If Brady Wins,this could be you.

It's for public safety, but who is this non-individualized public? Has anyone ever seen or been identified as a member of the public? It's not the police, it's not the criminals, it's not you or I, so who is it?
Thing is, we have the 2A, England/Australia didn't. Much easier for their .gov to confiscate their firearms than ours.

Or am I wrong on that point?

It wasn't that long ago when every State followed the federal law that made it illegal for the govt. to demand that firearms and their owners be "registered", or to keep a data base of gun owners. How many states now require gun owners to register their firearms? That is where it all begins. Registration invaritably leads to confiscation. Register them State by State, and then when the Feds led by a congress of anti-gun Libs pass a law requiring that all firearms be registered, all they need to assure compliance is to order the States to hand over their registry lists and Voila!
Next come the registered letters to your door with a list of your guns and their serial numbers, and the words "hand them in now".

Get involved in your state legislature. Make it known to the anti-gun politicians that you WILL vote them out. Then make sure you contact everyone you know and vote them out! Politicians fear one thing and one thing only, and that is their loss of power. Let them know that you will take that away from them in the voting booths. Let's hope that the SCOTUS does the right thing, then make sure the politicians in your State know that you mean business when it comes to your rights.

Aren't the guns we own basically "registered" when we fill out the application to purchase them ?

I mean that information must be saved on file somewhere and entered into a database ... no?

Firearm brand , serial number , model ... etc etc.

It seems to me that if a confiscation occurred , they already know which guns you own.

BTW ... the video accompanying this thread made me sick to my stomach ... could that actually happen here ? :eek:
Aren't the guns we own basically "registered" when we fill out the application to purchase them ?

I mean that information must be saved on file somewhere and entered into a database ... no?

Could you explain Thumper ... I'm being sincere.

I mean , every time I purchase a firearm I fill out the lengthy form , full of personal info, as well as the precise info of what firearm I purchased ... and I assume they do not simply throw these out ... so there is a record , no ?

Please explain to me, what am I missing ?
The form 4473s you fill out are kept at the gunstore. The information isn't submitted anywhere to anyone.

The ATF CAN request this information, but only in pursuit of a valid criminal investigation.

If your gunstore loses it's FFL or goes out of business, it has to turn over it's "bound logbook" to the ATF.

thats when he has a flood and the records get blured.
Thumper:only since 1968.there are many guns that are not registered and a lot of 22 rifles that dont have serial no.many states allow private sales with out paper work.and there are goodies out there that the gov only suspects or dont know of.also its not hard to make a subgun.a lath and mill will make a gun as good as the factory.look at the sten.this contry is unlike any other except Parkistan.where they make guns from railroad track.a good material by the way.most countries the people obey the authorities and give up their guns when asked.england/canada/and ausies come to mind.except canada is reluctent,must be the air we send north.:rolleyes:---:rolleyes:
Well, I aint budgin one damn inch, Even if Hillary or Obama comes a knockin on my door. Alot of red blooded Americans would Indeed give their lives for their guns. I served , Im keeping them damnit.!!
the day the world comes to an end, and they come knocking on my door to get my guns, they are going to have to fight for them. there is no way i will simpy "hand over" or "turn in" my firearms...i would rather die.