If Obama is elected we will lose our right to own and bear Arms…

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I dont care if some of you grasp it or not. NO ONE is required to obey an unconstitutional law.

But you sure as hell can be prosecuted for it until which time it is found to be Unconstitutional. Whether or not a law is determined Unconstitutional is not determined at the individual level. It is made at the court level. The law can be acted upon as being fully Constitutional until which time it is determined not to be so.

You may not feel required to obey the law, but that won't stop you from being required to suffer the circumstances for not obeying it...kind of like all those guys who think that being forced to pay taxes is Unconstitutional and so they refuse to do so and end up in prison.
Judges don't interpret the constitution, they interpret the law, which includes the constitution, millions of other precepts and statutes. It's very possible that our right tio bear arms may seriously be curtailed if a democratic administration comes in to power, I don't dispute that. But judges are NOT allowed to legislate from the bench. All judicial rules must either come from common law, have enough political support, or be the result of some policy (which needs to be substantial).

The implications of democratic federal courts may be harmful, but there are enough checks and balances in place to prevent the loss of the 2A.

Okay....you must have just woke up...been a sleep for a while aay?

What do you think the judges in California have been doing???

Are you seriously going to say they have NOT BEEN LEGISTATING FROM THE BENCH? Get real!

That is EXACTLY what they have been doing!

And if any of you think the only area at risk are the Supremes you really do not understand the implication of Obama becoming President...He will be appointing Liberal Judges all across the US! Which will INTERPRET THE LAW as they see fit...not by what was meant when the law was written and passed but they want it to be...Good night where have you been the last 40 years....AGH!
Deerhunter, give me a couple of cases to read through, and I'll agree with you. Otherwise, legislating is for legislature, hence the name. Judges usually look for legislative intent when deciding cases. Trust me :)

Trust you...Kinda of like Obama saying to trust him on guns? YEP SURE! NOT!!!

Go and review what the judges in San Fran have been doing so far as same sex marriage....I rest my case!

But oops I am sure this is something you support so it does not count...
Dearhunter, with all due respect, please stop with the ad hominem attacks and at least give me a case cite. Otherwise, what's going on is somewhat akin to fear mongering. Thanks.
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