I Saw a Smith Scandium .357

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New member
Yesterday I saw and handled one of the Smith Scandium .357's; about 12 oz is the advertised weight. I recall the price as being about $570. This would be an interesting firearm to own. Has anyone fired .357 out of this revolver? Has your hand recovered? I shoot .357 out of 20 oz and 26 oz revolvers and the kick is no picnic.

The great thing about .357s is you can shoot 38s in them...and although shooting 357s out of a 12 ounce gun might seem insane, it might be nice to own one that you know can handle any 38, including +P+, all day long....seems like you'll neve have to worry about it wearing out....although, if you don't plan to shoot magnums, an aluminum 15 ounce will be much more comfortable to shoot 38s through...
Thoughts re buyin new Scandium Smith.
Part of your money will be going to support those who would deny us the right to privatly own any firearms.

The light weight will cause it to bite even with decent .38spec ammo. If it isn't fun, you won't practice. If you won't practice you won't become proficient with that gun.

For those who haven't read it, here is the first onerous agreement. http://www.nraila.org/FactSheets.asp?FormMode=Detail&ID=31&1=View

Boycotting Smith

I have bought many pistols since becoming a gun nut early last year, but no Smiths. The reasons are that I prefer lower priced firearms and do not find the Smith autos very competitive. The revolvers are appealing, but not as good a value IMO as the Tauruses and Rossis. I respect the right of people to boycott anything they want, but I think the Smith boycott is somewhat pointless. Smith is a great, historic firearms manufacturer and I do not want them to disappear because their previous owner, under severe economic pressure, made a dubious political decision. But you go your own way and be happy.

bullet set-back

Will the recoil forces of such a fly-weight possibly unseat the bullets in the cylinder? I read about that problem in a gun rag about the airweight S&W .44 spl with heavier than 200 gr bullets.
Smith and Wesson? What is that?
Oh. Now I remember, they used to make great guns, now they just make bad decisions.

I am for supporting the smaller gun maker, they deserve a chance, and those Taurus are just calling my name.
Drakejake....nothing personal but have you read any of the agreements ? The sins of the previous owners have been reinforced by the actions and declarations of the current owners. Not a good situation. Other companies have, so far, resisted the government blackmail. At risk to themselves. Boycotting S&W not only denies comfort to the antis but is also showing support to those who didn't knuckle under.

We are not only at war with terrorism, we are also at war with the politicians and other criminals who would deny us our hard won freedoms. The Smith boycott is but one skirmish, but each skirmish is important in the overall picture.

Charles schumer and diane feinstein have served the united states for a long time. That's why I send them campaign contributions! ;)
I believe that Kenneth hit on a good point. There are a dozen or so individuals on this forum that make any informative discussion on S&W's impossible without giving their erroneus legal and political opinion on the state of Smith & Wesson and the agreement. Monitors either are unable or unwilling to keep the two separate. And since many on this forum don't go to the political portion of this forum to hear these individuals preach their views, they bring it here and put it in your face for lack of a better term. Suggest using the hyper link above if you want solid information sans the political sermon.

Smith and Wesson is a company that is willing to act in collusion with the government to limit the free market and step on our rights on multiple fronts.

Those who support them would like to think they are in the majority, but sales volume proves otherwise. We need to support the companies that refused to sign this agreement, so that manufacturers will do the right thing the next time some facist tries to blackmail them into abiding by a similar agreement.
I normally mention the treason when

the poster is comtemplating the purchase of a new S&W. How are we to know if a newbie is aware of the agreement, or not? Don't you think it is appropriate to clue them in? What he/she does from there is a personal choice.

You are right about the www.smith-wessonforum.com . However, there is even an occasional tyro there who asks to be brought up-to-speed. Without a doubt though, it is far less of an issue there than here.

Personally, I !@#$%-up recently and bought a post-treason gun. Without boring you with the details, I got all caught up in the find and the deal, and I lost my head, pure and simple.:( I'm sorry for it, and I've made ammends in my own way. The least I can do is to keep others informed where I see the need.
But the point is that some of us want to discuss Smiths. Smith's political decissions are another subject and one, frankly, that I think has been beat to death. There is nothing new there. The only purpose it serves, I think, is to give a minority a place to vent their frustrations.

I'd like to see The Firing Line stick to discussing guns. Since it doesn't I've stopped coming here often.
The only purpose...is to give a minority a place to vent their frustrations.
Is this just your impression, or do you have any statistical evidence to back it up?:) Really, I get the impression that the membership here is overwhelmingly pro-boycott.

In all fairness though, I do agree that far too many threads degenerate from the poster's original subject or question into yet another political re-hash. I think we should start a 'rule' that once the treason has been pointed out ONCE by someone who replies, the rest of us should back-off and stay on-subject.

Whaddya think?:p
I think that there is a small minority who have nothing much to say about guns but who want to talk. Their chance to dominate the conversation.

What Smith did isn't something I approve of BUT there is a time and place for everything. Find an appropriate place and go on all you want BUT not here.

Everyonce in a while on antiqueguns.com someone writes in daming gun ownership. The other people can not resist. Dozens of messages appear that politcally are all over the map. No ones opinion is changed. Nothing good comes from it. Still that one individual has dominated the topic of conversation repeatedly and undoubtedly driven away many who wanted to discuss guns.

Here the same thing is occurring. Maybe the people who start these threads here aren't anti gun BUT their mindless repeating of this topic has the same effect. Do this is you must but do it elsewhere.
I have recently fired one of the Scandium .357's - no, it's not mine, I didn't buy it, I've read the agreement, I own no S&W firearms, etc etc etc....

I held it at the range with great trepidation as I set the sights and began my trigger press...and was pleasantly surprised. Yes, it let me know I'd just fired a magnum cartridge in a lightweight gun...but wasn't NEARLY as bad as I'd expected. Easily manageable, accurate for a snubbie, and a decent trigger. Not my choice for a full day at the range, but actually quite fun to blow 50 rounds through. Were I to make a statement solely on the merits of this gun, and not the company, I'd cheefully own one. I do think it's overpriced compared to similar offerings from Taurus.
Don't remember which gun rag it was but an article written about a year ago mentioned if you wanted to know what it felt like to fire a .357mag load in one of the new 12oz. scandium guns, have someone smash you on the wrist with a hammer. A gun that light is a dream to carry but like Sam said, if you can't practice with it enough to become proficient, what's the point? Well, he said something like that. :confused:
...But the point is that some of us want to discuss Smiths. Smith's political decisions are another subject and one...

Sorry but you cannot separate one from the other, they are the same company. I agree that *&* makes the best revolvers and that their semi autos are passable, but I will not support them until they take it back and become the *Smith and Wesson* we all once knew.
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