I sold ammo to the gun store empoyee's.

You did what any smart business man would do

There is no such thing as a free lunch...... there is also no such thing as getting a deal on unavailable ammo with out a returned favor. There will be a day when you see a gun on there shelf and you need a deal on it they will certainly remember this transaction.
According to the FFL that gun stores are issued they cannot buy ammo from an individual and resell it.

They can't even buy it in the store from an individual for their own use. It's just the law.

Ammo was sold to a gun store from an individual and resold, it had been tapered with and it killed someone. That’s why.

My father is an FFL and runs a small gun shop part time with a buddy of his. They sell mostly used guns and ammo. He will buy anything anyone brings him. Ammo, reloading supplies, guns, parts, etc. He's not going to give you retail price, but he will buy it from you if you'll take what he offers. The only thing he will not buy are reloads and bagged bulk ammo because he personally does no know what it is. But if it is factory ammo in original boxes, he'll take it. And no federal or state law exists to tell him that he cannot.

Funny how you can't even tell a simple story around here with out the legal begals coming out...

Come on guys, take it easy.

Yeah, they are pretty good to me.

They come out and shoot with me sometimes, and they also let me try out guns for free. I really like shooting there Redhawk 8" with 44mag +P. I don't have a 44mag, but I bought some ammo for one at a gun show for a song.:D
Still a free country, at least for now. Sell what you want, give away what you want. If it gets you some good will from someone it could be worth it. But sometimes it is better to do things and not even expect anything in return.

I pick up brass at the range in calibers that I don't shoot and give it to friends who use it. I could hoard the stuff and sell it but it is my choice to give it away.
As far as the no returns on ammo, I have never known of anyone that sold ammo that would even exchange, much less give a refund on it.
Also considering the way prices have been it helps to keep people from buying ammo at one store where it is cheaper IE camp out and wait for the truck at Wally World buy up everthing and then take it to another place that sells it a higher price and demanding a refund, in turn making a profit.
My info will be old because I no longer hold an ffl (haven't in a while). However, there was nothing in the license that restricted who my business could buy from. In fact, we went on buying and selling munitions long after we stopped dealing with firearms and let the ffl expire. We did so for years, the ammo and accessories were that popular here in CA.

Hate to say it as I'm new here, but an earlier member sounds like he may be spreading FUD by claiming to know that an ffl license has restrictions on where the bearer can purchase their ammo.