"Think you missed the point. In following the innocent until proved guilty paradigm, you can't treat everyone you meet like a criminal."
No, no...I got that point. And, naturally I firmly believe it. The problem is this: it is just as easy to chant the 'everyone is innocent until proven guilty' mantra as it is to chant the 'I did ______ for officer safety' mantra. The result of blindly following the first is a lot of dead officers and free-roaming criminals and the result of of blindly following the second is a lot of gestapo tactics that no one should be forced to endure in a free state. Naturally some balance must be found, and, as they say, the devil is in the details.
The officer has had about 30 seconds worth of contact with the person in question at this point. That person has stated he is armed (which is probably a good sign, I freely admit...if he's gonna assault you he's probably not going to tip you off that he is armed), and at this point you start playing the odds. Most likely this person is a good, decent, upstanding citizen who has every right to expect to be treated as such- with dignity and respect. Of course, he might not be, too...he could be a felon and be waiting for the right moment to kill you. You start looking at all of the circumstances (is the driver nervous? High? young or old? male or female?- please avoid 'sexist' comments here, a vast majority of violent people are male, pure and simple- how did you come into contact with them? etc...) and all these things change the odds, but in the end you are still playing the odds.
Stating things like 'well you can't go around assuming that' and 'yes but he's innocent until proven guilty' don't help...even though they're true and I firmly believe them. You are still playing the odds. You do it every time.
Let me put it this way: its unlikely that any given driver is gonna whip out a gun and shoot me. Sure. I agree. Its also unlikely that you will ever need a firearm for self defense. You can see where I'm going with this, I hope...so why don't you 'give peace a chance' and all that stuff?
I'm NOT saying its right for officers to automatically assume the worst and put everyone on the ground if they think there is the slightest possibility they pose a threat. All I'm saying is that it is entirely too easy to get your feathers ruffled about how a cop behaves when you tell him you have a gun and not think about how it is from the other side.
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein