Ideas on fortifying drywalls against 12 guage 00 buck round overpenetration

Use rhinoliner or any bedliner. But uh. There is nothing non permanent that would make it fleffective other than tons of bookshelves. Books can be had for cheap. Bookshelves not so much.
"tons of bookshelves" Books can add up to lots of weight and considering modern construction that room is going to bend or deflect !!! It will take a lot less than you think ! :eek:
Thanks for your suggestions, folks! I will try to do something about my walls first, and use "stack-up" ammo method (in mag tube first two rounds birdshot, the rest are low-recoil buckshot; in side saddle first 5 rounds low-recoil buckshot, and last two rounds slugs).

Although, its overpenetration dangers are minimal, I do have one concern about birdshot. At the largest distance in my apt. (30 feet), its group size is 17 inches out of my shotgun!! So, although I gain some protection in terms of overpenetration, I lose in terms of the likelihood that some rounds will end up entirely missing the target no matter how good my aim is. So, if my child is in another room, I'm good to go; but if my child is in the same room and behind the BG, i'm sol, as some rounds might entirely miss the target due to enormous group size. My currently used 00 buckshot group size at that same distance is only 4.5-6.5 inches... Which leads me to think that I should probably just stick to low-recoil buckshot rounds... Why does life have to be so hard!? :)
Life is only as hard as we make it. If your neighborhood and town are so bad that this is what you seem to be so concerned about, the only thing that I see as a probable fix for your question is find somewhere else to live. If you are worried about shooting innocents and maybe even your children, then the fix is move. Yes, I know you said at the start of your post that this was not an option. Why not? Are you chained inside your apartment? Maybe it's time to stop watching video scenarios of actions that will probably never happen to you, or if you are so concerned that they will, then move.
Pick up some #4 buckshot, it will penetrate less than 00 through drywall and has a proven track record. Point men armed with shotguns in Vietnam used #4 buckshot.
They don't generally have firewalls between individual units

Drywall itself is an excellent firewall. It won't stop bullets but it won't catch on fire either. My fireman brother has claimed that sheetrock has probably saved more lives than firemen when it comes to fires.

Also, statistically speaking, unless you put a target on your back by crossing the mob or something, you are far more likely to experience an apartment fire than a home intrusion.
Life is only as hard as we make it. If your neighborhood and town are so bad that this is what you seem to be so concerned about, the only thing that I see as a probable fix for your question is find somewhere else to live. If you are worried about shooting innocents and maybe even your children, then the fix is move. Yes, I know you said at the start of your post that this was not an option. Why not? Are you chained inside your apartment? Maybe it's time to stop watching video scenarios of actions that will probably never happen to you, or if you are so concerned that they will, then move.
Good point. At the amount if upgrades the OP would need to do its much better to move
In post 15, Virginian-in-LA suggests "Kevlar tapestries." I'm wondering if there might be something there. Having read in other places, threads on the firing line and on other sites, about heavy winter coats, et cetera, being difficult for normal bullets to penetrate reliably, maybe hanging heavy winter coats on those walls would reduce the likelihood of buckshot penetrating the walls?

Or what about hanging quilts on the walls? Does it make a difference what kind of stuffing is used in the quilt, cotton or fiberfill or something else? And what about fiberglass insulation inside the wall? Has this theory been investigated and tested?

Does someone already make Kevlar tapestries? I'm guessing that $100 spent at thrift stores and yard sales could get you enough winter clothes/quilts to line a couple of walls and weigh less than a shelf of books.
Modern building? Built in the last 20ish years? Only interior walls are dry wall. You're living in a big, concrete, hollow, brick. Other than the door, buck shot will just bounce. Very likely hitting you or yours.
For what it would cost to have Kevlar tapestries that are thick enough, you could buy a house. Ditto for Lexan sheets. Paid $50Cdn, long ago, for a piece that was 2 x 2 feet and 1/4" thick.
Forget winter clothes/quilts too. They won't stop squat. Books will become confetti too. Unless stacked several thick and sideways.
"...much better to move..." Yep. To Oz.
Although you may not be able to afford to do the whole apartment. You could cover the likely shooting areas.
Could use Ballistic Fiberglass panels. Just build a wall on a wall that you could dissemble when you move.

Some of this stuff is Lev 3A guys are buying it cutting it to size and using as ballistic plates in vests.

Worth a look if your worried.
I've seen some videos of how to make home-made ballistic glass which should be adequate for small caliber handgun or buckshot. May not stop buckshot, but would certainly bleed a lot of energy off of it.

In essence, it's a layer of glass, an adhesive, and layers of clear acrylic and poly carbonate.

You could probably improve the design. Once perfected, build a large sheet or sheets to put on the walls you want to fortify. Don't even need to attach it to the wall, just wedge it behind heavy furniture like a book case for added protection.
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Odd question.;) I had some dope slingers living in the apartment behind me for a short time in the late 80's. I never thought about it, but now , thinking back, I should have stacked a couple layers of cinder blocks on the wall dividing our apartments. Hindsight is always 20/20.
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Modern building? Built in the last 20ish years? Only interior walls are dry wall. You're living in a big, concrete, hollow, brick. Other than the door, buck shot will just bounce. Very likely hitting you or yours.
I can see your knowledge of residential construction is equal to your knowledge of firearms and hunting
Well, you could go with the "deployed look" and line the walls with sandbags. Hesco barriers would be a pain to get moved into place but sandbags are mobile enough to work. :D
Not to mention, your deployment should be 'forward'.

Sandbags, razor wire, and a checkpoint down the hallway is a much better idea. Fight to the last neighbor, as it were.
Frangible Buckshot or slugs

There are several new kinds of frangible shotgun rounds available now. And in varying sizes of buckshot (diameter/total number of pellets) that allow you to maintain grouping size. Basically the balls are designed to break-up or disintegrate upon impact with something of a certain hardness, so in clothing/flesh you still get penetration but with walls, not so much.

Also, here's a link to website that has conducted many tests on penetration of various rounds through sheetrock. There are several sections on shotguns and in some cases a traditional shotgun round will penetrate 12 layers of sheetrock!