If you could only use one powder for everything what would it be?


New member
For me it would be close between red dot and unique. I use red dot a lot for cast rifle loads and use unique a lot for pistol but I know both do well vice versa and in shotguns to.
I don’t load for pistols or shotguns. IMR-4350 would be my vote. I have loads in 7mm-08, 30-06 and 300 Win Mag that all produce great accuracy and velocity. I

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It would be Unique . I could make do with it in some guns very well, an in all guns good enough to get by. Not the best powder for any one thing, but the best all around for everything.
Yeah I really like unique in .45acp 45colt and 44 special works fine in 9mm to great in 20 ga and good for cast in a ton of different rifle rounds the only thing is Red Dot for some reason works a little better for cast rifle not a ton better but noticeable.
I'm going to be contrary. I handload so I can select the optimum powder for whatever I'm shooting.

You might be able to load a pistol r shotgun powder into rifle reduced loads,

But human beings being fallible,a double charge will easily hide inside the case.

Those wreck guns and hurt people.

I suggest yo list the cartrides you want to load for,and maybe two or three powders will cover them pretty well.

Now,this IS from memory from a few years back,but in the Hogdon Reloader Annual,that looks like a magazine,I recall (IIRC) listed,tested Varget loads from 17 Mach IV to 45-70 trapdoor. I tried some in a Rolling Block 40-70 Sharps Straight/405 Win and it worked...not great,some unburned powder,but it went bang and put a hole in the target.

Its pretty versatile..but I would not load my handguns with it.

If I had HP 38 or HS 6, Unique or 2400, Varget and 4350 or RE 19,I suppose I could get by.

I could be a smart alec and say FFFG Black powder.
Have to agree with you, smleno1mkIII, regarding Red Dot. I use it for trap loads, handgun loads, and cast bullet rifle loads. Since it is a bulky powder, pretty tough to double charge anything with it.

'Everything" covers such a broad selection that it's virtually impossible for one powder to work for "everything." Since there was no mention of rifle, shotgun, or handgun, I think we have to take "everything" as covering the entire spectrum from .25 ACP all the way up through 10-gauge shotgun and at least .30-06 (I'll be charitable and leave out .50 BMG). Can any one powder successfully cause the projectile(s) from anything in that range to leave the barrel? Sure.

Can any single powder load everything in that range to safely and reliably achieve the same muzzle velocities as factory ammo for each cartridge? I'm going to say no. Without even getting into rifle, I've been using Winchester 231 for all my handgun loads. When I started loading for .45 Colt, there was so little powder in the case that double or even triple charging became a possibility, along with concerns about powder shifting under recoil. So I went out and bought a couple of jugs of Trail Boss.
For shotguns and handguns my choice would be Green Dot. Bear in mind no .357 or .44 mag velocities with it tho. There would have to be a different powder for rifles.....would have to study on the rifle powder.
Unique is known as being fairly universal and can be used in pistols and rifles. I don't like it because it smokes a lot and sounds like miniature corn flakes in my powder thrower. I never tried Red Dot or Green Dot but if they do the same, I could go there.
If it was only one powder I would probably change to BP Swiss 2fg. Can use it in a variety of my firearms modern and old.
This could be a useful thread. Eventually, the left will run America, and people will have to get by on whatever powder they already have. Most people can't buy a huge supply of every powder they like, along with other supplies.
For handguns and shotguns, Titewad or Universal will work. Titegroup or Unique in second place. I no longer shoot enough rifle to worry about it so I could buy a few boxes of 7-08 and have enough for a LONG time.
If you could only use one powder for everything what would it be?

What it would be is too slow for my light handgun loads and too fast for my long-range rifle loads, and it would be frustrating trying to find load data at the extreme ends of my purposes.

Something like 4227 would make good magnum handgun loads, get nowhere near maximum velocity in large case capacity rifle cartridges, and probably fail to light and burn reliably in very light handgun target loads. Probably closer to universally usable, if you don't mind dirty and possibly corrosive, would FFG black powder, though, again, not the best in a 32 Wadcutter and far from the fastest in a 338 Lapua Mag.
If you could only use one powder for everything what would it be?

Gunpowder....today known as Black Powder


A medium /fast pistol powder will "work" in "everything" but "work" in this case only means pushing the bullet out the end of the barrel.

There is NO one powder that will give full performance over the full range of "everything" (small pistol cases up through large rifle cases)
Interesting question, sure we've seen it before but I've never seen it to include both rifle and handgun loads. If I were to be taking this seriously, I think I'd first have to or at least in combination with the first need to decide what guns/cartridges I was now only going to shoot. As Unclenick points out this would include completely abandoning some firearms and their purpose.

I already use too many, maybe I should just use one.

With out putting too much thought into it, I'd think a slow pistol powder would be good. Maybe 2400 or similar for magnum handgun because I'd have to give up on the 9mm If I'd want any decent rifle load ??? There might be better powders I just don't know enough about them all. I'd think a slow handgun powder that could be loaded down but still be pushed hard if need be.

Maybe even going 357mag or 44mag and only have revolver and lever gun. All's I know is if I could only have one powder I'd have a lot more safe queens then I already do :(
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One powder? Ridiculous! I'd settle for a minimum of two. Unique would handle all my handguns and H4350 or Rl17 for the rifles. I've retired the heavy boomer like the .375 H&H, .404 jeffery and .416 Rigby as serious recoil just isn't as much fun as it used to be. Even so, it wouldn't surprise me if even they might still work with a cast bullet load of some sort and the H4350.

I've been working with the 7x57 a lot lately and H4350 and Re17 both work very well in that cartridge. Re17 seems to be the better choice for accuracy in my rifle and is tied with H4350 for speed.
I've had some interesting results in the .44 Mag. and Colt .45 cartridges with Unique lately. I had to go to them because I can't find any 2400. It disappears as fast as they put it out. :mad:
Paul B.
One powder...

But there's no reason to limit yourself!!!

You might as well ask what one meal would satisfy your nutritional needs and just eat that every day for every meal.

You've given your reasons (which I understand) and my reply is use what's best for what you're doing and pray we're never limited by law to what we can use. (I think a total BAN on reloading powder would be more likely then THEM limiting us to just a few selections.)

Please note, I'm not being a wet blanket here...just contributing to the discussion. :rolleyes: