If Obama picks a pro-gun VP?


Where is Obama going to put all those blue helmets when he has them invade us?

Oh, wait.

Maybe they'll have to live in and assume the mortgages of all those houses in foreclosure! And that's good news: those UN boys will will be so worried about their debt that they'll be too distracted when riding around with the postmen to remember to seize our weapons.
If Senator Obama was suddenly bludgeoned by the Pro Gun Fairy...

He still would be a total lightweight regarding foreign policy and he would still be a pro-taxation Marxist.

And we still wouldn't know for what he is hoping and we still wouldn't know what he wants to change.

Senator McCain is my very least favorite Republican-almost conservative; but he's better for the nation than Senator Obama. Maybe not much, certainly not as much as I would like, but still better.
If Obama selected a pro-gun VP, such as Jim Webb or Ted Strickland, do you think they could influence Obama to moderate his anti-gun extremism?

No. The Veep does very little: His/her duties are essentially cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate, and assume the position if/when the POTUS gets impeached/resigns/dies in office. The actual running of the administration and policy making is the bailiwick of the POTUS. Obama picking a pro-gun veep is shameless pandering and future promise breaking to gun owners silly enough to believe what he says on guns. The veep will have absolutely no influence on an Obama administration's gun policies.

I'm not voting for him under any circumstance, but if we are stuck with Obama, does a pro-gun VP bring any comfort at all?

If, and only if, Obama is successfully impeached, resigns, or eats bad shellfish before August 2009. In a word, no.
I'm not a single issue voter.

Even if Obama himself were a lifelong pro-gunner. Even if he knew what "well regulated," "militia," "the right of the People," and "shall not be infringed" mean. Forget the VP.

Even if he owned more guns than he knew what to do with. Even if he can fire a beat up Mini-14 in a standing position, using surplus ammo, and make 0.5" groups at 600 yards during a midsummer thunderstorm... at night.

Even if Obama knew the answer to 9mm vs. .45ACP, an answer that everyone, and I mean everyone, will agree upon.

Even if instead of cologne, he used Hoppes #9.

Even if he could break a Glock 17 with his bare hands.

I would still not vote for him.
Wuluf wrote:

He could pick Ted Nugent and i still wouldn't vote for him!

Could you imagine the first hunting trip between the Nuge and BO.

Ted Nugent: "Now, Mr. President, seeing as I've been hunting all of my life and you have never hunted even once, let me tell you how it's done. I'll sit up there in that platform in that there tree with my bow and arrow. Your job is to start walking around in the surrounding brush, scattering this bag of apples on the ground. The object is to see if you can lead any wild pigs past me so's I can get a shot at 'em. Got it? Good".
Hee hee. Are we so dumb as to vote for Obama because his veep likes guns?

Obama is a symptom. If he wins, it means our disease has progressed to the next stage.
Lightning Joe posted:

Obama is a symptom. If he wins, it means our disease has progressed to the next stage.

In the words of that crazy old cartoon lion, Snaggle Puss, "Heavens to Obamatroid! Exit, stage left even." Yes, if we get Obama, we better get out the serious medicine. As Lightning Joe states, our disease is ready for radiation treatment. It could be Iran or North Korea delivering the radiation.
Obama wants the US to agree to the United Nation's Millenium Project. To encourage us to join the Millenium Project Obama has sponsored Senate Bill S2433. In the bill it says that the US will pay 7% of its Gross Domestic Production to the UN to help support the poorer nations of the world. Doesn't this sound like a really NICE gesture? Well, it's not. The Millenium Project is an ALL OR NOTHING AGREEMENT that also has hidden within its structure conditions that include the UN being allowed to house foreign troops inside of the USA and the elimination of ownership of all private firearms. The liberal press pushes Obama's bill but hides the part of the UN project that includes the anti-gun stuff and foreign troops on our shores.

I encourage people to visit http://thomas.loc.gov and read S.2433 for themselves. As much as I dislike Obama and consider him the worst Second Amendment Presidential candidate ever offered, Rifleman' 173's characterization of S.2433 is wrong. The only part of the Millenium Project that the bill addresses is the goal of reducing the number of people who live on $1 a day or less by half.

It does not address any of the other Millenium Development Goals, which may be found here:

The Arms Control provisions of the Millenium Development Goals are hidden in this part of the document though (Section 2, Part 9):

However, S.2433 has nothing to do with any of the Millenium Development Goals except the reducing poverty goal. As much as I dislike Obama, it doesn't help us to pass on incorrect information and causes us to lose a lot of credibility.