I need some pronunciation help

Well Jeff, you got me on two of those. I always thought Sako was like sake-oh not sock-oh. Ossi, we need a little help here!

And I believe S&B is sell-ee-ay and bell-oh.
ok lets see if any have heard it pronounced like these:
Rosie ODonnel "lone-ly-old-hag"
Bill Clinton "slick-willy"
anti-gunners "ij-its"

hehe, sorry, thought ya might like em :)
Mal H, I tried to be so European when I said Sellier and Bellot too, until I stopped by the SHOT Show booth and asked last year. Seller and Bellot, Seller like someone selling a house, or the space under a house, and Bellot pronounced as you would bullet with some letters changed around. The SAKO thing I found out about when I bought my first one about 10 years ago.

Thought of another one.
Sabot - say'-bo
Only recently discoverd by me-"Koch" in Heckler & Koch is pronounced "coke". Personally, I prefer "HK" or "Hocker". :)

And, BTW, in my signature, it's pronounced "shootist". Got that one straight from Cooper's Commentaries.

Cuz, I always thought the proper pronunciation for all of those you mentioned was "idjuts whose total collective IQ's are a billion times less than that of a bag of rocks." ;)

Shoot straight regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center http://forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc

[This message has been edited by 45King (edited December 18, 1999).]
Marsh I think you are right about being wrong again.

Markus Friederich Leupold immigrated from Germany to Boston in 1901. Though it could be possible he was born in Belgium and immigrated to Germany first but he left Germany at 16 years old, so dont think it likely.
Boing, come over here so I can punch you. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Hmmm ... Coinneach ... I always imagine it as sort of guttural "Connor" ;) with the last vowel sounds swallowed and strangled.

Pronunciation is definitely regional. For example:

Here, in Australia, a Sako is definitely a "Say-ko"; the watch is either a "Say-ko" or a "See-ko".

Leupold is "Loo-pold" or just "Loopie" (we love to shorten things -- "Chuck a coupla snags on the barbie and bring us a tinnie would ya, darl?")

I loved it when I was in America hearing the TV ads for "Marz-da" and "Nee-sarn" cars. We say "Mazda" (flat, short "a" as in "hat") and "Niss-an" (short "i", short "a").

Loved the west coast "vee-hick-el", too ;)

Try this one: Brno. I know it should be pronounced "Bern-o", but it's universally a "Bruno" here.

We say "Heck-ler" and "Kock" (whew, got out of that one nicely)

And, for the connoisseurs, it's "Mo-ette ay Chon-don" for the champagne, not "Mo-ay ay Chandon" ;) (Just trying to impress ;))

We don't got no problems with Colt, but!! ;)

But we do get either "Mou-zer" or "Mor-zer" for "Mauser"; I use the former.

Incidently, "Aussie" is absolutely, unequivocally, irrevocably pronounced "Ozzie" (short "o"), NOT "Ossie", never, not ever, no way -- but we love it when youse jokers get it wrong ;)

Thanks for the tips on Down Under English, Bruce. Now we can speak like a native. :)

Since you know about our California Ve-hick-kel, did you also know about our Ve-hick-que-lar accidents (aka: fender benders)?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Bruce, you must have been in the Boston or New York areas to hear Nee-sarn and Marzda. The civilized parts of the country say Nee'-sawn and Maz'-da (first a as in Pat, second as in "uh".

Coinneach is Gaelic....no one one living can pronounce it, not even Coin :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Bruce, what's that connosewer stuff your talkin' about? I've always pronounced it rip-pull.

And all seriousness aside, I've always heard Mazda with the a sounding like the a in far not the a in hat or pat.
Does anybody know the correct pronunciation of Farquharson? Is it far-qur har-son? Or fark-harson? Or what?
Paul B.
P.S. This is a serious question.
Dear Mal,

Jeez, Mal, now you done went and embareassed yoreself agin. You don' need no third opinion, you just need some cawmin sents!

It ain’t connosewer, it’s Connie Sewer! She's one of them there angker
women on TEEvee. She talks funny too! Don’t know nawthin’ ‘bout guns

Oh, yeah, that Bruce fella from outa state says he has some long handheld screw dingus to yank corks outa wine bottles. (tee hee!)

Sumbody oughta tell him them
tops twist off just like beer bottle caps duz.

Stoppers only goes inta White Lightnin’ jugs!

(Mighty, mighty pleezin’, your Pappy’s corn squeezin’s. Wheeeeeewwwwww!
White Lightnin’! ;) )

Brother Cone-akh dun got caught agin with a truklode of the good stuff. They took his pitcher agin at the polees stashun. If we'uns kin git a copy I'll send ya one.

Oh, yeah. Mom sez HI and we was gonna send you sum money but we already had this here letter sealed. Maybe next time.

Yur brudder.
Dear brudder,

I embareassed myself agin? That's fer dang shore. An' I garontee it won' be the las' time.

Bottle? You kin get wine in a bottle? The last time I bot a box o' wine, the feller didn' say nuthin bout no bottle.

Why would anybody waste a good cork in a bottle? Like you said they fer lightnin' and also fer fishin'.

You mentioned Connie Sewer. Is she the one what got hitched to that Povich feller? The one who's pappy was that sports ritter for the Washington Rag?

Say hey to Mom'n'em fer me.