Icky Deer Bones?

I thought the back-straps in the deer were the tenderloins. Too lazy to pull out the reference books on meat cutting...
I usually give the bones to the dogs. We have extra room in the freezer and store the bones there. The dogs will follow me up to the pump house where the freezers are located and will each get a bone and then disappear for awhile.
A lot of the taste in wild animals depends on what they are eating. This year the farmers around me planted beans, so the meat will be a little more gamy and a little less fat on them.
Years when they plant corn, the deer are heavier, more fat on them and the meat seems to taste better.
Also, when we have a bumper crop of acorns, the meat seems a little more gamy. But it is still good.
I think there's some crossover in what's considered tenderloin and backstrap. I know for a fact that what I saw on that program was the backstrap as it connected an entire rack of ribs. No way was that the inner loin or what I typically refer and hear referred to as the tenderloin.

I was wrong. The backstrap is correct for rack of x.
Very good question, Brent. I never really thought about it, just did what everybody else did and boned it out.

Years ago a buddy told me about this: Take the whole hind-quarter, put on oil and a dry rub, slit and put in garlic, cook in a smoker to 140*-160*, about 4 hrs. (I like mine pink, more towards 140). Slice across the grain about 3/8" thick. You'll be walkin' in tall cotton.