If there was a death penalty law for gun ownership would you own a gun?


New member
If there was a death penalty for gun ownership, but guns were available on the black market, would you own a gun or even carry one?
It is a possibility that in the future a second or third offense for gun ownership ( three strike laws) could mean a life sentence. In some jails like Rikers Island even a short stay could mean a death sentence from fellow convicts.
I would own one anyway and carry only when in dangerous areas. Won't say more than that.
Wow! Putting people to death for having the potential to do wrong! Now that's really doing it "for the children." I think that would actually be a stage beyond justified anarchy.

If we reached that point then yup, I would own one, I would carry one, and any place I went would become[/] a "dangerous area."

Won't say more than that. :)
If I 'choose' ownership, then I will.
In making that decision, I take on all the risks, obvious and inherent.
There's no looking back and no second-guessing
End of discussion.

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
It's up to us to ensure that the question remains rhetorical.

Would I? Yes. If for no other reason than to be a thorn in the side of a Klintonian.
Yes I would exercise the primary right of self defense.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Excuse me? What do you mean "IF"?!?!? I got some bad news for you buddy. Right now in America if you own the WRONG KIND of firearm, or in some places ANY firearm without the proper authorization from the "authorities", you are grave danger of violent death at the hands of law enforcement agents. Stay safe.
If they take away cartridge guns, I'll go to black powder. If they outlaw that, I'll get out my bows and arrows. If they suppress those, I'll go to slings, spears, swords and daggers, clubs and rocks. Finally I'll do like my sig says: Let my hair grow long, acquire the jawbone of an ass, and smite those Philistines hip and thigh.
The true weapon is not in the hand, it's in the heart, mind, courage and determination of the man who refuses to be enslaved.

If they take our guns, I intend to let my hair grow long and acquire the jawbone of an ass.
Deanf when you post anything like that give us some warning please. Some of us check this from work or have children around. Call it good manners.
How in the world would the authorities be able to enforce a law like that? That's the beauty of the Second. It's never needed until they try to do away with it.
They can't enforce it if we don't get much weaker. However, I can see the possibility.

Discussing what we would do, online, in public, doesn't strike me as all that smart unless we're discussing the fact that we would gladly turn 'em in and start doing our rabbit huntin' with slingshots. Just a thought.

Me? <i>Of course,</i> I won't. I'm just going to turn in my guns peacefully and hope for the best. I trust the government, especially the federal part.
Munro, "How in the world would the authorities be able to enforce a law like that?"

By implementing laws, directives, regulations, and executive orders in an incremental manner, each of which is something less than originally demanded, and therefore called a "compromise". That is how the "rules" would be enacted.

Enforcement would be gradual but gradually increasing - executing enough people to terrorize and force compliance from the majority of "good citizens" and executing not quite enough people at a time to trigger resistance.

Step by step. Inch by inch. That is how it is being done. That is where it leads.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 24, 2000).]
nwgunman is right. Just look at all the children burned to death in Waco. Randy Weaver's wife and ten year old son- both shot by gov't jackboots. Both are cases of the death penalty for enjoying the 2nd Amendment right. There are other cases to be sure, and some probably have died in prison.

"Vote with a Bullet."
Ther was a time when a discussion like this would have been described as insane. What bothers me is where is this heading? What will have to be done to preserve the principles this country was founded upon?
Why are so many bent on destroying them that have pledged to uphold them?

A Life Well Lived Is The Best Revenge!
At that point, we might as well start shooting back. We probably will be doing just that, because of the ongoing civil war that would be the "stated reason" for this harsh edict.

Defend the Constitution from the foreign threat!!!!

Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Man killing is nasty business"---Finn Aggard
If they ever wanted to punish gun owners to death for owning a gun, they would need to have the gun to prove that you have it, and if they ever come to get my gun, they will get the bullets first.