I want one!!!!! You gotta see this!!!

You know what sabot round is, right?
Now, a sabot belt is fed by miniguns or for example the M230 mg on the
AH 64 Apache.

Yes, I do. It refers to a round that has a subcaliber projectile contained within a (usually discarding) container referred to as a sabot, after the french wooden shoe. It's designed to provide a higher velocity than normal by using a standard charge with a lighter, small projectile. It's most commonly found in the Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) loads used by tanks for anti-armor work.

The M230 chaingun on an AH-64 doesn't use sabot rounds. In fact, I'm not aware of any aircraft that does due to the danger to the aircraft posed by the discarding sabot and by the fact that the potential accuracy/safety issues posed outweighs their penetration ability, especially given that aircraft usually attack the thinner top armor of vehicles, where the sabot round is not necessary. Further, the M230 is for engaging relatively soft targets such as APCs and support vehicles. Those targets it can't deal with are best left to the Hellfires.

30 mm ammunition
The DU rounds were pretty scary to us tankers. Made me pretty wary of the Apache and Wathog boys...

I'm not aware of any aircraft that does due to the danger to the aircraft posed by the discarding sabot

Forgot about that.

We were always "advised" not to fire APDS over the heads of troops - though what they would be doing in front of us was always a mystery... :)

miniguns do use linked belts

Totally correct. I remember a tour of Dillon Precision and the manager telling me that anyone not working was supposed to be linking ammo for the miniguns. Here is a link: Dillon Aero
I wonder if it is blocked... that would be worth the price though.... I already own a DIAS...

The block would be in the lower; Ares is only making the upper receiver unit and they will be compatible with both RR guns and RDIAS guns. I don't know if a RLL would work, though I suspect it would.
Very nice looking weapon. I carried a saw for a long time and I think this would be much more fun to hump around a jungle.

As for the other topic, I think Shaggy stated it best except that the saw uses the M27 and the M240G (and other varients) use the M13 links.

As for the other topic, I think Shaggy stated it best except that the saw uses the M27 and the M240G (and other varients) use the M13 links.

Thanks for the correction. I had the nagging feeling I might have gotten the M27 confused with the GPMG link, but I just couldn't remember "M13".
To M4A3:

Would those mystery rounds be in 5.56 Lutefisk, by any chance?

(Just a quick poke at our Norsk fellas in the land of 10,000 lakes)

Seen one

Eh, the Shrike. Saw one of those in Iraq a while ago. Some civvie contractor was lugging it around. Looked pretty sweet.

Wonder if they make one in 6.8 SPC?
Eh, the Shrike. Saw one of those in Iraq a while ago. Some civvie contractor was lugging it around. Looked pretty sweet.

A 249 SAW maybe, a Shrike, no.

Ares has not publicly released them yet.
The shrike is the Firearms manufacturers version of vaporware...they do not exist yet. Alot of guys have been on the waiting list for a couple years now.

They were originally going to cost $1500-$2000 a unit but now are $4995 a unit.

I go :barf: because it has been several years since they started taking money and promising deliveries. I remember the articles and ads that were out and the "6 months" till they were going to be available etc etc.
Wasn't a SAW

I know what a 249 looks like, and that wasn't a 249. I looked a hell of a lot like a Shrike. Got a long hard look at it, an M4 with a belt-feed upper. Our Automatic Rifleman couldn't take his eyes off it! Seriously! The platoon's E-6 had to snap this kid out of it.