I Used the IL on my S&W 637 (Horror!)

Shadi, now you know that here you must fit your question to the answers. "Have you used the lock?" should have read "What do you think of the lock?"
You know, guys, the whole IL issue is the classic tempest in a teapot. The legal and political environment in America is so anti-gun and anti-liberty we all ought to be glad that S&W, Ruger, and the other few remaining American gun manufacturers will still market to individuals. The fact is that the ILs do no harm and if you don't want to use it, don't use it. The IL could save S&W or Ruger in a possible lawsuit and I don't doubt that they have been advised of this by their lawyers.

Meanwhile, I'm going out to shoot my IL equipped S&W and loving every minute of it. And appreciating the fact that I was able to buy it, even here in screwed-up Leftist California.

Ruger hides it under the grip. If you want to use the lock, then you drill a hole in the grip to expose the lock. Instructions for where and how to drill are included in the manual.

You hear more people complaining about the S&W lock, probably because it's easier to see. I wonder how many people avoided S&W revolvers because of the lock only to purchase a Ruger and find out later that the internal lock is there, just hidden?
Unless I am carrying or using my guns I always lock them up in a safe to keep them away from kids and crooks so no, I have never used the internal locks. I don't even think about it so I guess I don't care whether or not they have them or not. Having the IL does not seem to impede the function whatsoever so I don't quite know what the fuss is all about.
They might be handy if you had kids and had no other way to lock them up. Also, if having the lock will allow the manufacturer to sell in all states and municipalities then it is actually helpful, allowing access to firearms to more citizens.