I Saw a Smith Scandium .357

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I also support the boycott. BUT, unlike many who like to slam S&W's quality as a further justification for not buying, I believe that S&W still makes the finest production revolvers in the world, bar none. Taurus can't even come close to competing, IMO. That doesn't mean I will buy one, however.

As far as I am concerned with the scandium guns, I think they are probably geared towards two groups: those who read a lot of gun rags, but shoot little, and those new to CCW (and shooting in general). I haven't shot one, nor do I intend to. A 357 magnum round out of my 4" 686 (pre-agreement) is plenty of recoil for me, thank you very much.
As long as the gun is durable as the steel model, I would take the lighter gun. I love my 342 Titanium and it is shootable, just not a piece of cake.

The carry j frame can be the light model while you buy a steel for range practice. That's my solution.

The two biggest flies in the ointment with the 357 j frame are:

1) that it's just enough bigger than the 38/9mm to be hard to fit into a pocket. That's why I changed my 357 Mod 640 to a 9mm 940.

2) In addition, the big magnums with their slow burning powder charges were designed to be shot in the 6" or 8 3/8" bbled revolvers, therefore, the extra power basically is exhausted in increased flash and report.
I love my S&W revolvers. I purchased my last one about two months before they signed the agreement. Do I want a new one? Yes. Will I buy it? No, not now or any time in the future, I'm sorry to say. Anyway, it was time to expand my knowledge of 1911's and Glocks.
I'd rather pay a lot less, have a little more heft to the revolver, and have a lot less recoil. That's why I don't want a scandium .357 revolver. But then again, I haven't fired one...

Don't remember which gun rag it was but an article written about a year ago mentioned if you wanted to know what it felt like to fire a .357mag load in one of the new 12oz. scandium guns, have someone smash you on the wrist with a hammer.

What wimp that gun writer is! Really, it's not much worse than an aluminum framed snubby...yeah, it's noticeable, but no, it doesn't hurt.
While I don't want to accuse anybody of being a "limp wrist" or "sissy" there is not a gun in the world that an able bodied person cannot fire. If somebody is handicapped, that's different. If not, suck it up and get more range time. Forget recoil - it is a natural product of shooting. Think of it as fun!
For those who would practice with heavy and carry a lighter version of the same gun.

If required to use the lighter carry piece to defend you or yours...

How well and how rapidly can you place your second and subsequent rounds of carry ammo ?

Sam.....just wonderin

Do this i[f] you must but do it elsewhere.

I wasn't aware you had been given the authority to make such a demand.

Here's a hint:

If you don't like the post, don't read it.

For the foreseeable future, any mention of a new firearm by *&* is going to be accompanied by mention of the boycott.
All - please read.

Actually, I have been given the authority to make such a demand. When a *&* gun is being discussed, I will allow one or two posts concerning the boycott and *&*'s treasonous actions. I think it is important that any new members know about them. But no more than one or two posts, please.

Any long discussions of the company itself go to General Discussion or the Legal and Political forum. They do not belong here in a forum which is supposed to be a discussion area for revolvers (or semiautos, etc.), that is, the actual metal, wood and plastic items, not the politics of the company that makes them. I hasten to reiterate that discussions of the company are welcome on TFL, but not here.

Henceforth, no more *&* boycott discussions in this thread.
Big G,

Sorry, I disagree. I know a couple of women who's wrists could NOT take that abuse. For that matter, when my arthritis is acting up in my hands, I couldn't.
For people who haven't fired the gun, a lot of people are talking about abuse/punishment/pain that ISN'T there.

My 60-year old mother fired this gun, with magnum loads, and didn't have a problem. It's NOT that bad, at all!!!

We're not talking about the .22 Magnum, here, ya know. ;)

Look, as the owner of a 3" 629, I know what recoil is, but I also know that Ti .38's are much worse, especially with +P loads.

Are you telling me that the Sc .357 has a milder recoil than the Ti .38's?
OK, since I initially ignored this thread because I've got absolutely no interest in the Ti or Scandium guns, and only learned of the discussions via another thread, I'm going to risk the ire of the moderators and throw in this comment.

Yes, we ALL want to discuss Smith & Wesson firearms.

