If you can only have one pistol?????

No contest.

Smith & Wesson Model 19, 4".

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.
This month, I'd have to go with my new S&W Model 29 Classic with Bill Jordan Trooper grips. Next month, we'll see.....

No offense Gonzo, but this question seems to be asked on a regualr bases around here. It really depends on a number of factors.
If I were limited due to a major holocaust it would be something in a 9mm...probably a Browning Hi-Power. If I were given a choice of gun and caliber in a more friendly enviroment it would be a 1911 in .45 ACP. If I were limited to a .22 it would be either a Ruger MK1 or a Smith 17/617. If I were limited to one gun for protection and survival it would be a Smith model 29 (.44 mag.), six inch. If I were limited to one gun due to government mandate I would be preparing to defend my rights to own the ones I currently have in my collection.
If the question is what gun would I choose for my first gun and it would be some time before I could afford others it would a .357 of my choice. In my case that would be either a Smith model 19 as Mike said or the larger framed model 27/28.


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
.44 Magnum. Most likely a DA revolver with a 4 inch barrel. Probably something along the lines of a S&W 629 mountain gun.


Because it can be loaded down and used for small game hunting, target practice and plinking. It can use .44 specials for self defense. It can be loaded way up for large game hunting. It is still small enough to be concealed (with the right holster and wardrobe) yet big enough to offer an accurate and easily shootanble package.

Good shooting.
This is easy.

If restricted (fat chance) to ONLY one, I'd grab one of my 4" stainless GP100's.
It will perform admirably every possible task I can call on it to do; USPSA/IPSC competition, self-defense, hunting (up to black bear -- wouldn't really want to tackle the brownies), target, plinking, and hammering.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
I'd shed a tear but for all around use, ease of carry and ammo availability I'd have to go with my Kahr K9 Elite.


If I could only have one handgun? Let's hope that day never dawns, but if it does, I'd go for versatility, since the gun would have to perform more than one function.

A good .357 revolver (Ruger, Taurus, used S&W or Colt) would be my choice. My wife and I could both use it for self defense (she's not a gun person, and I'd feel better with her handling a revolver rather than an auto). I could also use it for small-game hunting (and deer hunting in a pinch), plus I could shoot .38 Spl. cartridges in it. A 4" bbl. would be about right.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."
--Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

If i could only have one handgun it would be a Ruger P95DC because they are great pistols. They are very reliable and accurate. I have put hundereds of rounds through the gun and it has never jammed or anything.
Well, this was the case with me until this past year. Just had the one handgun for home defense. I did my research, asked a lot of shooters about the "only one gun" question, and chose (drum roll please)...... a .357 with a 4" barrel. Anyone here surprised?

It's the S&W 686, and I bought it new but long before the S&W sell out.

NRA & GOA Member
Vote for your rights!!!
I knew I would be scolded for such an amateurish topic by some of the "old timers" that let ego get in the way of good conversation BUT it's still fun to see the viewpoints out there. I felt the need to put this up after the "best handgun" question. As for my choice? I'm torn between a 9mm WaltherP99 (because it fits my hand so well and is so naturally pointable) and the old standby 4" Colt Python (stainless) I torn because the 9mm represents what is most likely going to be the ammo used in our next conflict and the old .357 because it plain and simple kicks ass!
My Glock Modle 34.

It's The Best Pistol Ever Built! :D

Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!
Hello. It would be a 1911, probably one of my slightly customized older Colts or my Kimber. Caliber would be .45ACP even though my favorite all around caliber is 9x19mm. The reasons for this choice are that the 1911 is very easy to repair, alter, change parts and I have a ton of parts. My guns are reliable so that's not a concern. This caliber can be equally accurate with light cast bullet loads to hot, jacketed rhino-rollers and many in between. The same can not be said of the 9x19mm in many cases.
Anyway that is the one I'd keep. (Certainly, I'd keep many more, but this is the only one I'll admit to!)

Schnellfeuer Mauser with shoulder stock holster. Why? It's because the Broomhandle was the first gun I ever fell in love with (about 4th Grade).

Want to hear something interesting about the Broomhandle? Like Lego, it snaps together and the only pin used is to hold the sight. The only screw used is to hold the grips. In college, my brother was admiring his Python and I my Broomhandle and we had this amusing exchange:

Mike: Mine's a Python.

Me: Mine's a Broomhandle.

Mike: Mine's a Colt.

Me: Mine's a Mauser.

Mike: Mine's new.

Me: Mine's modern.

Laughter from both of us.