I signed a Personal Recongiznace Bond and Apperearance bond 'Without Prejudice'

As Fiddeltown and Bartholomew Roberts have already discussed the UCC defenses is meaningless. In fact the way you cited to the UCC is actually a citation to the code as written by a group of scholars. The UCC was then adopted by most of the states and the actual language and provisions can and do vary widely from state to state. Obviously each state legislature is going to try to adopt language that might favor a specific constituent or compaign contributor. From the way you cited to it I can tell it isn't to the actual law adopted by your state so not only did you add language pertaining to commericial transactions to your criminal appearance bond, you didn't even cite to an actual honest to goodness law. :eek:
If you EVER intend to even just pass through that state again, you should absolutely get an attorney and appear in court (subject to attorney's advice). I have an idiot friend who can't go through six or seven states now, for very similar, skipping out reasons. I absolutely wouldn't ever take that guy on a road trip. I do think the unresolved legal issues the guy i know has left outstanding have cost him some job opportunities. I also think the guy would sleep better knowing he didn't have any outstanding warrants.

Good luck with the dewie.


I have heard of that before but I think this is different. won't they end up "shipping" him to dakota if he gets pulled over for a traffic stop once they see he has a warrant or whenever he ends up getting 'picked up'?

-personally(I might be in the wrong here), but unless he has a bad record, I really don't see the need for a lawyer. it will probably end up the same.

I remember when I got a reckless driving in virginia(messed up law: 80 or more even on a highway posted 70speedlimit is automatically a reckless driving! in massachusetts where I grew up 90something is just a fine). my uncle wanted me to get a lawyer. same thing, just show up. the judge dropped it to a 79mph speeding ticket(Thankfully)
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Most states will not extradite you a long distance if the crime is a misdemeanor. I have at least 3 or 4 people I have warrants for that I can't go get. If I arrest someone for a DWI and they jump on a plane and go back home to California, odds are they will never face the music.

But, if you should get pulled over and pop up as a File 5 ( wanted person), you will probably be detained until the agency that holds the warrant is contacted and says they will not extradite. Giant pain in the a**. Just go to court.

The best part for me is I have to "make a reasonable effort to serve the warrant". I have been calling one guy in Florida and telling him he needs to come back to CT and turn himself in for the last 4 years. It's a fun phone call.

Me- "Um, Mr. John Doe you need to come back and turn yourself in."
Him- " Ha, ha, ha, go f**k yourself, I ain't ever coming back to CT and you won't come get me."
Me- " Um, Ok, thanks, I need to go f**k myself now, take care, call you in 6 months.":rolleyes:
WOW! I didn't realize that. in that case if the guy is from the east, there is no need to go back for the court date!?! dont get me wrong, I know you aren't saying thats ok, but it just seemed by the thread OP was upset they wanted him to travel back. I thought like traffic tix or a fine they would let the guy just come back on his own, but something like that they would hold him. so much for facing up.

I got in trouble in maine when I was a camp counselor in my very early twenties. it was taken care of but the paper said 'no maine license'. I thought I couldn't drive in maine and I was scared to. yrs and yrs later I finally called the DMV. the lady was laughing. she was like, "Sir, I am reading the document. It is just saying you didn't have a maine license". I had a mass license, but I was too scared to find out because they never let mass know. the incident wasn't even really a big deal when we got into trouble, but I was clueless about the law, courts, and everything else+didn't want to lose my mass license somehow
For what it's worth, the OP is checking in on the post. His public profile shows he was logged onto the forum at 6:41 p.m. on October 5. He is probably interested, but won't post because he is not receiving the type of advice and support he had hoped for.
Well then he probably should not have gotten behind the wheel of a potentially deadly weapon while intoxicated.

Anybody else care to guess how in the flying blue hell he ended up asking this question on TFL, a firearms forum???
Yeah, its fun to call people far away every April and October to get yelled at. I feel loved every six months.
You should get married. :rolleyes:

Edit: by that I don't mean to the lowlife you are calling every six months, I mean get married in general. Nevermind; it could have been a funny joke but I blew the delivery. :o
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"in virginia(messed up law: 80 or more even on a highway posted 70speedlimit is automatically a reckless driving"

Doing 15 mph over the posted limit is reckless driving too. For instance, 40 in a 25. They won't always charge you that way, but they can.
It is 20+ over the limit OR 80 MPH no matter what the limit.

§ 46.2-862. Exceeding speed limit.

A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth (i) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit or (ii) in excess of eighty miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit.

§ 46.2-862. Exceeding speed limit.

A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth (i) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit or (ii) in excess of eighty miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit.
Why do I not have a problem with this?
To the OP:

Make sure you make it to Court for your scheduled date.

You do NOT want an FTA (Failure To Appear) warrant on your record. Sure--it's for a misdemeanor offense. But the warrant can turn up at the most inopportune times--like during a NICS check, a background check when applying for employment, etc.

Other than that, GET AN ATTORNEY. If you don't have one already, GET ONE.