I'd like an anti to answer

NGIB said:
Since the courts have ruled that the police are under no legal obligation to protect us, what would an anti say to our argument that we need a gun to protect ourselves?

Progressive elitists fully understand the defensive utility of a firearm. That is precisely why they don't want common citizens to "keep and bear" them.

Pelosi, Schumer and the like, don't give a fuzzy rodent's posterior for intellectual discourse about firearms. They are interested in political power, and armed commoners are unwilling to yield it.
Just because you choose not to carry kitty litter for a freak snowstorm, or wear a seatbelt, or needle and thread for an emergency suture, or even a gun, does not mean that you should make it illegal for me to do so.

I am not going to be the one you need to worry about. The one you need to worry about is the one who will own a gun whether it is illegal or not, which pretty much makes gun control useless as a crime control measure.
I always carry. Always. My wife says I am paranoid. I say just because I am paranoid doesn't mean they aren't really after me. :) Seriously I think the antis just blindly follow the media and, buy the drivel put out by the left. Lose our second amendment rights, the others will surely follow
Ask your wife whether it's paranoid to carry a cellphone on long car trips, or to have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, or a first-aid kit in the cupboard.
This is an interesting thread and begs a question: is there any web site anywhere where issues of "gun control" and gun ownership are discussed in anything approaching a civil manner? It seems that positions on this issue, like abortion, have become so polarized that there is no room for a middle ground or civil discourse.
I'm a reader of the Gateworld.net forum, for "Stargate" fans, and there's a thread there in the off-topic section on gun control.

In it, I've discovered that trying to reason with anti-gun Brits is like trying to catch a greased pig. The moment you get anywhere close to breaking through their anti-gun, anti-self-defense mindset they deliberately miss the point or slip away to some other subject.

For example, I asked someone whether they kept Band-Aids at home in case they cut themselves while slicing onions in the kitchen, and his comeback had something to do with the idea of having to defend himself against a kitchen knife that took on a life of its own and started attacking him.

Upon pointing out that certain parts of Manchester have three times the murder rate of the most deadly city in the US, they said "oh, that's only a few square blocks," coming dangerously close to but still failing to realize that comparing the entire UK to the entire US in various crime statistics simply doesn't work.

It gets tedious after a while, and loses its entertainment value.