But given the nature of the agreement that is now in place, I am FIRMLY of the opinion that any discussion of the potential purchase of a new S&W MUST include reference to the agreement.


Because quite a few people still have no clue about the agreement's existence or the danger it poses to all law-abiding gun owners.

But how can this be, you may wonder, especially if you've become sick of reading the incessant posts on this subject over the past nearly two years (yep, it's been nearly TWO years since S&W signed their little understanding with the Clinton administration). It certainly may seem as if the entire world should know about this agreement by now.

Unfortunatly, there are a lot of people who just aren't as interested in firearms in the same way that we are, and there are a lot of new converts to the cause since September 11.

This education effort needs to be continuous.

If you don't like the reference to the agreement, posted by me, Sam, or some of the others for whom this cause still burns very brightly, simply gloss over it, ignore it, stick your fingers in your eyes, turn your head and cough, whatever.

But just because you're sick of it doesn't mean that it's not important.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of it, too. The incessant reminders of what this company -- a company I supported for years -- did to endanger my rights, the wedge it's driven between members of these boards, and the aggravation and effort that I've put into discussions and arguments on this and other boards.

But I absolutely will not shirk my responsibilities to a just cause simply because others are tired of reading about it.

Ok, Mal, I've had my say, and in doing so violated your rule. Deal with me and my message as you will.
Go to your room, young man!

Ok, I'll let your post stand as is. In essence you have only given more substance to my first paragraph in the "All - please read" post.

Having not fired the Ti .38, I can't properly reference it here. However, I do seem to be the only person here that HAS actually fired the Scandium .357, and I can really say it's not that bad. I found it easily controllable, and not uncomfortable. As stated, my mother fired the gun with little difficulty.

Many people are making assumptions of what this gun will be like to shoot...and I'll admit, before firing it, I thought it'd be a real bear. It isn't. That's what I'm saying...if anyone else has actually fired one, I'd love to hear their commentary. So far, a lot of people who haven't fired it are bemoaning the horrible recoil. Fire it and try, before claiming that it's too stout to handle.
Two notes...

While I have not fired the Scandium, I HAVE fired (and own) a pre-boycot 342ti in .38+P... that being said, I found the +P rounds through that little gun with the stock, two-fingered grips to be virtually unshootable.

It was not that the recoil was horrible, it was merely painful - but the lack of a third finger was enough to make the trigger guard smash my trigger finger after every round, raising a blister after 10 shots.

I switched to a compact three-fingered rubber grip and the pistol was QUITE manageable. Yes, it's a little hand-grenade, but quite controlable. I suspect that the scandium will be similar only a little more so.

I own a S&W pistol. I think S&W is a fine purveyor of revlovers; perhaps the best in production revolvers in America. I refuse to buy their product. I know the moderators have said their piece, but any discussion of new S&W revolvers needs to be accompanied by the aforementioned caveat. I am certainly not in he habit of flogging this horse, as any review of my previous posts can attest to, but when peopel like Kenneth and Robert overtly ATTACK those who wish to keep new purchasers informed about S&W's political activities, then those so attacked need the freedom to defend themselves and the second ammendment.

There, I've said my piece.


as usual, FWIW, IMHO, YMMV, and all that...

Kick me out of forum if you like or delete my post if you wish. But I think that this agreement thing has gone far enough and it time to yank the choke chain on this BS. And when I'm mentioned by name, well I think that I'm deserving of a rebuttal.

No one and I mean none of us are experts on the subject of the agreement and how it pertains to the law or how it will ultimately effect gun right. Every legal expert commenting on the agreement, including Georgetown University law professor Paul Rothstein has said that the agreement has no impact. It's worthless! There has been other experts interviewed in the Wallstreet Journal saying the same thing. These are expert on the subject, not boycotter with torches and pitchforks.

All I continue hearing are innuendo, half truths and fear from arm chair legal experts that continue to fuel the anger many of us are feeling from the events a year and a half ago. And there is absolutely no basis or foundation to their argument. All they wave is a archaic document that was never implemented and never will be. Again, no one in the legal community has said the agreement is or was valid at any time.

I've been accused of somehow attacking informative political discussion. And all I've said is to keep them separate. Again, the state of the agreement is subjective and a matter of opinion and not fact. Opinions are open for rebuttal here, or at least so I thought....

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