Ideas for a backup gun

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Since the OP has a interest in the Pocket gun, Here is one of many tips.

If you find yourself in an incident where you NEED a backup gun, you are in a world of hurt. Thus reliability and ease of use are paramount. The small 5- shot .38's snubs endure because they fill those parameters well. In addition they are easy to carry. They are not easy to shoot well at any sort of distance.
I'd lean towards stainless or an alloy, as backups get carried in sweaty places.

I've not worked with an ankle holster but have heard many negative comments. I was surprised to hear a name trainer comment positively on them, but I'm not going to try it. I'd suggest that a backup needs to be accessible to either hand. Force on force training and real world shooting analysis seems to indicate that a percentage of wounds occur to the gun/gun hand. Having a second gun available to the off hand seems a good idea.
1. You are armed with main and backup guns.
2. You get in a shooting scrape. BUG not needed.
3. It will be investigated and your main gun confiscated as evidence.

Q. If you are not charged, will you get your BUG back promptly or will it join your main gun in the evidence locker for an indefinite stay?
Too much focus on the chart. I posted it just as a base for what I believe is a realistic attack, .

"Too much focus" on the chart you posted.
So, two aggressors is not realistic.
Stop interpreting the chart that way, its not realistic. LOL.

I flutily suggest that if one ever "ups" their carry based on where they are going, whatever they "up" it to is what they should strive to carry anyway.

If one is comfortable with a 5 shot snub in GoodAreaVille they should feel confident with it wherever; if they don't rationalizations & perceived psychic ability in use.
I flutily suggest that if one ever "ups" their carry based on where they are going, whatever they "up" it to is what they should strive to carry anyway.

You're not wrong.

The only thing I would add is it if you feel the need to up your carry you shouldn't go in the first place.
I just wish I had the Magic 8 Ball that some seem to have, so I could know what gun and how many rounds Ill need during the day, or any encounter I might run into, so I can make sure to bring the right one and enough ammo. Must be nice. :rolleyes:

Your gun is no different than your wallet, watch, knife, flashlight, lighter, etc, that you carry every day. If you're going to carry a gun every day, why not carry the gun and its accessories, that offer you the best chance to succeed should you need it?

You arent the one who gets to pick the time, place, or situation, so you get to run what you brung. Hope its enough, and hope you're well versed with it. ;)

Back ups and spares are always good too, and all sorts of reasons to have one along. :)
I have never been in a gun fight among the general public. I doubt many here have. As such when we discuss these thing's we speak of what we think might happen, not what actually may happen. I think in the vast majority of case's when the good guy's gun come's out the bad guy is looking for cover or to leave. He did not come into that situation hoping to be shot. Take a shot and my bet is his first reaction is duck! Second is get the hell out. Most bad guys actually don't go in with a gun looking for a gun fight, they go in with a gun to intimidate the victims! The good guy with the gun seems to think he's ready for a gun fight but I assure you he doesn't want shot anymore than the bad guy. There is only one way to know what will happen in a gun fight and what will happen may change with the next gun fight. I believe the best way to come out on top is the look for a way out before you commit to shooting! You may not save anyone else there that way, but at the same time everyone else also has the option of carrying a gun, I am not their protector! being in a gun fight may sound cool to many people but what ever the out come, it can be very final for one or both the fighter's. Live to fight another day! Bad guy's with gun's would give intimidation with a gun more though if they knew everyone there might have a gun!
I have never been in a gun fight among the general public. I doubt many here have. As such when we discuss these thing's we speak of what we think might happen, not what actually may happen. I think in the vast majority of case's when the good guy's gun come's out the bad guy is looking for cover or to leave. He did not come into that situation hoping to be shot. Take a shot and my bet is his first reaction is duck! Second is get the hell out. Most bad guys actually don't go in with a gun looking for a gun fight, they go in with a gun to intimidate the victims! The good guy with the gun seems to think he's ready for a gun fight but I assure you he doesn't want shot anymore than the bad guy. There is only one way to know what will happen in a gun fight and what will happen may change with the next gun fight. I believe the best way to come out on top is the look for a way out before you commit to shooting! You may not save anyone else there that way, but at the same time everyone else also has the option of carrying a gun, I am not their protector! being in a gun fight may sound cool to many people but what ever the out come, it can be very final for one or both the fighter's. Live to fight another day! Bad guy's with gun's would give intimidation with a gun more though if they knew everyone there might have a gun!
The best way to look at it. Are you going to live another day.
The only thing I would add is it if you feel the need to up your carry you shouldn't go in the first place.


