If Ron Paul Gets the Nod

Would you support Ron Paul if he gets the nod, regardless of who you now support?

  • Yes

    Votes: 96 72.2%
  • No

    Votes: 21 15.8%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 11 8.3%
  • Would vote Democrat

    Votes: 5 3.8%

  • Total voters
. . .that changing times call for changing measures, and that our constituion is flexible enough to accomodate reality.

You are, in a word, wrong. The Constitution is not a living organism. It does not change, it does not evolve. It places limits on the government's range of action. The Constitution does not change until it is amended.
You are, in a word, wrong.

Really? Inflexible document locked into 1789 that does not cover modernity?


WildenjoyyourmusketAlaska TM

PS...where did I use the word change or evolve in connection with the document itselff?
Wildalaska is correct. The founders intended for some flexibility in interpretation of the Constitution as times changed. Thomas Jefferson himself believed this. Here is a quote inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial:

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
WA said:
Looking at the Commerce Clause and the series of well reasoned cases exploring congress'es powers thereunder, I would say
Do you plan on completing that sentence?

WA said:
List them please

Dude, it's like totally not hard to use google, but here's one to start.

Ron Paul in the US House of Representatives, January 9, 2003

Mr. Speaker, I rise to restore the right the founding fathers saw as the guarantee of every other right by introducing the Second Amendment Protection Act. This legislation reverses the steady erosion of the right to keep and bear arms by repealing unconstitutional laws that allow power-hungry federal bureaucrats to restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Specifically, my legislation repeals the five-day waiting period and the "instant" background check, which enables the federal government to compile a database of every gun owner in America. My legislation also repeals the misnamed ban on "semi-automatic" weapons, which bans entire class of firearms for no conceivable reason beside the desire of demagogic politicians to appear tough on crime. Finally, my bill amends the Gun Control Act of 1968 by deleting the "sporting purposes" test, which allows the Treasury Secretary to infringe on second amendment rights by classifying a firearm (handgun, rifle, shotgun) as a "destructive device" simply because the Secretary believes the gun to be "non-sporting."

Don, Presidents are a bit more powerful than Representatives, and can accomplish more.
Dude, it's like totally not hard to use google, but here's one to start.

Doesnt seem like "many" does it...and like wow, lets repeal the AWB a year before it expires LOL.

WildbusierthanaonearmedpaperhangerinabuttkickingcontestAlaska TM
Don, Presidents are a bit more powerful than Representatives, and can accomplish more.

Yes they are, but if they can't garner support with their peers; they won't be able to garner support with those who opposed them as a peer; simply because they are now president.
Ya know, I am a strong supportor of 2A rights. Unfortunately, I've never managed to get any major 2A legislation (or any other major legislation for that matter) anywhere, and other representatives have not given me any real leadership positions. So I guess I'm not really effective. Furthermore, I really want to be president, but I think I'm polling quite low right now....

[insert the implied bad logic here]

We can continue to stick our head in the sand and allow our fear of world opinion to dictate the manner with which we conduct our defense. Since we’ve done that in every major conflict since before WWI, it’s not surprising that you’d be willing to accept more failures. And if the majority of Americans are willing to continue this, then we can expect a corresponding decline in our credibility and further increases in the willingness of rogue entities to thumb their noses at us, as a result of our self-imposed impotence. After 90 years of failure, I say we choose our battles very carefully indeed, then pound the crap out of our adversaries, with the intent that we never see the likes of them again. Civilian casualties are always a tragedy, but failure to defend ourselves will result in untold future caualties, taking place much closer to home. Take your pick.

You are free to support Ron Paul, but I have little confidence that he posseses the wherewithal to mount an effective defense against a nuke-armed, America hating Iranian government.
applesanity said:
Ya know, I am a strong supportor of 2A rights. Unfortunately, I've never managed to get any major 2A legislation (or any other major legislation for that matter) anywhere, and other representatives have not given me any real leadership positions. So I guess I'm not really effective. Furthermore, I really want to be president, but I think I'm polling quite low right now....

so, instead of denigrating all the worthless slime that voted against reinstating our rights, we belittle the person who introduces the measure...yea that makes sense. compromising on our basic civil rights is now seen as an admiral quality then?

and another big "lol" at the -his colleagues havent given him leadership positions- comment. why would a bunch of waffling, anti-liberty fools give someone who will not compromise on liberty and the constitution a leadership position? the one thing i will enjoy if paul doesnt get the nomination is listening to all the complaining about compromise and downright violation of our rights after any of the other lemmings get into office. people tend to get the government they deserve...

ps: heres a few more examples of introduced legislation -

we belittle the person who introduces the measure...yea that makes sense. compromising on our basic civil rights is now seen as an admiral quality then?

