercafe - managed to sneak in some time to check out TFL :)

Glamdring, check out the January 2001 issue of Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement - the one with the SAR-21 on the cover. Discusses use of shields and issuance to patrol officers. Also if you can, get a copy of ... I think ... Details from a couple of months back (maybe up to half a year ago?) Discusses a modern-day gladiatorial school (we're talking swords and bucklers) set up by an archaeological research team. Lots of great info.

Might be an idea to ask some LEOs with riot control experience what their take is on it.
Well, let's see what I've got sitting around...a CS tomahawk, a Himalayan Imports khukuri, an ice axe and a brandy snifter full of pennies. And 20 knives or so stashed in various locations. I feel like my entire apartment is pretty well strategically covered.
What I have: a 24" ASP

What I want: a Pompeii-pattern gladius, but I'll settle for a Mainz-pattern... ;)
Low Tech [non gun] weapons

How about a Electrical grade fire extinguisher [compressed sand/ powder/grit], I knew a guy who nearly lost his eyesight when shot in the face with one, dropped him to the ground and he was in a lot of pain.

Or how about one of those Wilkerson short pruning saws or a "Yankee screwdriver" with a sharpened tip.
I will vote for a baseball bat with a 12inch Bowie Knife for backup.Cross bow for long range encounters.oh,and don't forget to keep the chainsaw tuned up and full of gas and oil.

You probably saw my opinion already on the discussion on tomahawks: My favorite close in non-firearm weapon in a modern setting is a fixed entrenching tool.

Aluminum baseball/softball bats are a close second.

This is all assuming fighting at bad breath range. If I had a choice I'd be standing at the top of the murder hole pouring burning oil down on the enemy knights trapped by the portcullis I just dropped.

I like the chainsaw idea. Takes some prep time to start up but most people should be pretty terrified when they hear the NRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA of the motor winding up. :D

Gimme a skimask, a pair of ninja boots, some tactical pajamas, and a garotte and I'll be ready to go. :)

If I can't have them... I'll take the standard military equipment: entrenching tool, bayonet and the Club (AKA the empty/malfunctioning assault rifle ).


"What I want: a Pompeii-pattern gladius"
Try Museum Replicas. They will happily sell you a high quality replica of either the early or late gldius complte with sheath.
Because I'm chicken and I don't wanna get hurt...

I'd toss enough mace grenades in there to lower the O2 level and let them asphixiate.

Provided the intruder(s) doesn't have firearms, and I had to clear the house, my choice would be a modernized Zulu Assesgai (known as the Ickwa from the sound it made when withdrawn from the belly of the victim). The steel/iron the Zulus used was too soft and often times it would get bent and get stuck in the victim. Nah, I'm better off with the PR-24 sidehandle baton.
i'd vote for a tomahawk/hatchet after being enthralled by movies such as Last of the Mohicans, The Patriot, etc. what i want to know is where can i get a good fighting tomahawk?
About 4 feet of broomhandle. I learned in some of America's toughest prisons(staff, not clientele) just how much fast damage can be done with one of these.
Hard Ball sez:

Try Museum Replicas. They will happily sell you a high quality replica of either the early or late gldius complete with sheath

Tamara responds:

Get thee behind me, demon of temptation! I studiously try and keep away from Museum Replicas when I have any funds. All I really want from them is a gladius, and a spatha. And one of those new deluxe katanas- heck, make it the complete daisho. And a Swiss halberd. And a Viking-era sword. And a gothic bastard sword. And a lorica segmentata. And...

Are you beginning to grasp my dilemma? ;)