If U Guys Care About Your Guns/Rights! Go Here ASAP!!

Nice explanation. That's getting sent out ASAP... too many people tell me that voting third-party is "throwing the vote away".
GoRon said it better than I......

"The President has boxed them in and is generating alot of pressure on the religeous leaders by establishing a free nation(s) on their border.

Your Bush hatred has blinded you to the strategic moves we have made."

Strategically it is a brilliant move.....IF we can pull it off. :confused:

Some folks seem to hate "Dubya" so much it distorts their perception of reality.

The man is a terrible speaker and has tendencies to grandstanding, like any other politician. He is, however, the BEST choice for gunowners this election.
Please don't distract the factual situation with wanderings into the realm of
"Third Party Fantasy". Leave that to Ralph Nader. :D

"I have voted for libertarians and republicans over the years. This election cycle it is Bush all the way. A vote for anybody else is a vote for Kerry."

That is certainly worth repeating! ;)

"Think of what we could've done to real terrorists with the resources and money that have been used on Iraq."

"real terrorists"?

We are whacking them left and right, in Iraq and in Afghanistan. :)

"Why not do something about North Korea who is a genuine threat to world stability (And also oppresses their citizens more than Saddam ever did), not to mention who now likely has or will have nuclear weapons."

I'm sure that is on the shortlist, DLoken.
The Chinese don't want trouble from North Korea and the current North Korean leadership is indeed living on borrowed time.

Hi pax!

Here we are, having this same discussion on a different board! :o
"If Kathy does not vote for either George or John, how many votes will John have?"

George will have one less than if Kathy had voted for the electable, more pro-Second Amendment candidate? Which, in a tight race, could make all the difference to the volume of anti-gun legislation coming in the next four years.
Vote your conscience and vote libertarian or constitution party ... If you are LUCKY, you'll nullify the Nader vote. Now that is an important task at hand.

Now I have no love for liberal republicans, but if I think too much about Kerry in the White House, I turn red and start shaking...
Please vote Bush ... sometimes principle takes a back seat to pragmatism and I'm afraid that this one's gonna be close.
I hesitate, but I can't stay quiet.

Kerry committed atrocities but no trials. Abhu-Gharib Jail scandal he is all over it like a fat lady on a BB.

He is for the troops but gave the NV's ammunition in their propoganda to keep the fight going by saying we were committing atrocities. They were torturing our men over there daily in their prisons. Torturing to get them to say what Jean Fraud Kerry said for free. Thus prolonging the war. then undermining us at home. I think we won but psychologically lost. Now Jean Fruad has his chance at undermining again... It's what he does best. Don't play along...

He is a traitor because he at no time was in a capacity to negotiate nor meet with the enemy but he did twice in France. If he has no authority to negotiate with them what is he doing there?

He wants to ban 30-30 ammunition because it can penetrate soft body armor. doesn't all centerfire rifle ammunition have that ability. One step further, doesn't a nice razor sharp broad head arrow? A knife? He has exposed his plan- slippery slope has become the edge of a cliff...

I agree with vote your conscience. Just do it when we have someone I can actually stomach as president from the other side.