I think I have an addiction to Milsurp

;) LOL

It could be worse. Horses poo, planes are big, stamps well I don't know squat about them but they will make you crazy too.


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My name is Custer and I have a problem lol

I bought a 7mm Spanish Mauser 1927 model Monday Oct 17, 12
I have added a 1979 Marlin model 60
I own 4 shotguns
3 other revolvers
a model 459 S&W 9mm
a SMC 918 Makarov Clone in 9x18 and a few others but Bolt Action Rifles are my pride and joy!
My six Enfields (#4/mk.1s, #5s) might be an indication of the need for an intervention. Must admit that only one Garand is here but the goal now is simply buying ammo, in case the UN Treaty has more influence here the next few years, one more 'red' Supreme Court judge, or much inflation etc.

When my wife was told in '08 that I was shopping for a second MN 44 (the first twin), the puzzled look was as if she had been hit by a native hunter's blow pipe dart, dipped in animal tranqilizer.

She just gazed into Steven Hawking's fifth dimension, speechless, with a blank stare that can't be described:confused:.
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Please get rid of that colorful photo of your excellent collection:eek:!
You (and your kind) are a bad influence on people who don't have much self-discipline. Verpesten een van ons...(don't know the French version).

I did not know that Belgians had access to such guns. In order to have a license to own or shoot, is it about as difficult as it is in Germany or the UK?

The Czechs seem to be much more fortunate than in many countries.
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Belgian gun laws aren’t as good as the Czech, Swiss or Luxembourgers, but better than most other in Europe. If you have no criminal history, are a member of a shooting range (min. 10 visits a year) and are patient … you can pretty much own anything.

Concealed carry, full auto, silencers, 5,7mm and (recently) drum magazines are the main ‘unattainables’.

It’s kind of funny how some little things are totally opposite for US and European gun enthusiasts. For us the AR15’s and M1A’s are scarce (unless we get a German or Chinese clone), but SIG550’s and FAL’s (or L1A1 if you’re cheap :D) are abundant. We’re longing for Colts, while they’re throwing High Powers at us.
oops I did it

I just bought an 1893 Spanish 7mm Mauser. Mosinka I did buy the .308 Ishapore Enfield 2A1, no I don't have a C&R liscence. Thank you for all your help people!