If you are a CHLer, how do you keep someone from finding out......

Yo Spiffy...I was thinking the same thing!!! :D

I carry at churches...The voices inside my head told me to do so! :eek:
I am not ashamed to carry. A couple of close friends that found out that I carry sorta since or give me a funny look when they find out I have a license. "Why did you get that?" They ask in a pointed and somewhat uneasy way.
I simply say, "For defense. I think it's a good idea to be able to defend yourself."

To stress this again. These people do not touch me inappropriately. It's nothing offensive. They are just trying to be friendly and kid around. I appreciate that. Things like girls who like to hug or pat me on the shoulder out of friendliness or guys (and even girls) who are just kidding around opening the flap on my coat pretending to look for a gun on the guy in the suit or people who just have a sense of humor trying to be friendly. It's normal behavior to me. It's nothing extensive or violating personal space or obcene or rude or uncomfortable. It's just spontanious humor or a casual jesture of friendliness.
These are not the kind of people who are queers or weirdos that would just walk up to a perfect stranger (or even a friend) and start padding them down from head to toe and expect that person to appreciate it. They know me to some exent on a friendly basis but don't know me too well personally and don't know I carry a gun. Since they don't know me too well they might be a little uneasy if they abruptly found out that "this guy has a gun on him."
Primarily I don't want to get in trouble if it should come out right their in public that I have a gun on be because someone else was kidding around.
who are just kidding around opening the flap on my coat pretending to look for a gun on the guy in the suit or people who just have a sense of humor trying to be friendly. It's normal behavior to me. It's nothing extensive or violating personal space or obcene or rude or uncomfortable. It's just spontanious humor or a casual jesture of friendliness.
I really think that 28 is to old for this type of behavior.
I don't allow myself to be touched and I don't make a habit of groping others or flipping up their clothes to see whats under there. (I made you say underwear :))
People will treat you the way you allow yourself to be treated.
If you don't want them patting you down make that clear. If you don't mind being felt then change your carry method

Life is a simple series of yes or no answers
I think some people have "made" you, and others who are just goofing with you are gonna majorly FREAK when they frisk you and run into ROSCOE.

I think you need to quietly talk to some of your friends and communicate the idea of LOW PROFILE.

If things are really that 'huggy" there, you may need to rethink the pistol and mode of carry.

good luck

I really think that 28 is to old for this type of behavior.

I agree. I personally don't go flipping around other people's clothes either. For that matter, I don't go up and "hug" people that are outside my family or unless they are really close friends (and even then it is a rare occasion like if someone is moving away and we are goodbyes or saying good night to a girl after a friendly date) But the reality is, as far as flipping up people's cloths and even commenting about what they wear saying things like "hey you must be FBI" because I wear a sport coat and tie to church, there are a lot of people in their 20s and 30s that still think and act like they are in high school (at least in varying degrees).
That being said, they are not bad people (or even necessarily immature....there are probably things I do at times that seem immature to others), I know they are just trying to be friendly and mean well, I appreciate the well meaning of their behavior and don't want to be snobbish or a "touch me not" or unappreciative of their jesture. Figure they will just grow out of it someday.
The few times that I have had my CCW discovered, I make no apologies and make no big deal about it. If you can discuss briefly with your friends the reasons why you carry, hopefully they should accept that, even if they don't agree. Elsewise, they are not your friends.

FWIW, when I have to explain the CCW part, it goes like this :

1. Violent criminals exist (this portion of arguement seems to work best with women. They know this more than men and are not 'machoed out' to think they wouldn't run into one)

2. When a person commits an unprovoked violent attack against another person, they have broken the social contract that keeps normal people from murdering each other over minor arguements, improprieties, etc.

3. Try as they might, the police cannot be everywhere at once, and the odds are against one witnessing a crime commited against you in time to help you.

Hope this helps. Good luck ...

they are not bad people (or even necessarily immature.
I did not mean to imply that they were, but I do believe that their actions are.(immature)
But I get pretty immature around my buddies, in a grown up kinda way :)

You have to make the decision whether this is behavior that you are wiling to accept and make adjustments accordingly.
who are just kidding around opening the flap on my coat pretending to look for a gun on the guy in the suit or people who just have a sense of humor trying to be friendly.
Let me put it this way.......... Would you do this to a woman? If not, then you should not accept it being done to you. The behavior is inappropriate, rude, and exceedingly immature. Your acceptance of it condones it.
That being said, I advise you to look into (no pun intended) SmartCarry. Sooner or later, the wrong person at work will make you, and you will loose your job.
I don't see a problem with people hugging touching etc. at work or in other social situations. This is common enough in business situations, I don't think it would be wise to discourage the touching.

