If uncomfortable with Strikers, which CCW?

Maybe you could be a bit more precise. What type carry are you speaking of? Service size pistol, compact or subcompact? There are handguns in various sizes for different jobs. More info might narrow it down some.

I have nothing against striker fired pistols other than I do not care for the triggers, nor am I uncomfortable carrying one, although I really like the Sig triggers. With that said, I’m a 1911 guy, carried Colt defenders up to Government model on an off for the last 30 years…current is a Sig Nightmare in 357Sig Commander length. Very accurate and handles great.
Nothing to do with striker fired or not, I carry a 642 revolver because I can draw from a pocket and it's light weight.
If you don't like strikers, the alternative is hammer fired. My CCW is a DA only hammer fired Remington RM380. I have nothing against striker fired handguns, but coincidentally, I have none. All of my handguns are hammer fired.
Of the several handguns that I shuffle through my carry rotation, ALL of them share the similar trait of being, for ease of explanation, Glock 19-sized or smaller, regardless of striker fire or hammer fire. Currently go between the following, just depends on my mood per given day lol:

CZ 100
DAO CZ P-07 Duty
DAO Beretta PX4 Compact
Gen 5 Glock 26
Sig P365
Bersa Thunder 380 Plus
Colt Night Cobra
Charter Arms On-Duty
Before I got any striker guns, I carried a Colt CCO 1911 and then a CZ 75 PCR IWB. I also have pocket carried a S&W 642 and now a S&W 649.

I first dipped my toes in the striker world with a Springfield XDs which has a grip safety. I like that for added reassurance while holstering.

I'm comfortable with striker guns now for IWB strong side carry and have a bunch, but for appendix carry, I'm only using my XDs and just bought a CZ P07 this week.
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All my CCWs are DA/SA actions. You get the safety of the double action and the precision of a 1911. Hammer fired guns allow you to place your thumb on the hammer while holstering, making a ND impossible without breaking your thumb. Most days I carry a 92 compact, and I have a Langdon LTT version on preorder.
I carry mostly striker fired but also hammer fired. For hammer fired I really like my HK P30SK and use both 10 and 13 round magazines in it for CCW. Mine is LEM but it also can be had in DA/SA with and without safety.
The wife doesn't like striker fired. She had carried at one time or another:

- CDP II Kimber compact 1911
- Kimber 380 Micro
- Walther PPK

All of these are good guns and the last two are light enough to be comfortable for anyone to carry all the time.
I carry mostly striker fired but also hammer fired. For hammer fired I really like my HK P30SK and use both 10 and 13 round magazines in it for CCW. Mine is LEM but it also can be had in DA/SA with and without safety.

I would like to find a P30 lem V1 I could try. I have a P2000 V1.5(Todd Green); I like it; just shoot strikers more accurately--but I won't carry one.
I have carried striker fired pistols and have no issues with that. Like any tool they have their pro's and con's. I will say that when my daughter was born I gravitated back to DA/SA because of the longer, heavier first pull. In my world administrative gun handling far outweighs shooting and damn sure outweighs gun fighting. Besides I cut my teeth on DA/SA type stuff and I am very comfortable with DA revolvers so I actually do prefer this system. I also prefer riding a hammer home into the holster. (Doesn't make any of my reasons RIGHT just right for me.)

That said I wanted a DA/SA, hammer fired Glock 19/23..........I went with the HK P2000 in 9mm and .40 and couldn't be happier.

Now make sure your comfort level doesn't come from a lack of training/knowledge. If it does a different tool may only provide a false sense of security. Also be aware if not DA ONLY a DA or SA gun will come with their own training issues.

-Decocking on holstering
-Safety manipulation if a SA gun like a 1911
-More bits and bobbles and levers to be aware of
-Either learning two trigger pulls or learning to deal with a safety on presentation and on holstering EVERY TIME.
-Being EXTRA aware of you muzzle position on decock. You should always be in a safe direction but when decocking you want to make sure you are not pointing at something that could ricochet back at you if some kind of catastrophic failure happens on decock. (VERY UNLIKELY but stranger things).

Point is I like my DA/SA's for my own reasons and I am more comfortable carrying them then a striker fired gun, but carrying a striker fired gun is not any more or less inherently safe or unsafe, just different and requires a slightly different skill set and attention to detail.

Take a look at the Kahr -- try to make your evaluation based on one of the nicer ones and not the cheapest economy CW9 model. Look at a T9 or K9 if you can. I suggest the Kahr because they are more likely to meet your expectations for size and weight.

But you're not limited to the little lightweight compact guns that are popular for CCW these days. Other good suggestions are a 1911-type, a P229 or P226, a CZ75-type, or a medium or large revolver like a S&W 66, 686 or 627. Something like one of these are what I recommend. I can't imagine someone wishing they'd brought a lighter weight gun to a gun fight.

What I don't recommend is a compact snub-nosed revolver or a subcompact pistol. It stands to reason that if you carry a gun, you should want to be as proficient with it as possible in the event you need to use it for the purpose for which you're carrying it. It's advisable to obtain substantial training to acquire that proficiency. If you are training (in classes with a trainer) and practicing frequently, you will almost certainly progress faster and more easily with a full size gun rather than a dimunitive one. Don't switch to a lightweight gun or a tiny gun until you're able to demonstrate outstanding skill and ability with a regular fullsize gun first. The smaller, lighter gun is not going to make you better.