I Was Unarmed...and Lived To Tell About It!

sporting events....

I carry a blade and a gun at all times.
I feel a little weird when I go to Wild, Vikings, Timberwolves, etc and can't have anything.

Always turns out I need the damn knife to open my peanuts.
I always feel like that I live in Wisconsin! We'll see if the CCW gets passed here in the coming weeks/months after 135 years. I feel naked without my Gerber or Kershaw though!
know the feeling.

I always feel like that I live in Wisconsin! We'll see if the CCW gets passed here in the coming weeks/months after 135 years. I feel naked without my Gerber or Kershaw though!

When we travel to my fiance's folks in WI I always have to stop at the gas station and unload, pack, and lockup my stuff until we get on their property. :confused:
+ 1 to dmitri...I'm guessing canada sucks for gun owner's? sorry about that man......but you need to come to PA.

Na the gun laws here arnt as bad as people think. They are pretty simple and we got great definitions of what makes something a "sporting rifle" and what makes something a "Assult rifle" and the like :D

And the cops are great up here too. They arnt overly obessed with the law from what interations I have had with them so far in my life. I once got stopped for not wearing a helmet and me and the cop talked for like a half hour about hows it been going and he didnt give me the ticket in the end :eek: :D

About moving though I have moved enough times in my life. Maybe if I do ever move agian I'll think about the US. I am liking the South from what I heard from Canadians that have lived there they loved it :p Best of all no snow. I could go swiming in the coldest time of the year down there :p To think I'll be wearing a short sleeved shirt and a pair of cargo shorts all year long. :cool:

mathman....I don't know about you, but I think a gun is gonna beat my brain in a straight up fight any day. Unless of course you can think people to death.......
Ftom14cat: Maybe mathman's a jedi... you'd never know, because he may have his concealed jedi permit... gotta keep the criminals guessing! :p

Seriously though, I think it's possible for someone to use their brain to diffuse most situations before force is ever employed... once force is employed you can use your brain to escape in some situations, but a tool such as a knife or a gun is certainly going to do a lot for your odds... your brain should be your first line of defense though.
wildalaska said:
I went out for about 4 hours without a gun and I lived to tell the tale!

Your contemptuous sarcasm seems to know no bounds.

Apart from lampooning those among us who find they don't feel quite comfortable to go without arms now that they're used to bearing them, was there any NON-sarcastic point to be made by starting this thread?

mathman....I don't know about you, but I think a gun is gonna beat my brain in a straight up fight any day. Unless of course you can think people to death.......

Actually, I was referring to avoiding situations as much as possible. I realize that I can't always avoid every bad situation, but since I live in this God forbidden sorry excuse for a state, I gotta tell myself that I don't always need a gun with me...either that, or I have to start breaking the law and carry a gun.
czc3513 said:
Anyone pack a gun but not a cellphone?
I did, for years. Don't get any cell service out here anyhow. But I do have a cell phone these days & check messages when I go into town, once or twice a week.

WildmasteroftheannoyingsignatureAlaska said:
I Was Unarmed...and Lived To Tell About It!
Years ago, I saw a man so drunk he could barely stand up on his own, precariously balanced and swaying back and forth as he peed down into the first sheer drop at the very edge of the Grand Canyon.

He lived to tell about that, too.

Hey, Wild, I sometimes go unarmed through an entire day. Gets the ole heart pumping, eh?

As exhilirating as that is, I have to admit I'm glad when I finally get home and feel safe again. Gun in every room, you know, and three in the garage. Like right now, I find comfort in the fake CD drive in my computer. Press a button, and it pops out not a CD platter but a hidden Makarov, just in case I need to download some rounds into a BG.

Anyway, be safe and don't make going unarmed a habit. Bad habits are hard to break.
Model 25...in Iraq with no gun??? That Stinks. I'm a recent CCW permit holder and I don't carry 24/7 yet (waiting for after X-mas to buy a smaller gun), but I do feel naked without at least my gerber folder.
Apart from lampooning those among us who find they don't feel quite comfortable to go without arms now that they're used to bearing them, was there any NON-sarcastic point to be made by starting this thread?

How thinned skinned folks get when their cherished beliefs are lampooned?:D


:D :D

I have everybody doing it

I find comfort in the fake CD drive in my computer. Press a button, and it pops out not a CD platter but a hidden Makarov, just in case I need to download some rounds into a BG.
Dude, where can I get one of those?!