I took a hacksaw to that darn Kahr

Nice job!

If you want those dull edges to shine like the rest of the gun, heat up a thin piece of metal (like a knife blade) and rub it along the cut edges very lightly (just let the blade touch the edge, do not put pressure on it). It should sort of "melt" the rough edge into a smooth one.
I have cut polymer before and one good way to "finish" the cut edge is to place a medium grade of sand paper over the cut area and rap it sharply with a nylon or rawhide mallet. You can of course vary the finish by using different grades of sandpaper or even skateboard tape for a stippled effect. One tip, start with finer grades. If they are not detailed enough you can always use a coarser grade over it.
Thanks for more responses.. :) I dont want to risk over melting so I think I will pass on the heat method. Actually it's not all that obvious that the grip was modified. I don't think I want the edges textured either Riddleofsteel but thanks for the tip.

You got to get you one of these. It fits in the front pocket of pants and shorts and is invisible.

Wow... Great Job Shiro! You have just created your very own Kahr P9 Covert. Maybe with the right guidance, you could be the next big polymer custom pistolsmith... ;)

I get bored and do stuff to my weapons from time to time, but could never do that to my P9. But then again, you've been pretty unhappy with yours since you got it.

I too will wait for the MP9.... the interchangability of mags is too tempting a feature... Must have both :D

Again, CONGRATS! Anybody know the Indian word for "Shiro with the brass cahone's"?
shiroikuma, You should apply your skills to some other pistols that could use this treatment.
For example Glock 19s. I think a 19 has a good length - but would be better with a 26's frame.
And here I was thinking I am something special for polishing the feed ramp of my G27:)

Nice job man, Tony Soprano would bow down to those cajonese of yours.

May I comment that "cajones" are big boxes, while "COJONES" are big huevos...

Shiro, I don't know if you have big boxes or big huevos, but people around here are quite impressed by your work (including me).