If Hillary Wins.


New member
OK, Look in your crystal balls, and take a glimpse into the future, and give a prediction on what you expect to happen if Hillary wins the Presidential Election. Its not too far fetched to think there will be several pick ups for the democrats in the House and Senate as well. If she wins and has majority backing from Congress what do you see as her agenda on gun control? What will she propose? What will she get? And do you see very many democrats in the Congress opposing her gun control efforts?
Assault weapon ban re-enacted.

More gun free zones created.

High [very high] taxes on ammo aren't too far-fetched.
"Anti-terrorism" gun control measures such as banning .50BMG rifles, ending private transfers at all gun shows...basically look for us to become a great deal more like California.
Its not too far fetched to think there will be several pick ups for the democrats in the House and Senate as well.
Very...delicately put :) I'd call it highly likely.
And do you see very many democrats in the Congress opposing her gun control efforts?
Not very many, but some. I don't think the majority will spend too much time banging their heads against the fillibuster wall when there's so many other issues to be screwed up.
Hillary, and her congressional allies like Shumer, will point the entire country in the direction taken by NYC, Kalifornia, and Chicago. There may be enough moderate Democrats and the Republicans to stall any significant anti-gun measures, but that's doubtful.
'assault weapon' ban plus
- take away the guns

'fairness doctrine' which will essentially kill talk radio
- silence the opposition

end of bush tax cut plus additional new taxes

universal health care paid for on the backs of working people
Confiscate all our guns, switch from capitalism to communism, raise taxes to 75% so she can provide healthcare and welfare to illegal aliens, put all christians in concentration camps... :rolleyes:

Seriously? She will have almost infinite power thanks to Bush. I really don't understand why you conservatives are so worried about Hillary. I'm fairly confident that having Hillary as president would be a step in the right direction.

Here's why:

I would list all the powers that Bush has given himself but I don't feel like arguing with his brainwashed followers today. I'll just recommend a few books that describe what he has done...


People who really want to understand how much power Hillary will have when she is elected should read those. It is a bit scary. I hope she uses them for good and not evil...

If Hillary wins she will be a centrist, or a bit left of center, and a pragmatist - the way she has lived her life, political and otherwise.

However, it won't make any difference to many here - as she will be as excoriated by the far-right as George Bush is by the far-left, and the mature discourse and accepting of compromise - upon which the country was founded - won't be there on either end of the spectrum.

As far as gun-control: it will not be a major item on her agenda, as it would not for most pragmatists - though she may try to increase Federal oversight of illegal traffic - (good -as that has nothing to do with 2nd A.).

For the vast majority of the population that is not rabid leftist, or rabid rightist, she will likely be considered either pretty good with a plurality of issues, while lacking in some - or considered not especially effective for some issues, while adept at a smaller number.

Nothing she does will be liked by the extreme rt wing, and she will be followed by another centrist, slightly to the right, and whoever that is will be immensely unpopular with the far-lft.
Population explosion in this country, and I'm gonna help. I'm 51 years old and been tied off for years, but I'm gonna untie it, find me an 18 year old chick, (if the wife will let me) and start breeding again. At $5000 per kid, I figger I can build up my collection pretty fast that way. Might even become a mormon to help out even more.:D:D:D
Not even so much as an "Oops, I'm sorry" from the NRA. I seriously hope something gets them off their butt, and I hope it doesn't have to be this.
It will be the real beginning of the disintegration of the once great US of A. We will all see more clearly and be forced to make the big decisions we've been putting off. The phrase "break-away Republic" will echo in a previously unlikely place: here.
Similar to Bill but with a different facial expression, more of a puzzled frown, not so much of a daft smile.

She'll bring in so many known and suspected criminals that her administration will be under constant investigation. Old cronies will be pitched overboard without a glance. They'll go to prison but refuse to testify. Hillary will never get busted for anything.

Whenever she does something that the MSM would have pounded on W for doing, the same MSM will praise her. Expect multiple quagmires of the Haiti/Somalia/Bosnia type.

If anything big happens (e.g. nuclear detonation in Manhattan), she'll cry or something and send Jimmy Carter somewhere to talk to somebody.

Probably no sex scandal or if there is it'll be even more pathetic than Bill's.

Various Hillary confidants will be found dead under mysterious circumstances and with odd forensic details, but it won't be in anybody's electoral interest to pursue these matters.

She'll defer to the UN on almost all matters of international relations even though the UN is controlled by unsavory dictators and other entities that hate America and regard us as a rival.

She may get as lucky as Bill did with no serious foreign threats and a thriving economy. If so, she'll get a second term and another chance to try her luck. If not, then she'll bungle it and be replaced after four years.
not too bad on 2A issues

If Hillary is elected (God forbid), it will be a disaster for the country in all kinds of ways--LightningBob has it about right--but on 2A issues, I'm not TOO worried. She'll still need the Congress to pass any legislation, and a lot of Democrats, especially from Western states, only got elected because they took pro-gun positions. That isn't likely to change. Google "pro-gun Democrats" and you'll get a surprising number of hits. Here are a couple:


If Hillary is elected, there is a significant probability that there will be an economic downturn that blackens here term, precludes her re-election, and nearly assures a Republican successor. Nothing motivates American voters more than the economy.

An anti-gun stance is not a net vote-getter on the national stage and that is where Hillary is focused. On 2A issues, Hillary will not push anti-gun initiatives, but will also not raise a finger to stop them. Without the possibility of a veto, RKBA action will be in Congress.
I think the most profound 2A related issue with her presidency would be that due to her socialistic policies resulting in economic implosion and resulting massively increased crime, along with the typical Dem softness on criminals...you're going to NEED those guns. To defend yourselves.
I know this don't sound good , But I kinda hope she wins!

A. She will bring out the liberal wacks and start the revilution.

B. She will wake up what is left of the Conservitist maybe make them vote.

C. She will cause a tax revolt when people have to shell out 1/2 there check to cover the medical for the people making $80,000 !

D. I prodict she will be sent out on the same train she came in with her carpet bag!

How to hell is she a Rep of N.Y.???????????:o
Would her administration be worse than the current adminstration? I don't think so.

Would it be better? No.

One thing I know for certain: If she is elected, that means the Executive Branch will have been in control of the same two families for TWENTY-FOUR YEARS.

This isn't a monarchy. We aren't supposed to have a royal family. There's something inherently disgusting about these ruling families staying in power.

There are three hundred MILLION Americans that don't have Clinton or Bush as a surname. Choose one of them.

I don't care what Hillary's last name is. I don't care that she's a woman. I don't even care that she's a Democrat.

What I care about is that she's as ruthless as Stalin, as crooked as a dog's hind leg, and a committed Marxist.

Some politicians are in it for the money. Some are in it for power. Bill was pretty much in it for the women. Hillary is the worst of all--she's a True Believer and she has an Agenda that she is certain is the Only Right Path. I'd rather have a panderer like Edwards or a naïve idealist like Obama than someone who has All The Right Answers and believes that anything--absolutely anything--is justified in her mission to apply them.

If Hillary has a weakness, it's her total arrogance. It will bring her down sooner or later, hopefully before the election, but if she is elected, for sure after. She won't have a second term, and her high-handed grabs for power will put the Republicans back in in '10 and '12. Wait and see.
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What does it say about the Democratic party that the two apparent front-runners for their nomination are Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama? How could this be? Are they running for President of Canada? Do they just not care? Do these two really seem plausible to Dems?