If you could only keep one....

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Whew, tough decision. I'm a Sig fan and the Sig has the advantage of the optic, but the 1911 is so darn nice looking...
I'd have to keep the uglier but more capable Sig.
"…I own both but may have to keep just one to cover some personal expenses.
Please focus on the question. Which of the two pistols in question would you keep, if you had to choose just one?…"
Emphasis added to help thread respondents with YankeeIronSights original question.
If these are the only two handguns you own I would probably say the SIG. However, If you are limited to ten round magazines I wonder if it really makes much difference. The 1911 might be easier to conceal, but really sort of a toss up.
Neither are ideal. But the Dan Wesson is better than another Tonka Toy bloat-butt 9mm designed for kiddies.

My Pro Carry weighs 33oz loaded with (8) 185gr rounds and gives a full grip. How come DW Vigil hits 29oz unloaded, with a short grip and 9mm? I'm not impressed. Over-priced and under-performing IMHO.
Ask yourself, of the two, which one are you going to be able to REPLACE easiest, when the time comes??

Because you will want to....

No matter which one you choose, once its gone, you are going to have moments of "I want that back"....

Personally, I'd keep both and find some other way to raise the needed cash.
Being you don't say for how long, I would pick the 1911. I am not crazy about 9mm 1911, but if it were your "forever" keeper, spares will be easier to obtain. It is simple and functional, and easy to keep that way. The sig is nice, but in a forever situation, I say keep the 1911. Ask yourself, which one would be easier to fix if it had an issue?
That may clear it up.

Either way, good luck

Neither are ideal. But the Dan Wesson is better than another Tonka Toy bloat-butt 9mm designed for kiddies.

LOL, now that is the first time that I have ever heard of a 226 described in that manner. Hey everyone has one.
Have had both (ok my DW was a Valkyrie) and I kept the Sig because my WC EDC X9 does everything the 1911 does but better (actually it also outperforms the Sig, maybe I'll sell that some day too).

That said, if it was just those two I would keep the DW because my back doesn't let me carry the heavy Sig all day without nightly and morning back pain, the CCO carries much easier for me.
Neither are ideal. But the Dan Wesson is better than another Tonka Toy bloat-butt 9mm designed for kiddies.

This kiddie actually carried one of those for many years in the jungles of SE Asia (not with the military; the US gov't). Have you ever carried a handgun where it could be your life on the line and not just a trip to Wallyworld or the range?
Just curious. (Rhetorical!)
But a gun is just a tool, and pretty tools are not always the correct answer. In fact, in my experience...never the correct answer.

As for everyone has one I would agree, not everyone has one of either gun.

However, using some simple logic if the SHTF all you need is one handgun and enough ammo with the knowledge and training to make sure you can hit what you aim at and in a short period of time, you will gain another weapon. Or, you won't and the someone else will gain your weapon but you won't care anymore.
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I guess it depends. Are these two guns your "for fun" only guns, and you already have carry pistols? If these are just the icing on the top, then you can throw utility out if your carry routine doesn't involve these. If you want some nostalgia / class, the 1911. If the sig is your one and only race gun, then the sig. If the Dan Wesson was just to practice in 9mm, it sounds like you have another nice 45 ACP somewhere, so you could sell the 9mm and not lose your only 1911 specimen. I would think the Sig would also keep its value just fine as Sig isn't going anywhere soon, having won the recent military contract. Basically, I think based on what you have already, intended use / wants, you might be able to find a reason for one or the other.
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