If Obama is elected we will lose our right to own and bear Arms…

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If Obama has his way we will all lose our right to own and bear arms! How will he accomplish this? He will not accomplish this by sponsoring a law….this is what everyone thinks….and thinks it is impossible….THIS IS NOT HOW IT WILL HAPPEN! How will it happen? Well it will probably not happen in his administration but the following one or perhaps the one after that….HOW YOU ASK? He will do it with his COURT NOMINATIONS! WHAT I KNOW is that the kind of people he would nominate for our court system would cause all of us problems for generations to come!!!! He will nominate judges who will legislate from the bench which frankly is unconstitutional! The reason we have a legislative branch is so they can LEGISLATE! JUDGES ARE SUPPOSED TO INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION! NOT LEGISLATE! But the people he will put in place to JUDGE will be those who DO legislate from the bench and this is how we will lose our rights to own and bear arms!

You need to take this message to the masses....what do you think?


I can tell you that most people I have spoke to about the info in the article here simply have no idea.

If I did not know better I would have thought the/our unbiased media would have brought this to the attention of the American voters. I am sure it was has been a simple oversite...I will bet this type of info is simply tooooo difficult for them to find out.

Perhaps he is not evil...perhaps he is a REALLY nice guy....Perhaps he actually believes his beliefs will benefit the country....

So if you are not concerned about him screwing up our economy...ok....if you are not concerned with higher taxes....ok.....if you are not concerned about a national health care program...ok...well NOT REALLY OK here!...Why? Because who is going to control the health care system he wants to institute? The same people who have put us into deficit oblivion! CONGRESS!

So not only will we risk losing our right to own and bear arms if he is elected but we will also be in a lot of trouble in other areas as well!
we.. as Americans..Red blooded country loving..Patriotic Americans, must do everything in our power to keep this Numbskull Obama from getting elected. The Second amendment will be the first to go, the rest are easy after that, remember that. Serioulsy Americans, this guy is a waste of O2
He will do it with his COURT NOMINATIONS! WHAT I KNOW is that the kind of people he would nominate for our court system would cause all of us problems for generations to come!!!! He will nominate judges who will legislate from the bench which frankly is unconstitutional! The reason we have a legislative branch is so they can LEGISLATE! JUDGES ARE SUPPOSED TO INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION! NOT LEGISLATE! But the people he will put in place to JUDGE will be those who DO legislate from the bench and this is how we will lose our rights to own and bear arms!

So, you think he will first kill off all the judges so that he can appoint new ones?

Just how are they going to Legislate as you claim? They have no authority to Legislate.
Double Naught Spy

Are you really serious? All that has to happen is for one or two Supreme's to resign and let him pick their replacement...the last vote on a 2nd amendment issue was won by a land slide right.....NO! It was 5 to 4! Two Supremes to the far left that replace a couple of moderates? AND WHAT DO YOU HAVE? Trouble! And if you really can not see how this could happen then you really are naive.
His apparent fondness with the failed religion of Masrxism is enough to question what he is capable of doing if he gains enough power. This article covers some of Obama's Marxist associates, but leaves out important ones like his early mentor Frank Davis or his reference in one of his books about seeking out classes taught by the Marxist professors.


Obama's Marxist Axis Of Friends
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, May 05, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Election '08: Barack Obama wishes questions about his associations with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and other radicals would end. But maybe the reason they won't is that there's a pattern: Marxism. It's not hiding.


Read More: Election 2008


When one looks at Obama, it's shocking how radical and anti-American his closest associates are. Taken separately, the black liberation theology of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or fundraiser William Ayers' unrepentant past as a 1960s terrorist or Obama's openly pro-Che Guevara volunteers in Houston might be dismissed.

But taken together, and given Obama's closeness to his friends, it's fair to ask whether Obama doesn't share their extreme-left views. Yet whenever he's asked, he gets mad and avoids the issue.

Maybe that's not surprising, given that Obama himself began his career as a Chicago community organizer and worked on projects there influenced by Saul Alinsky. The Marxist Machiavellian of the Chicago scene advised budding revolutionaries in his 1971 book "Rules For Radicals" to conceal their radical affiliations to attain greater power. That works well for Marxists.

But Obama's friends seem to be giving him away. If this sounds extreme, take a look at some of the activities of Obama's associates:

Wright is an adherent of black liberation theology, an explicitly Marxist interpretation of the Bible whose aim is to stir up class and race hatred to advance communism. Created by a rifle-toting Peruvian priest in the 1960s, it's now discredited in religious circles.

"Liberation theology isolates a few verses, takes them out of context, and then exaggerates their meaning," said the Rev. Bob Schenk of the National Clergy Council, on "Hannity's America" last weekend.

But Wright clings to it. And recently, he loudly praised the Marxist Sandinista dictatorship of Nicaragua.

Not by coincidence, Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua's president, endorses Obama. "This is not to say that there is already a revolution under way in the U.S. . . . But yes, (Obama and friends) are laying the foundations for a revolutionary change," said Ortega.

If that's not enough, Wright's also made pilgrimage to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in Havana in 1984, alongside the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Cuban-American writer Humberto Fontova noted Jackson and his entourage cheered "Viva Fidel" and "Viva Che Guevara" on the $300,000 trip paid for by the Cuban Council of Churches.

Then there's Obama's friend ex-Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, another Marxist. Not only did Ayers set off terrorist bombs against "the establishment" with no regrets during the 1960s, he told the New York Times "we didn't do enough."

