If Brady Wins,this could be you.

The thing about that video that makes my skin crawl is that it looks like a scary what-if fictional NRA promo piece, but it's real. This actually happened. Many believe that the gun-grabbers could/would never actually grab the guns, but it can happen, did happen, don't let it happen here! Heed their warnings! Don't underestimate the fanatical resolve of our opponents and the lengths that they are determined to go! Never say, "It couldn't happen here!"
That is an outrage! That is an outright nightmare! That is BS! Banning guns would reduce violent crimes in the country? That is the most misjudged thesis in history ever! Just like they say, thugs get their guns elsewhere and that leaves the citizens defenseless. I still can't believe at this day of age politicians can be that ignorant! It pisses me off! And look at those guns go! :mad:
This advice is not being heeded. It's sad really. We watched this overseas and still gun owners squabble and don't join the NRA or some other organization and make it a powerhouse.

If we don't rally to the cause another AWB is coming. This time it will be permanent. The prohibitionists learned that lesson.
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A note on licensing.

I'm in Ireland and applied for a licence for a .22 in mid-November.

Still no word, and no sign of word. So here I am seething in impotent rage going on internet forums pretending I'm a shooter.

It's a pain in the you know what. The whole point is to make it unattractive and awkward to take up shooting, so that people don't.

It's what awaits you if you let things slide.
That is how it will look here, gunowners will march down to the confiscation office and turn in their firearms, like good law abiding citizens.

The LEO's who now claim they are pro gun will be serving warrants and kicking in the doors of any(formerly legal owners) who resist.

This country is to far gone to hope for any kind of meaningful resistance anyway.

The way will be paved for a complete takeover by the European style socialists.

The North American Union probably won't be to far behind.

Just look at our current election cycle we are rapidly approaching having the choice between the liberal pro big government, pro amnesty, anti-gun rights candidate and Hillary or Obama.

Just one pro-gun LEO checking in to let you know that I will not be serving any warrants or kicking in any doors to take your guns... I don't have a death wish, and I don't wish to take anyone else's life who is only trying to defend their right(s). This Deputy Sheriff would be finding a new line of work the day the 'go get their guns' order comes down. After I get MY guns buried somewhere that is... I mean if I hadn't sold them all by then...
shooter_john I wish all LEO's and civilian gunowners alike agreed with you, then we would not have to worry.

Violent insurrection(which all sane people want to avoid) or even covertly keeping our firearms is not necessary if all gunowners collectively and in no uncertain terms, tell the antis, 'NO we will not give up our firearms!'
KEEP up the FIGHT in the US, in Australia many just gave up,surrended there
guns to the buy back scheme, some cut them up, didn't want the hassle of
safes, registration, police inspections etc. Many didn,t even take the trouble
to get a license. Seldom hear anyone talking about guns shooting or hunting
here to-day.
You can still own firearms here but the enjoyment it bought before
Howards laws no longer exists.
I don't know if Hitlary Clinton or Osama Barrack have any idea how many red blooded Americans would give their lives for their guns. You have to remember, we are from the same genetic stock that started a war over taxes!
Thing is, we have the 2A, England/Australia didn't. Much easier for their .gov to confiscate their firearms than ours.

Or am I wrong on that point?
Thing is, we have the 2A, England/Australia didn't. Much easier for their .gov to confiscate their firearms than ours.

Or am I wrong on that point?

They have already banned machine guns, certain types of "assault" weapons, and for a while, we had a ban on all sorts of "assault weapons". A few states have laws that really impede the ability to own a fiream. In many states you need a permit to buy a handgun, and in every state, you need a permit to cary it concealed.

Our 2nd amendment rights are already restricted! They will be more restricted in the future. Every time the govt. takes away more of our gun rights, the majority of us complain on the internet and talk of buring our guns. There is pleny of talk of "from my cold dead hands" But for the most part, talk is all that it is.

Truth is, If youre not willing to fight for, and take back all of your gun rights, then the 2nd amendment is just a bunch of words written on old paper.
Thing is, we have the 2A, England/Australia didn't. Much easier for their .gov to confiscate their firearms than ours.

Exactly. Here in Luxembourg the laws are still exceptionally good for us firearms owners. But the same thing could happen here. There is no official thing like your 2nd Amendment that protects our rights. If the government decides to take away our right to own firearms, there's nothing we could do about it. Add to that the fact, that there are not as many shooters here as in the USA and no powerful organisations like the NRA... I just hope everything stays the way it is now.
Exactly. Here in Luxembourg the laws are still exceptionally good for us firearms owners. But the same thing could happen here. There is no official thing like your 2nd Amendment that protects our rights. If the government decides to take away our right to own firearms, there's nothing we could do about it. Add to that the fact, that there are not as many shooters here as in the USA and no powerful organisations like the NRA... I just hope everything stays the way it is now.

Hopefully things stay on the bright side of you. In the US, it boils down to what state you live in. Most states have some form of a concealed carry weapon system...

Why won't other countries start their own version of the NRA? Is there not enough demand for it? Our NRA has somehweres around 4 million members.. it's one of the more powerful groups in DC.
2nd ammendment

Thaks for the replies.Iam hoping ,as long as we have the 2nd ammendment,we will be ok.By the way there is a small town in Georgia that says it is aganst the law not to have a gun.My kind of town.navy