I took a 500,000 volt stungun shot. Target Guy is a tough gig.

Supposedly stun guns are used as an impotence cure in China. If you zap your testicles with one of those it's supposed to give you an instant erection. Try it and tell us if this is true Handi rifle guy.
I think you're totally insane, but thanks for describing the experience for us.

Just don't ever come back here and tell us you're volunteering to take a hollow-point in the name of research!
A TeaM,
Probably is true. Growing up, my parents had cattle. A lot of times when people buy a bull from you, they want to be sure he is not "shooting blanks." To get a sample for a sperm count the vet inserts an electric probe up the back side and turns on the juice, and, well, things start heppening. :eek: Always thought this must really be a conflict of emotions for the poor animal!! Anyway, the chinese can keep that one for themselves, as far as I'm concerned!:D

Maybe I've been watching too many cartoons, but I'm picturing Hand_Rifle_Guy lit up like a Christmas tree with his skeleton showing through like an x-ray!

During my baton class, the instructor showed us a video where he (a really big stout guy) gets zapped by a Taser. He went down like a blob of jelly. He said anyone who takes the Taser class is going to have to get zapped as part of the requirement. I decided to pass! Same thing with the pepper spray course.

I've gotten zapped by an electric fence twice, and that's enough for me. I grabbed on with both my hands, felt nothing in my hands or arms, but my legs "exploded" and I had to look down to make sure they were still there.

Hand_Rifle_Guy, did you end up smelling like burning hair? :D
Heh - at a field party, someone thought it'd be funny to turn on the electric fence that ran along the treeline that folks were using as the "men's room."

That really wasn't funny.

The moment of impact. I'm violently twisting away, and on my way towards the ground. I started facing the camera, hands at my sides. And a smile, believe it or else.

Runt, no smells at all, other than sweat from being nervous.

And as for virilty testing, how does "NO" sound?

And I am NOT a jackass. I have much more taste than those guys do. They don't impress me, mostly. Also, they have a real budget, whereas we just have enthusiasm.

Getta load of the facial expression and the muscles in my neck. Pain is my friend, really!


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Skor - my partner and I have 20+ deployments w/the M26 Taser. They have been both touch stun applications and with the probes. We've had suspects large and small under different degrees and types of intoxication. Short of a probe failure i.e. a miss or a battery problem, we've had 100% effectiveness. The nice thing about the Taser is that it not only "stuns", but it provides muscular disruption (contraction of the muscles) that cannot be stopped by "willpower" or a high pain threshold.

It's sorta like if you were talking on a phone and someone in your house picked up an extension and started yelling into the phone. Their voice would override yours. The Taser does the same thing with the signal the brain normally sends to the muscles. No way to fight it.

I don't know what HRG used in his "test". :) I can tell you my 3 M26 experiences sound similar to his.
Hello Chaps,

Firstly, a great thread - I haven't laughed so much in ages.

Secondly, correct me if I'm wrong but a have a group AirTasering competition part of the SWAT games ( the group who stands uo longest wins as I recall).

Thirdly if you have the bandwidth capability you can see lots of footage of AirTaser at www.airtaser.com


And when the perpetrator of "turn on the electric fence" was discovered, did the rest of the party-goers smite him about the head and shoulders?

[ I got my "battery charged" in a similar fashion once. Always looked for ceramic insulators VERY carefully after that......]
Testing an engine for a dead cylinder without gloves on is more than enough for me. I don't even like those piezoelectric cigarette lighters. Electricity is best left in batteries and wires and such, NOT me.

Bogie, you may be interested to know that immunity to tear gas is genetic. It's something like 1% of the population. How do I know? Mom dropped her mace (old style mace, not OC) in the garage. She went running off screaming in pain, and I couldn't figure out what that funny smell was. Dad is the same way.
This is such a funny thread

This thread just makes me laugh.

Of course, I have to share my own electricity stories.

I grew up in a community of horse owners. Most used electric fences, of the two single wires stretched between the poles. My brothers and I had fun as kids touching the lines to feel the shock. Had to be really careful though. We didn't play that game too often.

Later on, my summer job for several years while in high school and college was building houses with a construction company part owned by the guy who lived up the street. He had one or two extension cords that had gotten old and frayed near the male ends, and the boxes that the power company installs on job sites are never really that great. I got bit on several occasions plugging into one those boxes, which would leave big char marks all over the outlets. Left a big impression.

I don't mess with electricty at all after that. Anybody shows me a 500, 000 volt taser I'd be running like mad in the other direction.
Maced myself...

I used to have pepper spray attached to the end of my keychain. One day I cracked the sprayhead in the top. Before I threw it away, I thought I would see how far it squirted. About 8 feet. Next I squirted some on my finger. Nothing.

So, being more curious than smart, I sniffed my finger. Nothing. So I shrugged and walked back to the garage behind the house to throw the broken pepper spray canister in the trash. I had gone maybe 15 feet when my nose started to burn.

I quickly threw the pepper spray towards the trash can and headed back into the house. About the time I made it inside I was started to tear up and my face was on fire.

Not knowing what to do, I went to the sink and washed my face with soap and water. This made it worse for the moment, but 10 minutes later my sinuses quieted down and I was ok.

I would just point out that I never actually touched the spray to my face. This was all off of fumes.:eek:

Also, someone asked about how people on drugs would react to a stungun. My old law partner was a bouncer at the biggest dance club in Memphis, TN during his college years. One time they had some trouble with this medium-sized, muscular guy. Several bouncers surrounded the disorderly guy and he starts trading blows with the bouncers. The disorderly guy had obviously had some training in boxing. There were 6 or 7 bouncers beating on this guy and he was giving it right back to them. My old law partner sees this happening and runs over with his stun gun. He grabs the guy on the shoulder and gives him the stun gun in the lower back. The disorderly guy immediately drops to his knees. Unfortunately, because of the handhold, my friend is also getting shocked. So when the guy drops to his knees, my friend takes the stun gun off. This bastard springs right back to his feet and knocks my friend down. By this time, every bouncer in the place is teeing off on this guy. Nothing fazes him. My friend grabs this guy by the belt and with some help drags the guy to the front door and throws him down the steps. The guy lands at the foot of the steps and pops right up. Punchs the first person he sees. This happens to be a cop. There were four cops total and the other three cops start clubbing this guy in the head. My friend says the last time he saw the guy was when he was in the cop car, the guy was smearing the face (and his blood) all over the window of the car. He never found out what the guy was on, if it was PCP or Meth or what. But that was the end of his career as a bouncer.

I think the morale of the story is don't touch your target when using a stun gun and make sure they are totally prone or running in the other direction before you left off the stun gun.