Now it's come to light that he posed for a photo in Chicago magazine in 2001, stomping on a U.S. flag in an article flogging his terrorist memoir, "Fugitive Days." At the time Ayers was touting his anti-Americanism, Obama served with him on the Woods Fund board and Ayers made a $200 donation to Obama's state Senate campaign.

Ayers has since lectured the Marxist dictator of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, on using public education as an instrument for advancing "revolution." Meanwhile his stepson, Chesa Boudin, has gone to Caracas as an "adviser" to the anti-American Chavez.
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The sad thing is that the other side is just as bad as Obama when it comes to gun rights. The last semi pro gun president we had was probably Kennedy and then nothing to the 40s. We had anti gun right presidents throughout the 10s to the 30s. It was really bad for the second half of the 19th century. Heck most cities and towns banned firearms from even being in city limits. Still people vote in these leaders every time. It is lucky we have any guns in America at all.
the alternative is not so great either

who will McCain appoint when he has the chance. Another ultra who believes the theocrats are right and the government should control all aspects of your lives. Are we ready to have everything in line with the far religious right. As much as I fear the gun rights issues I fear more the intrusion of the ultra conservatives who want to control what we watch, read, or believe.
Sasquatch, that isn't legislating and it IS part of how the position works as established by our Forefathers. What I have learned over the years is that losers of such decisions refer to the Supreme Court as being wrong in their duties and sometimes refer to what they do as 'legislating,' whereas the winners have claims of rightful interpretation.

I fully understand the concept about stacking the court. That has been an ongoing Presidential tool. In that regard, Deerhunter61's concerns are not news in the least. It may have been news to Deerhunter61 sometime recently, but the whole process has a very long history.

So y'all think there will be a case that comes up after 2 pro-gun Judges leave that will be sufficient for the Court to reverse their previous ruling and somehow deem the 2nd Amendment Unconstitutional?

It is NOT just a matter of Obama appointing new judges as claimed.
The sad thing is that the other side is just as bad as Obama when it comes to gun rights.

LOL. Yeah, you keep ignoring reality there. Gimmie a break. :rolleyes:

who will McCain appoint when he has the chance.

He's already answered your question: he will appoint judges who are like Chief Justice Roberts, who is not an "ultra" (whatever that means).

Folks, these people who keep saying that McCain will be the same (or worse) than Obama when it comes to gun control or Supreme Court Justices are being dishonest. They know that Obama favors a new "assault weapons" ban (which McCain voted against). They know that Obama wants to ban handguns (which McCain will not do). They know that Obama favored the unconstitutional DC guns laws (which McCain opposed). They know that Obama would like to bankrupt gun manufacturers and gun dealers will stupid lawsuits (McCain voted for the legislation that ended those lawsuits).

But you Obama supporters keep it up. Because every time you try to lie about this stuff, I'm going to respond with the truth. Your man Obama wants to ban as many guns as he can, and that's just the way it is.

PLEASE! You are being just a bit extreme here...

"As much as I fear the gun rights issues I fear more the intrusion of the ultra conservatives who want to control what we watch, read, or believe."

Please be specific...How would McCain Polin legislate what you watch, read or believe? Your response does not make much sense to me. Hopefully you will respond with more than this.

When I speak of Obama and gun rights he is on record for wanting to regulate them.
As much as I fear the gun rights issues I fear more the intrusion of the ultra conservatives who want to control what we watch, read, or believe.

Leftist, Marxist governments have killed about 150 million of their own citizens in the last 100 years. I challenge a similar level of brutality to be charged against those who believe in individual liberty and freedom. What does "ultra right" mean...too much liberty and freedom? I find the "conservative control" arguement to be mainly hollow. I feel it is really an arguement for all of society to be held responsible for bad, and often repeated bad decisions by the Democrat base.
Lets see the conservative expectation is

that McCain will appoint a justice for the SCOTUS that will overturn Rove v Wade; bring back school prayer, outlaw same sex marriages. I believe those issues are all well documented as to the desires of the conservatives in American. I might have missed a few others. But in any event all of those are fundamental religious beliefs that the conservatives want everyone in the country to comply with.

I'm concerned over Obama and the 2nd amendment issue. But I'm not blind to what else McCain's followers want to change. First you change a few things and then you continue on the course to force more of the same "values" on everyone. Based on my observation those values find there way into banning books over content based on some religious reason. When you control what people can read you are controlling what people think.
I just want to be clear... you will never lose your "right" to bear arms if the government ever decides to confiscate your guns as the founding fathers clearly stated that our rights are derived from God and not from man. They may try to take our guns, but they will never take our "right to bear arms". That right is clearly ours.
"As much as I fear the gun rights issues I fear more the intrusion of the ultra conservatives who want to control what we watch, read, or believe."

I would fear such people too. Please point them out to me and show me where they have stated they want to control what we watch and read. If this is true, I would be with you... however, you may be fear mongering, and I must take that into account.
Seems the Democrats want to control what we listen to by trying to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Fredom of speach is it???
it is not possible to lose a right. If it were so it would not be a right .

All you that have CCW have done more damage to what is a right and what is a priviledge than Obama is capable of.
When you went to your state govenment and asked to be allowed to carry a pistol you screwed the 2nd. You relinquished a right into a priviledge. Now without that little card you have no "right" to carry.
clear now?
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