I WANT ONE! but, but, it's USELESS!


New member
NAA mini.


In .22 "muzzle loader" :D

Oops. I better get the bottom closer to the top so it's a bit clearer which version of the Mini I'm referring to.
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I had a hunch you were posting about a NA mini. They are cute though and quite well made. If you want one, go for it!
I've got a NAA revolver in .22 short. I also have a Bauer .25. Keeping an eyeout for "mini" firearms. Eventually want to build a display case. NAA's are a work of art.
I just got back from my father-in-laws and he pulled a mini out that he just bought. Your right they are cute but yea...kinda useless. Although my brother in law the cop said there was a guy in his department that keeps one in each front pocket. The same guy carries 3 knives, his service glock, and a back up snub nose. I asked why this guy feels he needs that much hardware. His reply was that he felt that as long as he had all that stuff with him, he'd probably never need it.....and he'd rather that than not having it and needing it. BTW..he paid $130 for his mini.
:o OOpps..I just read the thread about the minis in the general forum...think I might take a second look at the mini as a "always" gun.
With such a small handle, how do you hold one of these?
The one on the western buckle is just too cool. You could carry non concealed and no one would know you were armed!
Gary said "It's never useless when you're attacked by a vicious horde of blood sucking mosquitos."

Not down here in GA it ain't. Anything under 50cal just won't do round here;)
The line forms in FRONT of me for that :D.

I've already made up my mind that I'm going to get one anyhow. I just have to find a use for a .22cal muzzle loader firing a 30 gr. bullet. I guess just sitting on my computer desk and looking neat is plenty enough use for it though ;)
Speaking of little guns we would like to have but are practically useless, has anyone seen a Downsizer derringer? I've seen lots of ads, but never a real one. I've had one on order for about two years now. http://members.aol.com/wsp45/

Not a very momentous debut, but everyone's first post has to be about something...

...a regular .22 Mini isn't too terribly useless, although the C&B version is pushing the ragged edge of the utility envelope. As someone who has a .32 Pepperbox, a Nagant revolver and a scoped, target stocked, 8 3/8" 586, I kinda dig "useless" guns. If they go "bang", they're useful to me! :D
The mini is a great little gun. I have the .22lr and love it. The handle is small, but with practice it feels fine.:D
The NAA minis are novelty items. I personally think they're worth owning for their novelty appeal, but that's obviously a subjective call.

More practically speaking, they're well made little revolvers. If you take pleasure in excellence, you'll surely take pleasure in your NAA mini. A few hundred bucks for a superb little mini-revolver sounds like a bargain to me -- but certainly not as a "first gun." These little puppies are for the enthusiast who has everything, or almost everthing! They make great stocking stuffers!

As for practical uses ... well, that's debatable. ;)

If you get the .22 Mag "Black Widow," you'll find that it's fun to shoot, surprisingly accurate, and a fun companion on camping or fishing trips. Me, I prefer a .22 Ruger on my hip, or a stainless .357 revolver -- but the NAA minis DO work, and they work well.