I won a Taurus Judge in a raffle


New member
Don't know the exact model yet. Not sure what to do with it (I haven't picked it up from the gun shop yet.) Maybe sell it and get something else? Or keep it as a novelty?

I reload .45 Colt already. Do these things have any accuracy with cast bullets?
They are actually fun guns. I owned one and sold it and regret it. Certainly understand what it is and for the most part its a fun range gun, but I have used it for camping/hiking gun and it worked well. Pretty versatile with the number of .410 offerings out there now. I'm thinking about getting another one or the Governor.

overall this gun was for fun at the range and it served that function in spades. Wish I had not parted ways with it.
Haven't done to much accuracy testing with the 45 colt on ours but my dad can hit a coffee can at about 7 yards with it. He mainly user his for gophers and I've killed a couple snakes with it. With the .410 offerings for them now I wouldn't mind just keeping it around for some home defense or some random pest elimination

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My Judge Public Defender Poly is surprisingly accurate with 45 Colt. Even more surprising is that it doesn't seem to make much difference between jacketed, or lead bullets.
Federal's Premium Personal Defense 410 in 000 buck also works quite well with a pattern of about a 3" spread for the 4 .355 caliber projectiles @ 10 yards.
With smaller shot, like 7 1/2, the pattern @ 10' is plenty dense to eliminate any threat from a venomous slithery creature.
This is all from the PD Poly's 2" barrel, and the shorter 2 1/2" 410 it is chambered for.
As for uses, other than just being unique and a lot of fun, my Poly rides along side the driver seat in my truck loaded withfirst two up the Federal buckshot followed by 3 Winchester PDX1 225gr. HP 45 Colt rounds.
It also accompanies me while picking wild blackberrier, or morel mushrooms in Spring, and Fall loaded with #71/2 shot.
If you were me, you would immediately, on the spot, trade into something else to your liking. Don't even take possession of it because that will render it USED, and it will automatically be worth less than brand-new, from the dealer. Why would anyone buy it from you when they can get it from the dealer? Answer: Because you are offering a compelling discount. So trade it at the dealer for something you like better, even if they have to order it for you, unless the dealer is uncooperative with a fair deal.
Had a 6" T.J. Didn't reload at the time and found $40+ for a 50 round box of .45 Colt too expensive. The little .410 shot shells were fun to shoot but sometimes the hulls expanded and they were difficult to remove from the chamber.

I didn't have any real use for the novel revolver. I ended up selling it and purchasing a Ruger .44 Redhawk.
Why would anyone buy it from you when they can get it from the dealer? Answer: Because you are offering a compelling discount. So trade it at the dealer for something you like better,
Obviously spoken by someone who has never "traded" a gun with a dealer!
Whst they will give on trade is going to probably be less than you could sell it for outright.
I'd probably keep it, at least for a while. Why not? I've never shot one and might like it. If I didn't, then I'd sell or trade it.
What was second prize? Two of them?

Seriously, shoot it. It's a free gun. You will like it or not, and you'll be able to share first-hand impressions. If you don't like it, someone will buy it from you for a price that is more than you paid for it.
What was second prize? Two of them?

Seriously, shoot it. It's a free gun. You will like it or not, and you'll be able to share first-hand impressions. If you don't like it, someone will buy it from you for a price that is more than you paid for it.

There were 15 or 20 assorted guns, a few $500 cash prizes, and a $250 dollar cash prize or two. 25 prizes total in no particular order. A friend of mine won a Henry Golden Boy.

"Hey, free gun!" is what I've about decided on. :)
Keep it and take it to the range!

They're a ton of fun. Ammo is a little pricey but a really fun gun.

We had one of those offered as a raffle prize at my club a couple of years ago.

Dumbest revolver ever designed, in my humble opinion, so I did not take a chance on it.

If I were you, I would trade it on something I really wanted.
First prize in the raffle: A Taurus Judge.
Second prize in the raffle: Two Taurus Judges.

Seriously, unless you've always had an unfulfilled desire for a Judge, see if the dealer will take it on trade on something you want. Personally I'd much rather have a conventional 45 Colt revolver.

When I worked at a gun shop I learned that the guns that get sold at a discount to clubs for raffles are the guns that the shop couldn't sell otherwise.
I've had an unfulfilled curiosity about the Judge, not really a desire for one. The "Taurus" part turns me off more than the Judge part, but they are both negatives. (one of the prizes was a Taurus 1911, I'd be really conflicted it I'd won that one)

I'd kind of like a 3" or 4" barrel 5-shot DA revolver. Not sure if anyone even makes a .45 bulldog. I already reload .45 Colt and cast my own bullets for it, so the ammo costs like a .22 but is more plentiful ;)

I should call the dealer; see which model it is (2.5" cylinder or 3", SS or blue, etc) and what he'll give me for it instead -- I assume not much and I'll be better off taking the gun, but I don't know that yet. If he'd give me $500 credit towards a $1000 gun that I actually want but never would have bought, we both come out ahead.
If he'd give me $500 credit
Very doubtful. With a MSRP from around $400 to $700 I doubt you would get half that even in trade value from a dealer.
Don't be turned off by the Taurus name. There is many more times unfounded internet hate about both the brand and model than actual problems.
My PD Poly has been very accurate, completely reliable, and a really fun addition to my "accumulation". In addition, as I noted in a previous post, it also fills a specific self defense roll very well.
I will say congratulations. They are popular and very good guns. S&W came out with one due to their popularity. $410 for poly to $470 for all metal on Buds.:)
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Very doubtful. With a MSRP from around $400 to $700 I doubt you would get half that even in trade value from a dealer.
Don't be turned off by the Taurus name. There is many more times unfounded internet hate about both the brand and model than actual problems.
My PD Poly has been very accurate, completely reliable, and a really fun addition to my "accumulation". In addition, as I noted in a previous post, it also fills a specific self defense roll very well.

I have one of the problem ones. A .357 Taurus Gaucho that I don't trust. How do you screw up a 140+ year old design single action revolver? (with a soft steel base pin and seer, that's how) And there was one other problem I had a local gunsmith fix because Taurus just put me on hold forever when I called their warranty number; something about the firing pin or the transfer bar.

I also know that one is pretty small sample size. :rolleyes:
No real problems from my blued public defender. It is fun to shoot. The screw that holds the cylinder release is half broken(out the box) but it works fine so I never bothered calling them about it. I had a Taurus repaired through my pawn shop(a pt-25) and they had it back to me in six days free of charge. I'm sure they'd send me a screw if I bothered.