Idaho: fun stuff to do?

Northern Idaho Panhandle.Much normality remains there, and few Pyrophobes! Where shooting, hunting, fishing and most all outdoor sports are staples.

No argument here. I used to live in Moab and it was five minutes in either direction to BLM lands to shoot; Legally and Safely.

Idaho's lands are mostly forest too, whereas Utah had millions of acres of sand to shoot in.:D
FrankenMauser, the guy that had the pig hunt in Twin Falls also ran a tourist cave of some kind. I dont remember the name of it.

We hunted pigs there about 15 years ago and a friend went back the next year and got a sheep. I think he had Fallow deer too
If you want access to public land, go to NV - 85% of the state; you can get into some areas where you will not see another person for days or weeks at a time.