If Someone Breaks In...........

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Here in SC we have the castle law and it extends to out buildings as well. About a year ago a man here in my home town found some young men breaking into his storage building and confronted them with a shotgun. One died the other went to jail. Yes the man was charged but was found to have been within his rights per our state laws and was protected from civil suite by the boys family. SC says if someone/s break in your home they are fair game. In the back, in the side,or in the front doesn't matter. Our goverment and judiciary recognize the fact that a man (or woman) should have the right to defend what he has worked hard all his life to obtain. NC is different. In NC if a burgaler is found in your home you are obligated by law to give them a warning and a chance to escape. The victim has to be in danger of death or serious bodily injury before deadly force can be justifiable and the police will investigate to be sure that the victim had no choice. Also in NC the victim who shoots is not protected from civil actions from surviving perp or dead perps family. So it is best to know your states laws before you decide on your course of action.
From someone who actually HAS had to resort to firing on an individual as a last resort; despite it being a legal shooting...


These things you need to ALWAYS consider:
a.) It will be awful.. Still being alive is likely the only good part of it.
b.) It makes one feel lousy DESPITE the circumstance... Probably forever as far as I can tell...
c.) It should absolutely be the last resort..
d.) If the intruder is already "making a hasty exit w/ "Stuff; it's ONLY stuff" - Let 'em go; learn & better secure your "Castle"! Only do it if there's no other choice..! i.e. - Real threat to yourself, family, etc...
e.) Don't have a gun(s) 'cause you WANT to shoot someone; have one so you can if it comes to that..! Trust anyone who's been their; Avoid it for the rest of your life if humanly possible! (COOL in the movies - SUCKS in real life!!)


All Good Advice

Thanks for all the input. I will look into Texas law on home protection.

I didn't ask because I want to shoot someone. I just wanted to know how it all plays out after the fact, just in case it ever does come down to it.

Thanks to all who responded.
erh + 1

Been there, done that. Finally someone agrees with me. I've been telling people the same thing and have been called a chicken sh*t for doing so. They tell me "they don't run from no one" and I say if you can avoid a deadly confrontation by all means please do so because it could change your life forever.
would you

ask for advise online for health problems? Would you take advise from strangers on how to invest your money?
No? Then why ask legal questions here? If this is a burning issue with you, pay a few bucks, talk to a real lawyer.
Shoot 'em in the back if you want because it doesn't matter and has NO effect on you being charged or suffering a civil suit.

First, let me say that I don't approve of breaking into a house or any other criminal act. But...

If someone has broken into your house and has their back turned to you, you might consider something other than just shooting them in the back. You might actually consider allowing them to leave (if this is what they are doing), and calling the police. If they aren't in the process of leaving, you might consider telling them that you have a gun and that they had better lay down or they are going to get shot. And then cover them while you call the police.

This way, you won't have to clean up a lot of blood, call a lawyer, be handcuffed and/or interrogated by the police, worry about whether your rounds hit someone else's house/property, think about how you just killed someone, and all of the other nasty stuff associated with shooting someone.

Then again, if you allow that person to leave (or give them the change to surrender) instead of just shooting them in the back, you won't have the satisfaction of shooting someone and taking their life. :rolleyes:
Sooo situational.

Unless you come looking for us in the bedroom, all you will find is the police oustide when you leave. You come in the bedroom and I'm not waiting to see what you have planned. I am not going to leave the bedroom, so there's no waoory about shooting a BG in the back. Let the police come and clear the rest of the house. as far as NY goes, defense of justification is met as soon as someone is inside your house with regards to reatreat. In the home you are not obligated to retreat. You still must be able to justify the shooting. If the guy was climbing back out your window, you can't pop him. If the crime scene investigation tyurns up that the BG was clearly exiting, you have a problem. If it shows him in your living room your OK. But it will depend on the individual situation and all the particulars therein.
If after you shoot the guy and see that he's unarmed, plant a knife in his hand....

Most DAs will let you slide, they have better things to do like going after the REAL bad guys
This "blast away and have fun", and "blast 'em full of holes", "put a knife in their hand" and such internet bravado is a bit hard to swallow today. :barf:

Do you WANT to take the life of some scumbag who DARED to enter your sacred domain and put his hands on your material posessions? If you have that attitude, you DESERVE to be sued. Perhaps jailed as well. A gung ho, gunslinger attitude and a firearm don't mix.

Now, OTOH, someone breaks into your home, tried to do ANYTHING to a family member, gets violent, ANYTHING that presents danger to you or your family, I would protect my home with any and everything at my disposal. As anyone should.

But carrying out your tv does not constitute a danger to you or your family...:rolleyes:
Believe me the last thing I want to do is kill a man.

I have heard the horror stories of the psychological trauma it can cause, even to those that are trained to kill.

But like you said if my wife or myself were in danger I would deffinately do what I had to to.

I guess what I was trying to get at is........

If force became nessicary, would it be better to kill or to injure?
You're right about NY. We used to joke about shooting an intruder. If he's standing in the door and you shoot him make sure he falls inside not outside, same goes for the window, make damn sure he falls inward not outward otherwise you're in big trouble. And naturally, dead men don't talk.

But think about it, it takes an amazing amount of discipline and self control to let someone rob your home while you hide somewhere in that house armed with a firearm. Most people cannot swallow their pride and allow their ego's to be humiliated without reacting especially when holding a firearm in their hands.

Material possessions are not worth taking anyone's life but it's very hard to control one's emotions and actions under those circumstances.
If after you shoot the guy and see that he's unarmed, plant a knife in his hand....
One of many :rolleyes: .

Shoot 'im outside & drag 'im inside. Shoot 'im again in the front after he's been shot in the back.

Can we say conspiracy and tampering with evidence here?

What you do in reality is up to you, and on your heads be it. But to post criminal intent on an Internet board? :rolleyes:

Leaving this thread open would in essence be condoning such actions, which we don't. We advocate responsible firearms ownership.

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