Dude, seriously? :confused:

That sort of premise is what causes folks to self-censor their movements in public areas (which by definition should be safe anyway, like parks or shopping malls) and self-limits their freedom to travel about their business as they wish.

So exactly the opposite is true.

As your comings & goings into certain areas might increase the risk of assaultive threats, ... yeah, you might need to "up your carry" with a second gun or multiple reloads.

The main point is: if you do choose to "up your carry" loadout, just be sure you've trained and practiced with it.

The focus isn't avoidance. It's preparation.
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Dude, seriously? :confused:

Yes dude seriously.

It's Always. Every. Single. Time. better to avoid a criminal confrontation than it is to win one.

Daniel-San best way avoid punch, no be there.

That sort of premise is what causes folks to self-censor their movements in public areas (which by definition should be safe anyway, like parks or shopping malls) and self-limits their freedom to travel about their business as they wish.

Public spaces should be safe and generally they are but that's not what we're talking about is it? We're talking about going somewhere that there's enough expectation of trouble that you feel the need to carry a bigger gun or more ammunition than the norm.

If you're that concerned why in the hell would you go in the first place?

I've been involved (I was ducking not shooting) in three shooting incidents. Every single one of them if I had known beforehand I'd have gone somewhere else.
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"Too much focus" on the chart you posted.
So, two aggressors is not realistic.
Stop interpreting the chart that way, its not realistic. LOL.

I flutily suggest that if one ever "ups" their carry based on where they are going, whatever they "up" it to is what they should strive to carry anyway.

If one is comfortable with a 5 shot snub in GoodAreaVille they should feel confident with it wherever; if they don't rationalizations & perceived psychic ability in use.

You mock The Chart but it is very realistic and when I said look beyond the chart for practical defense shooting you missed the point.
It says quite a bit about of info in the real world. How fast a attacker can travel at you, would mean training to draw fast and be focused. Regardless of if he has a weapon, or a knife etc.
Low light conditions would mean Situational Awareness especially at night, etc.
Lol, if it gets to the point that the world is your realistic world where every where I go I will need to carry like a cop with a large duty gun, back up and extra magazine etc. I will just stay home every day. How about you show us the real every day Statistics that show why every one should carry like you do with your fire power. I am just asking.
Ok, if people want to carry a 5 shot Snubbie in "Goodville" is fine, then why even Go to Badville"? Why not just stay out? I mean, I usually do not head off to the Hood on a Saturday night looking for a good time. And where I live, I have yet in decades ever seen shooting where someone defending themselves had even shot their firearm more than a few times at the most, and that is rare. Never seen where anyone had a shootout with more than one aggressor. (Possibly in the hood). (And by the way, those that train with a snubbie do so at multiple targets as well) Should every EDC also wear a Vest? By you logic they should. Sorry, but I not buy into all the "What ifs", that would be enough to drive a person insane.

Situational awareness, avoiding confrontations might actually trump carrying any firearm.
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You mock The Chart but it is very realistic and when I said look beyond the chart for practical defense shooting you missed the point.

I'm not mocking the chart, I think you use the chart to justify what you carry.
I took the chart and entertained the realistic possibility of two attackers using the data, which showed the value of increased capacity.

