Where ever you might be, Dennis, I just wanted to say that with 11 days remaining on the Senate legislative calendar, it looks like the ban will definitely sunset (even the Minority Whip is saying so now).
With the election, I'm willing to go double or nothing on the original bet that on 1/1/2005, the restrictions of the Assault Weapons bill are all gone and not scheduled to be replaced with something as bad or worse.
Of course, there will be a bill proposing something as bad or worse; but I expect it to remain bottled up in committee.
Here's your big chance! Please keep count of all gun control laws revoked, rescinded or in any manner taken "off the books" and chastise (us) Libertarians for not believing that Republicans believe in the Constitution.
Well, technically the Republican only gained the Senate in the last two years and even then by a razor thin margin; but so far it looks like the following rules were revoked:
1) Rule keeping NICS data on legitimate approved purchases for 180 days was dumped and practice of immediately removing such data made into law by Tiarht Amendment.
2) Clinton restriction of no import of parts that can be used to construct a banned semi-auto weapon partially lifted to allow importation for repair and replacement.
3) The notorious 1994 Semi-auto ban? Let's hope!