Identify a rusty old revolver

Some European grips were made of glued and compressed paper; when those deteriorate, they come apart in layers. AFAIK, that system was not used in the U.S. (Except in WWII, when phonograph records were made that way to save scarce Bakelite.)

If you have a deep freezer, coat the parts that are stuck liberally with penetrating oil, wrap well to prevent drips, and put it in the bottom back of the freezer.

The next day, pull it out, recoat with penetrating oil, and test to see if the screws have come loose.

I've had far more success over the years using cold soaking to loosen rusted in screws than I have had using heat.
Hi Guys, some further info and more pics.
[1] The grips ARE wood - it's entirely obvious from the INSIDE surfaces. The peculiar way it broke is down to the odd fact that the wood was cut with the GRAIN running almost perpendicular to the flat inner face.
[2] There are missing bits - like the rear Trigger-Guard screw, the Ejector-Rod [and its little spring-clip] and, maybe, a link-piece between the Trigger and the Hammer [for single-action....?].
[3] My attempts to remove the screws 'properly' failed - I just had to drill them out - I'm sorry!
These pictures are marginally better than the earlier ones. The revolver components were photographed one at a time, then, using Photoshop, I isolated just the parts themselves and superimposed each part, individually on the picture of the frame. For the 'Revolver Stripped' I did the same thing but left the parts close to - but separated from - the Frame. In that picture, you can see the Pawl just in front of the Recoil-Shield on the Frame. In the 'assembled' picture, the Pawl is sitting ON the Trigger [covering its upper hole] and its laid on top of the Recoil-Shield. The lack of colour-contrast makes the overlaid parts hard to see - I'm sorry!

The OP has determined that the grips ARE wood, but just
for informational purposes:

A lot of mid/late 19th century lower end guns used grips
made of Gutta Percha. Interesting stuff.:)