I solved a major problem that's been bothering me for a while

Maybe you could get some of that foam that can be cut to shape. That way each gun, magazine, etc., has its own spot and you won't have to worry about them moving around during transport. I saw foam like that advertised somewhere, but I can't remember where.
The foam will eventually break down over time, I stick newspaper or cardboard under one of the layers to 'puff' it back up.

I'm kind of with the others... all that stuff in there is too close for comfort, for me, anyway. They are yours, you can chuck them in a cardboard box if you want.

Personally, I use the Midway shooting cases... kind of like little iPad slip covers, but they have mag pockets on one side, and 2 cargo pockets on the other. They go on sale for cheap pretty often. Then I just stack them in a bag or Rubbermaid bin with the rest of the gear.

My last trip to the range I saw a guy with a Husky (Home Depot) rolly bin thing... and I wonder why I haven't thought of that before? It's on the short list, for sure.
I'm not crazy about that idea either. I prefer to keep my pistols separate so they don't shift and get scratched. I got a Plano soft gun bag that I can fit 4 guns into without worrying they will touch each other. I may get another one so I can carry more. They fit inside a large back pack so it isn't obvious that I'm carrying guns.
Transporting that many handguns at one time would make a fun day at the range . But things could happen on the road , from door to range & back . It takes me 45 minutes one way to the nearest range . I'm a bench rest shooter , only have one high power rifle that I love shooting . I travel with the rifle cased & a 45 on my hip concealed. Don't want to be a downer , you have a nice collection.
Don't worry guys......I'm a big boy, I can handle constructive criticism just fine....I'll also continue my trial and error process until something needs to change.
I joke about having married and divorced 2 different 1911's until I met Mrs Right... and we are still happily married 15 years later. She is beautiful, and makes me look good in front of everyone, and make everyone look good who 'handles' her.

No, it's not for sale. Evarrrrrr.
I got tired of casing up everything and driving anywhere from 20 minutes to the indoor pistol range, to an hour plus, for an outdoor rifle range.

So I bought a house with land that would allow me to have my own range. Now I just walk out the back door.

And for the safety nazi's there is a big hill behind the targets.
Just last night I was watching one of those gun rag for T.V. shows(may have even been GOG T.V.) and they were showing what they take in their range bag. Lotta of the same stuff I do and a lotta stuff I don't. What we take and how we take it can be determined how others do it or what we have figured out works the best for us. I tend to go with the latter. Experience has shown me what I need and what I need to have back-ups of. I myself use a rolling tool bag and a portable fold-up wagon to get all of my crap from the back of the Jeep to the shooting bench. Sometimes I even take a portable bench, depending on where I am shooting. If it works for you and you are happy with it, go for it, the others be damned.
Ummm, no way can I be the only one who thinks the pictured method is simply a horrendous idea.

Dunno 'bout "horrendous", but there will be some unnecessary scratches from that ....

I stopped trying to take so many to the range at once..... just shoot the few that I do take that much more ..... less cleaning if I only take 4 pistols and a couple of rifles .....
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"Too many guns."

It is not always a good idea to take so many guns out at a time, especially in some areas. Bad guys have been known to hang out at ranges looking for folks with a lot of guns; they then get the license number of the car, use it to find the owners' address, and come calling.

Sure, I know "I can deal with home invaders, bring them on" line, but it is a lot better to not excite things in the first place. Worse, a large number of guns in some areas will attract police attention, and we have too many overzealous cops who think anyone who owns guns is either a cop or a criminal, and that is not good either.

It is not always a good idea to take so many guns out at a time, especially in some areas.

It is good that I do not live in such a place ..... I shoot on private land, mostly, with people known to me ....kids, mostly :) !

we have too many overzealous cops who think anyone who owns guns is either a cop or a criminal, and that is not good either.

" Not good" ..... is an serious understatement ..... at least the thugs are just being thugs .... the policemen that have lost their principles (Peelian ;) ) are a greater threat to civil order than any thug, or group of thugs. They give the impression that they feel they are just members of a publicly financed gang .... they undermine the confidence of the community in the police ..... without which, there is no chance of an ordered civil society .....
I wouldn't go as far as Jimbob86 (I have been an LEO), but I do know some cops who believe that only police should have guns and would assume that anyone else with a gun is a criminal and a danger to them. I was once told that police in one city have orders to shoot anyone they see with a gun who is not a cop. While I doubt any department would put that in writing, I know some police who act as if it were.

That is one reason I strongly oppose the idea of open carry for "civilians", licensed or not.

I was once told that police in one city have orders to shoot anyone they see with a gun who is not a cop. While I doubt any department would put that in writing, I know some police who act as if it were.

That is one reason I strongly oppose the idea of open carry for "civilians", licensed or not.

So we must surrender our Freedoms because somebody has the idea that he's a Cop and everybody else is either also a Cop, a Robber or Scenery? You wonder why folks in high crime areas don't trust the police.... If we ashcan the bad actors and get them off the street, regardless of what gang affiliation (and that's EXACTLY what I feel those kind of "policemen" are- gangsters.... just better financed, organized, and supported than the Crips or Bloods, but not as well as MS-13, or the various Cartels .....) they have ..... these turds undermine the Public's confidence in anyone that wears the same uniform ..... it is the dedicated Peace Officer that should be the most hacked off about these people, as they must bear the guilt by association .... and why they tolerate them is beyond me.
What city? I don't want to go there, regardless of my carry habits.

I avoid cities when I can: Civil Society has ceased there: People do not greet one another, nor even acknowlege each other's existence.