Besides, most people who don't know about carry, wouldn't expect there to be a gun there. I've had people who bumped into my gun before and no one ever noticed. I had a lady at the grocery store whip the glass door open to a freezer and hit my glock 30 with such a "CLANK!" I thought she would shatter the door. She still had no idea. Didn't even apologize for hitting me.

Somedays, I'd swear people are so absorbed in their daily lives they'd miss Bin Laden walking through WalMart with an AK-47.

Seriously, If it's jokes about a carry piece and someone were to pull up your jacket and SEE a pistol, it may not go over too well. Pocket carry or a smart carry rig would work better in such a situation. People expect there to be hard things in your pockets.
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The United States of the self Absorbed?

Sometimes I think I could wear a gun on my forehead and no one would notice. :)
When I was an assistant principal at a K-8 school, I would frequently have the younger students come up and give me a hug in the hallway. With all of the concerns about inappropriate contact these days, I would always turn away from them a little so that they would be hugging into my hip (these are the first- and second-graders) and then hug them around the shoulders with one arm. Would some modification of this technique work, especially if you drop the non-hugging arm to cover/mask the firearm?

As for the flipping up of the coattails, turning away is all I can think of then, too. Maybe wear heavy tweeds that both don't print and also won't flip up easily. Probably hot as Hades though...?
lol, thats kinda funny. I say buy a Deagle and leave not doubt.

Listen, if its a big deal, just stop people from touching you. Simply grab their wrist, gently, and tell them to please not touch me. Who cares if they suspect? What are they gonna do? Gang up on you and ask you to whip it out?? :D
More and more I am leaning towards pocket carry. If anyone was to accidentally bump into something in my pocket (or at my waist line) and asked me what it is, I would answer: "Why do you want to know?"

I have found that response helpful in many varied circumstances and it never has yet to fail to deflect the curiosity of those who I do not wish to respond to. I have pre-planned a follow up in case it ever got far enough (so far it hasn't): "I prefer not to discuss that" as a general interrogation killer.

If someone was to persist beyond those two responses, I think I would just continue to repeat them in sequence.
I'll be honest. I think this question is more made up than real. In some 40 + years of carrying a handgun, I have NEVER had anyone even suggest that I was packing. I have never had anyone touch me, pat me down, or make nay reference to my carrying or not carrying a gun.
Pocket carry (Right front) .38 snub hammerless, 125 grain Jsp, D-100 right ankle holster, Buck lock-back left front pocket. Carried for many years.......No one will know you carry unless you make it very obvious to them or for some reason you want them to know. And yes, carry in church..God helps those who help themselves.......
I've carried concealed many places usually just doing normal errands, I've gotten haircuts before and not worried about it, I generally just wear jeans, an undershirt and a button up shirt untucked over it... seems to hide things nicely... no one has ever noticed me.

On another note I also carry a cell phone so most people are used to seeing me with a 'buldge' at my side, generally when carrying I move the phone to my pocket since my strong side is also my strong cell side :D

Most people don't see me as the gun type and many would call me 'approachable' and complete strangers have a habit of talking to me, I don't mind it but if they touched me that would be different.

My family doesn't hug much so I don't have to worry about it there, and occassionally I dress up, but I've never dressed and carried at the same time... I too get the CIA/FBI comments, if they only knew! haha

I think as carriers we all feel sometimes we've been 'made', but you have to realize in reality people are really obvlivious to what's going on. I've seen it everyday people swerving across lanes of traffic not paying attention. People running into me in the stores with carts and stuff. It's not nice but at the same time if these people can't pay what little attention they need for motor skills how can they 'make' or even realize that the buldge or object at your side is a gun.

I think with the increase use of cellular phones people expect it to be a phone and most won't admit that it could be a gun. Or maybe a cellular gun, who knows... ( I saw one someplace a little .22 zip gun) Ya never know and because we carry we have the stereotype or the 'ability' to see the other aspects of what someone might have under their shirt or coat. We as practicioners of our 2nd ammendment rights are not nearly as nieve... we cannot afford to be, we HAVE to pay attention.
Oddly (or sadly) enough, i've had good results with the Jedi Mind Trick.


In a totally serious, non-joking matter, wave your hand arm across while saying "These aren't the pants/cell phone/palm pilot you're looking for"