Read up in the meantime.
If you have to wait for your class, you might read up on shotgunning in the meantime. I'm pretty sure the book that I came across in the library was "Shotgunning: The Art and the Science" by Brister.
I read it before I ever had my shotgun, and naturally I ignored everything it said the first time I went to shoot clays. I had an older friend with me, who has been shooting a very long time. After I'd put 5 or 10 rounds down field with modest success, he gently offered, "Would you like a lesson?"
I had enough sense to say yes, and you're already going to know the outcome. He told me exactly what I'd read in the book. And it helped. I probably don't get out regularly enough to be as proficient as I could be, but I'm better when I do things right.