Irrelevant conclusion and straw man. The implication that you seem to have missed is that Ron Paul doesn't get results.

and another big "lol" at the -his colleagues havent given him leadership positions- comment.

... nor can he put himself into advantageous positions to further his causes.

Warming the bench gives you a lot of time to come up with lots of great ideas; you're still not playing the game.
and like wow, lets repeal the AWB a year before it expires

Better late than never, I say. Now, getting back to my question...

Is being too near to a school with a gun an act which affects interstate commerce enough to trigger federal regulatory authority, or not?

And since you have mentioned supporting Rudy, I should add another question. Rudy wants Congress to pass a law saying that I must prove a need for it before being allowed to buy a handgun. Scanning around Article 1, Section 8 for where they might find the power to do that, I come once again to the commerce clause. Do you believe that Congress has the power to pass the law your candidate proposes under the commerce clause, or some other part of the Constitution?
Let's apply the same standard to the other candidates that is being applied to Ron Paul. Show me where any of them have introduced and passed pro gun legislation. If any of them got any federal legislation passed, I bet it was also sponsered by Ron Paul.
Show me where any of them have introduced and passed pro gun legislation.

I don't know about you, but I'm surely not a single-issue voter.

And it's a two-parter, the second which you darted conveniently.

While the other candidates have excelled in leadership positions, Ron Paul has not (because he's never really been in any major leadership or national spotlight position.... get it?)

Hillary... well the 2-term junior has done a lot, hasn't she?
Obama... they let him speak at the DNC convention
Guliani... still riding on that 9/11 poise and charisma
Thompson... "what did the president know, and when did he know it?"
McCain... war hero, and was runner up in the '00 primaries
Edwards... well nevermind, I think he's a pansy
Romney... he was a governor

Paul... how many representatives represent Texas? Has Ron Paul ever really positioned himself to be the leader of that pack?
I don't know about you, but I'm surely not a single-issue voter.

Then why did you not say that when the question was asked about Paul? Why this dodge when it is asked about the other candidates? Just because you are not going to decide on this one issue does not mean we cannot compare everyone on this one issue, since it was brought up. Sure, there are other issues, but let's talk about the question being asked, not try to get off into other areas.

While the other candidates have excelled in leadership positions

Let me just complete your thought on Romney. He was a governor who passed a permanent mean-looking weapons ban in his state, and his socialized medicine plan in that state is already in serious financial trouble.
I don't know about you, but I'm surely not a single-issue voter.
Nor am I, but gun rights is at the top of my list. After all, what else does a politician plan to do to us if he can't trust us to be armed.

And it's a two-parter, the second which you darted conveniently
Please tell me what I darted and I'll do my best to address it.

While the other candidates have excelled in leadership positions, Ron Paul has not (because he's never really been in any major leadership or national spotlight position.... get it?)
I guess he should abandon his oath of office, and just put on a good shuck n jive for the cameras.

Hillary... well the 2-term junior has done a lot, hasn't she?
Obama... they let him speak at the DNC convention
Guliani... still riding on that 9/11 poise and charisma
Thompson... "what did the president know, and when did he know it?"
McCain... war hero, and was runner up in the '00 primaries
Edwards... well nevermind, I think he's a pansy
Romney... he was a governor
Do you think any of the above will defend the right to keep and bear arms once becoming president? I doubt any of them would (admit I don't know enough about Thompson to make that judgement).

Hillary...rode in on her husbands coattails and then moved to a state where she actually had a chance of getting elected.
Obama...well he has a nice voice and good looks
Guliani..."I was there on 9/11"...and what did he do that was so special from what any other mayor would have done?
Thompson...??? I'd like to know more.
McCain...Runner up in a field of lousy canditates. Was it Governor Bush's speaking ability:p or name recognition;) that helped him win.
Edwards...He may be a pansy, but he was a vice president canidate.
Romney...Yes he was a governor, but so were Huckabee and Richardson. Did many people outside his own state know much about Romney before he announced he was running?

Looks like the common factor between the listed canidates is...BIG MONEY.
And what do media outlets sell a lot of during election season????....ADVERTISING. This makes it very easy for big money guys to get camera time, which propels them to "first tier" status, and then they buy lots of airtime for their campaign ads.

Paul... how many representatives represent Texas? Has Ron Paul ever really positioned himself to be the leader of that pack?
Does one representative of a large state normally position himself that way.