I Was Unarmed...and Lived To Tell About It!


I havent unpacked my Seecamp from my trip yet and yesterday, since I was alone in the shop, I brought my truck Hi Power in with me. I left work at 6 in the dark, picked up my wife and realized that I was completely unarmed! yes unarmed and defenseless! I left the pistol on my desk! I went out for about 4 hours without a gun and I lived to tell the tale! Not only that....I didnt act any different...I didint constantly look over my shoulder, I didnt change my routine...I feel...so...so...empty and untactical. It was....normal....normal night...being unarmed was normal!

Has this happened to anyone else?

the reason you are feeling empty is because you are on a diet. btw, just for your benefit let me tell you about the thick juicy burgers i'm making tonight: i'm marinating them in a delicious honey sauce, and will dice up onions and pepperjack cheese, mixing that with two eggs, a cup of seasoned bread crumbs, and will grill them to medium perfection. thick slabs of tomato and leafs of lettuce and slices of clausen pickles will adorn the pattys well.

i'll brown up some freshly cubed potatoes and smother them with salt and pepper.

hungry yet?

anyways, now that your bulging tummy is irritated at the tofu and ricecakes you've been eating lets get back to the topic. wheres the devil smiley at? :D

you wouldnt have had to risk life and limb by going unarmed if you'd just BUY PANTS THAT FIT YOU NOW, NOT 10 YEARS AGO!
i feel like that when i don't have my knife or flashlight with me.

same thing happen to me when a casing was stuck in my gun. i couldn't sleep.
A gun is just a tool, good to have around but your chance of needing it (depending where you live/go) is low.

I've gone unarmed before and didn't overly worry about getting caught in a mall shooting or a driveby, etc..

But I bet you would have felt really bad if you had posted this under the title "I was Unarmed.... and almost didn't Live To Tell About It! from the hospital bed :D :p

I don't think that most here are that worried if they forget the gun when they go out, like I said, it's a nice tool to have around just in case but normaly the chances of having to use said tool is low (depending on where you live and areas you go).

Plus, you had your wife with you, she would have kicked anyones butt that tried to mug/rob/kill ya'll :D.

I feel "naked" so to speak without my Gerber knife on me. I'm not old enough to carry yet, so.....

I know the feeling about not carrying my folding buck or winchester knife. :D Mind you I cant legally carry ever :p

I wouldnt ever use it in a fight because that kind of fight wouldnt ever happen but its a good tool to have :D

Glad you're ok man! My worst was when I went to town, and while there I noticed that my Beretta had no magazine! :eek: I was afraid it fell out somewhere, but when I got home, there it was on the bed, right where I put it when I was getting it ready to take. :o Oh, well, I at least had one round in the chamber! :D
I take a climbing trip out West every summer ... no gun all week. I try to ignore the impulse to curl into the fetal position and cry and suck my thumb.

Really - I don't feel "abnormal" without it, and I wouldn't exactly say I loose sleep without the blaster within reach, but...'

I've also gone hiking with no 1st aid kit. I used to have a fireplace (and a house with really old wiring) and no fire extinguisher. I felt normal, and last time I checked, I was still breathing.

There are lots of people roaming around with no gun saying, "See? No gun, and I'm perfectly safe, you paranoid freak!"

Of course, most people don't apply that same logic when they get in the car ... the seat belt goes on before the car leaves the driveway, even if that person has never been in an auto accident. I see my gun the same way. Odds are nothing will happen without it, but why not carry it? I like my guns - all of 'em- and I like carrying them. Plus I feel safer with it than I do without it.

Uh-oh ... the DTs!!!! The shaking!! The nausea!! Where's my gun?!?!?!!??
I probably talk about this too often but I spent alot of time in Iraq driving trucks for KBR. No gun in a war zone for KBR employees. Now I have carried a gun most of my life and to do this was more than just going through the DTs it was screaming fits.:eek: :eek:

Now I am home and close to my sugar tits (both 45 acps LOL) again and no one is going to shoot at me again without getting bullets headed back at em, if they miss:D :D

JohnKSa: Very very funny... sprayed water on my keyboard. :)

Personally I hate going unarmed... when my nose itches and I'm unarmed I have to scratch it with my feet, and then I realize how bad my feet smell and I feel self conscious about it.
For those of you crazy people who have ventured out unarmed (not sure I really believe it happened) ...

Did you have any LEO encounters? How did they go?

Did the LEO's "make" you as being unarmed, or did they not notice?

Just wondering ...
I go out unarmed everyday...uh, I live in California...so I guess that goes without saying. Of course, I am armed with the most important weapon at all times...my brain. ;)
See my signature. :D
I actually havnt packed lately as my mini has been jamming a lot.
I need to get the feed ramp polished.
Im about to get a new carry gun and Im gunna love it!
I am unarmed most of the time. I dont have my cary permit yet. While Im in my shop I cary, usually my Taurus snubnose; but when Im at any other public place, nope no gun. After wearing it all day at work , it does feel kind of wierd not having it on when I go other places.
I drove cab In Vegas for a short time in 87, one night I opened my pack, NO LIghtweight Commander!!! gulp.:eek:
Drove all the way across town to get it, whew! I could breath again.