I think my lead alloy is crap

I use the Lee Production Pot IV, and wait until the next batch before loading
the spurs back to the pot. I also use a RTD for monitoring the temperature and pay no mind to the dial setting, the dial setting is for reference only. I
run the temperature at 775 degrees.
If the alloy is contaminated with zinc. At 800 degrees it will look like silver oatmeal. It will be lumpy as all get out.so even if you want to pour at a cooler temperature getting it up to 800 won't hurt it.
If you purposely removed the bluing from the molds cavity's you may have a need for a new Lyman mold. Interior Bluing kind'a acts as a no stick barrier. Its removal isn't suggested.
From the pictures, to cold. And I believe it's the mold. When I used to cast I used to not stop until the first bullet came out frosted, then I let the mold cool. The mold needs to be pretty hot.

I would get a brush (not wire) spray the insides of the mold with brake cleaner and scrub with the brush. Then, just start casting without stopping for about 10 fills. That should get the mold good and hot. I'd bet somewhere in there you'll see the bullets taking shape.

Your alloy is fine, they're shiny.

The question is what is dropping the temp of the lead?

From the appearance of the bullet on the left, it looks like you may be scraping the bottom of your pot with the ladle allowing debris in the mix.

And one more thing, don't tap on the mold itself...tap on the mold handle
pivot screw.
Lolol... i do use a bottom pour. I have a Lyman Mag 25

One of rhe guys here was very good with advice on my garage electric as i was poping the circut breaker when i got my Lyman Mag 25... know you limitations and asking for advise from the more knowlageavle people is the thing to do lol

I have a couple casting books from Lyman ... one dated July 1958 by Lymqn gun sight corp. And the other Cast Bullet Handbook by Lyman.
I have been scouring these books for info on my casting problem.. all to no avail.

Thats why i come here... i have on several occasions and gotten very solid advice
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I just looked at the Lyman Mag 25, what a nice outfit. My only suggestion is to flush the
valve a few times before starting the casting process. From the posted pictures, I'm
convinced the problem is trash in the pot. Maybe start anew with an empty pot and clean
the inside and start over.
Now I'm confused I thought you were using a pot and ladle. That's a very good casting outfit and it's a bottom pour.

You are skimming the dross off the top of the melt, right?
I have like.. oh maybe 27 lbs left of my current alloy... want to use that up before i make new alloy.

Thats what i think to ... crap in the alloy.
Lolol i also have 2 lyman model 61 10lb pots... i got them in my press horde.
I cleaned one of them up and man it cast like a champ and there was about 9 lbs of lead still in it
This alloy i currently have is 10 lbs lino to 30 lbs lead.

Lino i got from a friend.. its still in type form.
My lead i get from old water services.
I think maybe i didnt flux enough when i made my last alloy.