If Huckabee drops...would you vote for Ron Paul

If Huckabee drops...would you vote for Ron Paul?

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Here are my thoughts...after the showing at the debate last night and the history of being extremely liberal and pro big government that Romney and McCain have shown...lets ponder this scenario for a moment...

If we, as Pro 2A people, cant stand those two front runners...and the only other options are Huckabee and Paul, if Huckabee were to drop out because he is running out of dough, how many supporters of Huckabee or just plainly non RP supporters would vote for RP because he is not McCain or Romney?

I can see a situation where Huckabee drops, Paul and the other two are left, and then the true conservatives are left with the option of the liberals Romney and McCain or the conservative Ron Paul.

I would like to see that happen, it would cause me to vote for Ron Paul, even though I like Huckabee more, if he were out it would make the decision easier...kind of the voting for the lesser of two evils type thing that we were preached against by the RP supporters, yet it could help them in this way.

Only feasible way this would really help Ron Paul with delegates and the nomination is if Huckabee dropped before Super Tuesday which I dont think will happen.

I am a Huckabee supporter currently, but could imagine a scenario where the former Huckabee supporters and the current RP supporters joined up to beat the McCain Romney show.
You're an educated voter. I like Huckabee more and more actually, but I know he's out out funds and losing steam in his campaign.
I truly hope people are open minded enough to view Paul's position on issues and find out the facts. MSM would have you believe that Ron Paul is a blimp that occasionally shows up. He's got the cleanest, most conservative record going back 30 years! Reagan already did endorse him in '78!! 10 terms in congress! Tomorrow is his 51st wedding anniversary! He's brilliant on monetary policy!
It's unfortunate that the war mongers hear think we ought to nuke the world and build more bases, stir up more hatred and violence. Whether that's right or wrong, we've come to a point where we can't afford our policing anyway! Time to rebuild America for a change.
Huckabee and Paul are quite different candidates so it hard to view how his voters would then change to a new candidate. For instance Paul doesn't talk about amending the constitution to make it more in line with his chosen religious group and ethical values. That alone has sunk Huckabee.
Here's that Huckabee quote for those that haven't heard or read it. Bad move Huckabee, but I sure hope he or Paul beat Romney and McCain!

"I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."
What is wrong with amending the Constitution?

I believe he was making reference to amending the Constitution so the gay marriage is forbidden. Bush supported that same thing, and got elected twice. Why is that a bad move?
constitution shouldnt be expanded to jump into state marriages. it would create an expansion of the federal government further more it would corrupt the original intent of the constitution and bill of rights which was to provide an outline for form of government and limit it from restricting freedom of people under it.

gay marriage ban should be done at state level.

whats next amend the constitution and remove the 2nd amendment?
Huckabee and Paul are quite different candidates so it hard to view how his voters would then change to a new candidate.

Very much agreed. However, considering the other two Republican frontrunners, it would be much easier for me to see myself pull for Ron Paul (if Huckabee was out) rather than Romney or McCain.
you Ron Paul folks are going to stay with the sinking boat as long as you can.

Not sure if that was directed at me or the topic of this thread, but if it was, then you have missed my point. I am going to START supporting him when he is the only viable candidate left...for now I am supporting Huckabee.

If you weren't referring to me, oops sorry :D
Nope Hucabee is my first choice, I guess I would have to go with McCain then. I just think Ron Paul view of forign policy is a little oversimplistic.

But just to broaden my view, has Ron Paul ever stated or had any leanings as to who would be his Sec. of State?
Neither Huckabee nor Paul are "viable" candidates. Huckabee will stay in as long as he can to hurt Romney. Then he'll throw his support to McCain. Paul is out of it and has been, he just doesn't seem to know it yet. The way it's shaping up is McCain will most likely win the nomination. Between the two I'd much rather see Romney get it than McCain but I don't see it happening. I'd rather see McCain in the Whitehouse than Hillary or Obama but to tell the truth there's really not much difference. The opinions expressed are my own but just wait and see.
Nope Hucabee is my first choice, I guess I would have to go with McCain then. I just think Ron Paul view of forign policy is a little oversimplistic.

But just to broaden my view, has Ron Paul ever stated or had any leanings as to who would be his Sec. of State?

how much have you read on Ron Pauls views and plans for Foreign Policy?
what books or documents have you read?
I would not vote for Huckabee to begin with. All I need to do is look at places like the middle east to know I do not want my religous leaders and my political leaders to be the same people.
I would not vote for Huckabee to begin with. All I need to do is look at places like the middle east to know I do not want my religous leaders and my political leaders to be the same people.

I couldn't have said it better, PBP. Thanks for saying what has been gnawing at me about Huckabee.
Thanks for saying what has been gnawing at me about Huckabee.
My pleasure. :D

I am okay with someone being religious and I am even okay with someone being a politician...but I am seldom okay with religious politicians. :)
I am okay with someone being religious and I am even okay with someone being a politician...but I am seldom okay with religious politicians.

Thats funny, cause last I checked it was a bunch of kooky religious politicians that started this nation.
Thats funny, cause last I checked it was a bunch of kooky religious politicians that started this nation.
Actually it was a bunch of reformists who often wrote in private papers of there religious doubts and recognized the need for religion to stay out of politics.

Just for the record, in the days of the founders, everyone claimed religion, even though it was common to find private writings that stated otherwise. It was something that was expected and you could not really stray from it without losing power.

Even great poets and artist often make statements to the like of how they were compelled by society to write works of god and his wonders even though they follow no such path behind closed doors. It was simply what the primitive society demanded at the time. To fail to take that into account and put the realities of the time into context are, at best, intellectually neglegent.

In more modern times it is not hard to see the founders following completely different public paths if such paths were available.
Thats funny, cause last I checked it was a bunch of kooky religious politicians that started this nation.

Actually, many of the people that were responsible for founding the US were simply NON-RELIGOUS; Thomas Jefferson being only one example. He wrote "I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition [Christianity] one redeeming feature. They are all alike, founded upon fables and mythologies". This was the primary reason they argued AGAINST a state religion, and FOR individual religous freedom.
To the meat of the question, I don't really see ANY of the remaining Republican candidates offering any sort of an attractive choice, either because they have a confirmed anti-2nd mentality, or because they carry a bunch of other assorted anti-freedom baggage.