If Huckabee drops...would you vote for Ron Paul

If Huckabee drops...would you vote for Ron Paul?

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Huh? Weren't we told the war would not cost the taxpayers any money??? Don't tell me we were lied to again.

I don't recall anyone saying that.

Of course if they did, I don't know who to pity more, the people who thought they could get away with saying it, or the people who actully believed it.
I don't recall anyone saying that.

Yes we were told that the oil supplies in Iraq would pay for the cost of liberation, and rebuilding the infrastructure.

How quickly we forget the things we are told by our leaders.
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I saw a "yes" and a "no". I'd select "maybe".

Okay, you've worn me down, although I'll hold out for Huck or Romney for a bit longer. My primary isn't until December (or so it seems) :) so by then it will probably be pointless.

If it's McCain against anybody, I'll either write in RP or vote for HillBama. Yes, if that is what I am offered, I will cut off my nose to spite the GOP's face. :mad:
I have considered Paul. If it comes to what I think it's going to be. I'll vote independant. I am not going to vote for a liberal (anti-gun) and I don't care what letter follows their name. The logic of "lesser of evils" assumes that one can judge two lame horses based on the merits of their hide color. So don't even try it with me. As far as allowing (insert canidate's name here) to win. Then perhaps the opposing party should have put forth better canidates. Obama is extreme anti-gun. The other three (Hillary, Mcain, Ronmey) are one in the same. So would like a "R" signed on your next gun ban or a "D"??
Yes we were told that the oil supplies in Iraq would pay for the cost of liberation, and rebuilding the infrastructure.

And who is to say that this won't take place in the future.
I am pretty sure at this point that the US taxpayer is going to be footing the bill. To believe otherwise is hopeful, but not based on reality.
It ain't over until it's over. The media has annointed McCain as the "acceptable conservative". Big deal, that trick didn't work with Rudy. We'll see if people have any sense left.
Paul may be more kookie than most want but I would rather have kookie over kommie which is what it is coming down to. Hillary, McCain, Obama, Edwards, and any other dems I missed I all know to be socialist and/or fascist in policy. Ron Paul would be the only other at this point I could even dream of supporting.
STAGE2 said:
But thats not a fair comparison. In order for this to be fair, you need to eliminate the spending on the war as well as the changes that were made in national security post 9/11.

I agree that nation building is extremely expensive, but I do have my copy of the Economic Report of the President handy, so I can do as you ask.

Let me just change a few things here...

In 1992, Bill Clinton was elected, and he had a Dem Congress. By the time he left, annual government spending had grown by almost $400 billion.

In 2000, George Bush was elected, and he had a Repub Congress. By the time he leaves, annual government spending will have grown by over $1.1 trillion. Defense spending will have grown by a little over $300 billion, and the rest of government will have grown by over $700 billion.

That's approaching DOUBLE the growth in government (excluding defense spending) which we saw under the last Clinton.

Before we count on the Republicans to slow the growth in government, we need to find some Republicans who are clear on the concept that the brakes are on the left and the accelerator is on the right.
It figures he'd visit the Twin Slums...
He's just there to criticize Minnesota's "Bridges for Stadiums" program. Here in ND we have quite a few nicknames for MN I won't post since some of them are quite mean.
Huckabee has been my canditate from the begining. If he drops out I will vote for Juan McKennedy. I don't like him, but I like Hillary and Obama less. I hate that we have a 2 party system and it comes down to the old "lesser of two evils". In my opinion, 3rd party and write-in votes are wasted votes. You might as well vote Democrat. It would just split Republican voters and give the Dems a better chance at the White House.

A lessor of two evils? Yes.
Is McCain less evil than Hillary or Obama? Yes.
Does anyone else have a legitimate chance of winning? No.
I hate that we have a 2 party system and it comes down to the old "lesser of two evils". In my opinion, 3rd party and write-in votes are wasted votes.
Can you say self-fulfilling?:rolleyes:
DNS, you are right, it is a reality. There are indeed too many people complaining about the 2-party system and also refusing to go outside of that system.
The problem is not the people who do vote outside of the 2 parties, nor the people who are happy with the 2 parties. The problem is those who complain about, and stay with, the 2-party system. There's some reality for ya.