I was glad I was armed when . . .

I was glad that I had my piece, when I pulled over in Saint Louis at a rest area.
There were 3 slobs there, who looked like killers, and I left after a bit. It is just as well for the thugs, that I did.
I was glad that I had my piece, when I pulled over in Saint Louis at a rest area.
There were 3 slobs there, who looked like killers, and I left after a bit. It is just as well for the thugs, that I did.

What do killers look like. ? I don't carry a firearm, never felt the need.
What do killers look like. ? I don't carry a firearm, never felt the need.
What??? Hersey!!! Kidding, of course. CCW is a personal choice. I’m glad I’m armed every time I wrangle my grand daughters...at 5 and 7, they are the most important thing to me.
I sincerely believe that I prevented my oldest and middle daughter's face being eaten off by two very amped up dogs one July 4th many years ago. Dogs got out of a neighbors yard and were quite worked up over the fireworks. My daughters were 30 or 40 feet away from me walking up to go see the fireworks show, and the dogs came at us with quite obviously ill intent. I tried to scare them off, but they just circled wide of me and headed toward my girls. I didn't shoot at the dogs as I did not have a safe backstop that direction. I did shoot a round into the ditch bank next to me. The dogs heard that, tucked tail, and ran.

I learned a few lessons that day. Keep small children close to you (we live in the country and I was comfortable with distance then, but not anymore with small children). Just because you have a gun and a justifiable reason to use it doesn't mean you safely can. Had I shot at one of the dogs, who were nearly in a full run 30 or so feet away from me, I would have been shooting directly at someone's home about 100 yards away. I suspect a large stick may would've done me as much good as discharging a firearm, with less risk. But alas, I chose a "less bad" option and it worked out.

Tons of nights as a cop I was quite happy I had a gun. Obviously. But that doesn't count in context of CCH I don't think.
I don't carry a firearm , never felt the need . But when a situation happens you would wish you did . I have seen what man can do to man , will change your way of thinking for sure . That's why they have sayings like " Better to be safe then sorry ". It's nice to go through life thinking everything is beautiful . Hope it stays that way for you .
I was glad I was armed with my compound bow, when I had to fend-off an obviously rabid flying brown bat with my bow, while walking down a wooded trail just after sunset --- during the height of the rabies epidemic in Maryland.
1) Oddly enough, at my private shooting club. I was at the outdoor range by myself putting my new CZ75B through it's paces. I had just checked few targets at the 50 yard line and was walking back to the benches when I noticed a couple low lifes exiting their car and approaching the bench where I had a couple of revolvers in my range bag.

As they got closer to the bench, they apparently noticed that I had a CZ75B in my right hand. I never raised it, or pointed it in their direction. The muzzle was pointing at the ground (didn't bring a holster with me, so I had it in my hands all along). Just the sight of it was enough. They didn't stick around long enough for a conversation.

2) Anytime I go back home to Detroit to visit my family.

3) Anytime I drive through Northwest Indiana.

4) Anytime I'm hiking some obscure part of the Appalachian Trail.
I don't carry a firearm, never felt the need.
Guys, he lives in N. Ireland. Prob not an option to carry there.

Lots of people conceal carry here.

It's nice to go through life thinking everything is beautiful . Hope it stays that way for you .

Living in Northern Ireland i am well aware everything in life is not beautiful, i am in the house now guns locked in safe they come out when i go to the range.

As said it a individual choice, i am sure plenty of people in America do not carry firearms.
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I believe I've told this story before but quite a few years back I stopped at this ARCO station to get gas. The way the pumps are set up yo can have three cars lined up and as it were, mine was in the middle. As I walked to the store to pay for my gas I was approached by some nutcase carrying a club. He's cussing at me for some offense that he though I'd done to him. I pay for the gas and he comes at me again. I pump my gas, go to get my change and return to my vehicle. Well here he comes again and getting very aggressive. I make it to my car but can't go anywhere as I'm blocked front and back. Near as I can make out, he thinks I'm the ex-mayor of Tucson who apparently screwed over him, ot he thinks he did, I dunno. Now I'm in the car, he's pounding on the roof with his hand wanting me to come out and "take my medicine". Now my wife who has no idea what's happening is freaking out and I'm trying to figure out what to do. I had my 9MM in the car but at the time Arizona was pretty strict on "brandishing" and while a handgun was legal in a vehicle it had to be in plain sight, etc. Finally I hollered at him to back off and let him see the gun. Didn't phase him a bit. I hollered some more and after about three or four times it finally soaked into his head he might get shot and backed off. I wasn't getting out and he sure wasn't going to get into my car. At one point going to my car I showed him my driver's license to prove he had the wrong guy. He didn't believe it. Not no young dude either. About 55 to 60 years old, fairly well dressed in a suit and extremely angry at an ex-mayor. When I was able to finally leave I drove home, started ti shake like made and puked my guts out. I almost had to kill a man over mistaken identity.

Interesting thing. There was an article in the paper a few years about the ex-mayor with pictures and damn me but he and I looked enough alike that we could have been twins. :eek:
Paul B.
My mistake didn't realize where you live , l love my country but sadly l say , you don't want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time without having a fighting chance . I don't look over my shoulder but bad things can happen to good people . Just be prepared . Sorry for my comments .

Stopped at Missouri's Grand Gulf State Park (Missouri's Grand Canyon) with the wife. Walked around looking into the canyon. There was 1 other car in the parking lot, a beat up Lincoln MK7.

We then bumped into 2 guys who looked like they just got finished burying a body or working a meth lab. Their clothing and car were out of place.

Said hello kept on walking, looked at each other and we both said at the same time "you ready to leave?"

Both of our spidey senses were going off. We left.

I was packing my Glock 19 and 2 spare mags.
I was hauling a car home and pulled over to check tires and lights and was at the back of my trailer my two daughters where 6 and 7 in the cab sleeping .When a car pulled up near me and right behind the trailer in side where 4 men the driver starts telling me that is his car on the trailer the man in the back seat asks where I got it and want to see paper work .on the passenger side one man get out and relieves him self at the rear of there car the other passenger side door opens and he just sits there .I'm thinking of my kids sleeping in the pickup and it's running . I step up to the drivers door to see what is in the car and to keep him and the man behind him from getting out of the car I was so ready to hit the first one that even touched there door handle to get out on this side of the car I watch to make sure no one on the other side go's toward the pickup . I told them the car had belonged to my grandmother . The driver told the man out side the car to get back in. I think back now and how the driver of this car acted when I was so close to him just out side his door . In the middle of nowhere and hundreds of miles from any dot on a map I was armed .
Not a good position to be in , so glad it turned out well for you . You don't want to think , what if . You don't know what makes people so twisted , seems they look for weak moments we all have . For every one that worked out good I'm sure there are plenty that haven't. Always good to be able to stand your ground .

I am armed all the time. I don't think I really had a close call. There was a time My mom, sister , and I were riding the Trax in Salt Lake City. We were the only ones in the car when a really weird dude gets on. He decides to tell us his life story and was just acting not all there. Anyway when we got off my sister said she was glad I was armed.
In general..2 LEOs shot in Denver, 5 LEOs shot in Houston..glad I have a CCW, particularly when taking care of my 2 grand daughters...