I get the point alright.
Any benefit to me carrying a Shield/Glock 43/LCP/38 snub (lesser capacity guns I own) rather than a Glock 19/23 as a primary? No.
Any data that says I'd be better off carrying a lower capacity primary gun? LOL.
Is a Glock 43 or Kahr PM9 acceptable as a 2nd option (back-up)? yes it is.
I get the point, I just don't subscribe to the point you are trying to make. ;)
Things like those charts, the "rule of threes", etc, that are often thrown around and usually by those who choose the smaller guns and feel they have to justify why they carry it.

Hey, carry what you want, but the reality is, no matter where you are or might go, you have absolutely no idea as to what you might get, and you're going to have to deal with it as best you can with what you have.

Hopefully, its enough, and you're as good as you say with it in that sort of shooting environment. Having the gun is one thing, being realistically capable of deploying and using it without thought, is often something else.

Youre just hoping if something does go south, its going to fall into one of those "statistical" groups on a chart, and/or one of the narrow scenarios you always win in your mind.

If you're the least bit serious about this, I would think you would choose the gun that you shoot the best with and shoot the most in regular practice with, and from how you carry it (not just standing there, squeezing off the basics at bullseye or can). And then carry it every day.

Unless of course, you have one of those Magic 8 Balls. :)

Even then, my guess is you'll still choose the wrong gun. ;)

My newest backup is the Walther P22. It's only got 10 shots of ammo but if that's not enough I'd better be running in the other direction.

My primary is a S&W EZ 9. I can live with 8 shots. I carry extra mags with it.
There is a 7-11 in my town that is on the corner that is ground zero of the worst neighborhood in town. When there's a drive by there no one is surprised. When the store gets robbed, no one is surprised. When a couple of bangers start shooting at each other at the gas pumps no one is surprised. Every time the place makes the news and they do a story about it on Fakebeast about half of the posters who respond say the same thing "When I go to THAT 7-11 I make sure I'm carrying a gun. The point I was trying to make earlier is "If that particular 7-11 is so bad you make a specific point of being armed BECAUSE you're going there maybe you need to go to a different 7-11.

I have three guns in my "carry rotation" a Glock 43, 26 & a 19. I carry the biggest of the three that I can effectively conceal based on how I'm dressed. Regardless of where I'm going. I always carry a reload because the magazine is the weak link. I've heard too many people talk about banging against the door getting out of their car and having the magazine disassemble itself or hitting the magazine release by mistake and losing the magazine to think it couldn't happen to me.

As I said earlier though I really think the odds are enough in my favor not to bother with a backup.
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There is a 7-11 in my town that is on the corner that is ground zero of the worst neighborhood in town. When there's a drive by there no one is surprised. When the store gets robbed, no one is surprised. When a couple of bangers start shooting at each other at the gas pumps no one is surprised. Every time the place makes the news and they do a story about it on Fakebeast about half of the posters who respond say the same thing "When I go to THAT 7-11 I make sure I'm carrying a gun. The point I was trying to make earlier is "If that particular 7-11 is so bad you make a specific point of being armed BECAUSE you're going there maybe you need to go to a different 7-11.

I have three guns in my "carry rotation" a Glock 43, 26 & a 19. I carry the biggest of the three that I can effectively conceal based on how I'm dressed. Regardless of where I'm going. I always carry a reload because the magazine is the weak link. I've heard too many people talk about banging against the door getting out of their car and having the magazine disassemble itself or hitting the magazine release by mistake and losing the magazine to think it couldn't happen to me.

As I said earlier though I really think the odds are enough in my favor not to bother with a backup.
Good Point, and when you do go to the good 7/11, use situational awareness. Look inside, who is standing outside etc. At night going to a 7/11 is yet another time to be on guard and alert. Are there people just sitting in a car next to you etc. Use your instincts. Trust your instincts. Listen to them. If they give off a vibe or warning learn the discipline to obey them.

"Instincts are not some weird mystical power that are only found in the animal kingdom.

Gut instincts are defined as: an innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli.

We are born with instincts to help us survive. As much as we may pretend we are not, we are very much animals; why do we try to deny this??

5 Gut Instincts You Don’t Want to Ignore
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